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The Corroboree

Don't try this at home ...


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11 hours ago, fyzygy said:

I heard about this case, and have to wonder why anyone would try this. I guess he was in a very bad place to begin with.

I've also heard of a recent trend towards "boofing" various things like cactus tea. Which is also a very bad idea, maybe slightly less dangerous than IV injection, but nonetheless, bypassing the various filters and systems the body has in place to avoid such pathogens can end very badly.

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Culturing cubes from his blood is pretty bloody scary!!!


Despite him being in a pretty bad place to begin with, I wonder if he was thinking along the lines of how researchers like Carhartt-Harris and co inject their participants. Problem is, there's is pure, synthesised in a lab, quality assured and costs something like US$1000 per gram. 


Either way, culturing cubes from blood is scary enough, hate to imagine where else in his body mycelium was growing.


Interesting for a case report, but I hope he makes a full recovery physically, and gets some excellent help mentally. Bipolar 1 is hard enough when medicated, unmedicated it's orders of magnitudes worse.



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