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Parkinson early to mid stages - about my father

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My father is such a great and sweet guy. My mom was always more dominant 

I am 41 btw , lol 

so  doctor has been saying he going well, despite the tremor he saiod he was not worrying about 

my father has started to seem hesitant to go to swim, he seems to be having a harder time to navigate and move his limpbs in water... 


I might seem like an idiot to be asking 

but I have thought about it a long time 


what would  khat or  ephedra   do for a person like my dad?? 

would they hit and then deplicit the dopamine?   


could they both enhance and slow the circle???? 


my gut says this might imporove my dad, but then again, will this be good long term?? 


Edited by sagiXsagi
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I have heard, anecdotally, that psilocybin can be useful for parkinsons's and other neurodegenerative disease, particularly Multiple Systems Atrophy. 


Dose would be variable for each individual, and may be micro or threshold. I am not a doctor btw :wink:

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20 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

I have heard, anecdotally, that psilocybin can be useful for parkinsons's and other neurodegenerative disease, particularly Multiple Systems Atrophy. 


Dose would be variable for each individual, and may be micro or threshold. I am not a doctor btw :wink:

one off dose?? 


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Again, I feel this would vary from individual to individual.


For some a one-off micro might trigger some movement, but for others multiple micros, or even a low-range dose or two might get some movement. 


Again, I am not a medical professional, at all.



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On 08/08/2020 at 8:46 AM, sagiXsagi said:

my father has started to seem hesitant to go to swim, he seems to be having a harder time to navigate and move his limpbs in water... 


Sorry to hear about your dad mate, but it's beautiful you think of him so highly


My dad's had Parkinsons for a long while, as have a few others I know, I've been following the research and their progress for a while. Unfortunately none of the people I know with Parkinsons are interested in support outside their direct relationship with their GPs ( who mostly don't know much about Parkinsons )


But swimming's one of the best things your dad can do, if he's having trouble can you get him to wear a flotation device? I know there can be a bit of pride about wearing one in a public place... but swimming's so good for stages of PD. In Australia I've seen water exercise used as a recognised form of therapy for PD and it did work for my dad as a part of slowing his Parkinsons progression





I might seem like an idiot to be asking 


No, you seem awesome and loving. I wondered about those compounds too back when Dad was diagnosed. I think you're right about potential deficits after use. Am not a physician and there are people here who are better qualified than I to explain the mechanisms


There are some biological compounds I'd look at first before directly going for the pure stimulants


Mucuna pruriens seed could be a good place to start if he's not already on meds ( buy it in, or only grow the hairless subtype )


CBD is approved in Australia for treatment of some PD symptoms. Not sure about THC, but CBD is definitely on the list and I've heard ( and only heard- not seen yet ) good things of it for this. Not sure about legality/ accessibility where you live. Is most likely to be well tolerated alongside other medications


Ibogaine root bark has been reported to reduce symptoms of PD too. There's a bunch of glowing reports on that if you google ( I do not trust glowing reports on Google much, but low dose ibo is awesome and I'd personally give it a go if I ever got a diagnosis) - but if you're recommending it to anyone else- particularly if they're already on other medication- I'd take real care to find a sympathetic primary health care professional and a good clean source of ibogaine root bark


Was most interested to hear psilocybin/ mushrooms mentioned above, now I'll have to do some reading :)


All the best for your and your family's journey.

Edited by Darklight
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MCT coconut oil, CBD oil (full spectrum is best or even THC is good if can't get CBD on it's own), hemp seed oil, hemp seeds, aloe vera gel straight form the plant (no skin or sap), lugol's iodine and microdosing mushrooms will all help feed the brain nutrients it needs. If I had PD I'd be into Ginko Biloba too along with diatomacious earth, good for clearing parasites so will indirectly help imo.

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gotta think positively mate.

sorry to hear about your dad man.

much love.

im no doctor but id being try to relax my ol man with poppy/hash- than try to give him ehedra buzz or qat caffiene rush smoking peter styvesants type o feeeling.
My ol greek man died as a alcholic and even with my ctattononic cat sense, it made no difference ether way, so in sense...you just weigh it up bro. Much love


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9 hours ago, etherealdrifter said:

gotta think positively mate.

sorry to hear about your dad man.

much love.

im no doctor but id being try to relax my ol man with poppy/hash- than try to give him ehedra buzz or qat caffiene rush smoking peter styvesants type o feeeling.

My ol greek man died as a alcholic and even with my ctattononic cat sense, it made no difference ether way, so in sense...you just weigh it up bro. Much love


I'd want to make sure your dad's heart was in good shape before giving ephedra. It's quite hard on the ol ticker.

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Hey thanks for all the comments .  Its going to be helpful to consider all these now, since my father is only now getting worse (maybe well into stage 2 now) .  


I have read up a bit more on the subject.   Stimulants at recreational doses seem to cause deficit afterwards.. There's no evidence I could find  this could work long term.  In any case I was not thinking about  stimulant doses, but rather smaller , tonic doses... But I have left that way of thought for now, since I have not been at all convinced that could really help and also not convinced there is not danger involved.  


I think the most helping aid should be CBT.. yep its legal in greece now (since recently) . I think it would be the easiest and safest to use.. read many nice things about that.


then you got henbane, which should be tricky to normalise and use but has a LONG history of helping relieving symptoms and I feel really great with those plants, I can try first etc...  the easiest and safest way would be to smoke joints, and my dad doesnt smoke, so there's that.. 


also there is  banisteriopsis material, which is also supposed to be able to help, was supposed to replace tropane alkaloids back in the day, but didnt raise to the promise... Supposedly  lots better than Peganum, but then again,  the MAOI in there should make it pretty complicated, and also there doesnt seem to be lots of  modern use and reports.. 


Iboga was proposed to me by some cool cat, but I am still hesitant, I was under the impression that iboga is a pretty toxic and hard to dose  material, but I really dont know much. 



There is a good chance I will get to speak with a neurologist / psychiatrist  friend of my father before he sees his regular neurologist doc, so I intend to talk about all these.. he is a nice dude, but I dont think he likes psychoactives very much...  both his kids  had drug induced mental problems in the past , so......  we will see.... But I have talked to my mother about  supplementary action like CBT and she is positive...    But as you say, Darklight, maybe the harder part would be to find a sympathetic  doc for anything more complicated than CBT...   Also  pride is a thing, yeah..   and also the denial (on my mothers part)  of the whole thing... I think that soon (well I hope not so soon)  we are going to be worrying about falls so sooner or later we should be taking a walking stick.. the floatation device thing is a good suggestion... 


Again, thanks a lot 

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On 09/08/2020 at 1:01 AM, Responsible Choice said:

Again, I feel this would vary from individual to individual.


For some a one-off micro might trigger some movement, but for others multiple micros, or even a low-range dose or two might get some movement. 


Again, I am not a medical professional, at all.




sorry to ask for a 2nd time.  for what stages of the disease are you talking about???  sounds as if you are talking about the last stages , 4 and 5, where there's little movement. 

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I think as soon as there is a diagnosis, regardless of stage.


A while back I came across a talk by Paul Stamets espousing a particular cocktail for the neuro health: lion's mane, niacin and psilocybin mushrooms. Can't remember the amounts though. 

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