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The Corroboree

Is this site dying out ?


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Ethnobotany is such a god damn interesting subject, learn about plants and their affects on our bodies and minds... Plus the history of it all, I honestly don't know why it took me so long to find out about this. But fuck, its so interesting! Unlike many interests you can go out, find something, buy some seeds, grow something and have a great experience along the way and when you get the final product too.


I think with the website upgrade and shows like Hamilton's Pharmacopeia there will be a steady nice influx of new people (such as myself) who will hopefully help bring all of the awesome and awe inspiring plants and fungi to the rest of the world, and change some of those shitty misconceptions which are spread about certain things too in this time period. 

Edited by Caster
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  • 3 months later...
On 20/11/2016 at 6:25 PM, DiscoStu said:

sab is a cool place and it's not dying, slowing down for sure but it'll never die


even if all that remains just me talking to myself it'll never die


Haha! Sounds like me. I have entire threads (it has “diaries”) on another forum where I post stuff I find and write about it.


Australian forums are always slower than international. I’ve been on and off this for nearly 20 years, so it seems pretty hardy. Social media is the pits and is really a huge market research data collection tool.

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Yeah, current social media is a fucking dumpster fire of stupidity and bile, and that's before you even get to the companies making money off your data. 

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  • 1 month later...

I haven’t been here in nearly a year but I have the feeling these small independent platforms will be very relevent again as the corporate control of social media becomes more & more insidious.. it might not ever be very big but it might be pretty relevant 

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Facebook sucks, i dont go near it.

Edited by mr b.caapi
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Dw the spirit is alive and well... With the upcoming economic and social crossroads (to put it nicely), we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to push and advocate for our freedoms and for science and medicine to prevail in our social policy.


Don't miss the opportunity.

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