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The Corroboree

electronic harrassment

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If i watch tv with volume muted. I hear lots of indistinguishable audio... but thats just my brain making up for a lost sense so the other senses make sense...

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The first time I had auditory hallucinations (several years ago) was when - long story short - I was trying to take my life with insane amounts of ether. I heard voices over different radio stations with one of the stations being solely comprised of people being high on different things, hearing "so and so [insert name] is high on ____" etc

Eventually, I was getting commands and things interfering with my thoughts over the wireless internet connection. TV provided plenty of personalised visual hallucinations. Scary stuff!

Of course, these were all diagnostically psychotic states, or some could say states of 'spiritual emergency' beyond my comprehension, that were not helped by a bad loss of impulse control on mega doses of antidepressants, polysubstance abuse, intoxication, ether withdrawal and hypoxia.

They went away but later morphed into the more classical command hallucinations and the general third-person derogatory voices and running commentary expected in psychotic disorders (many were the voices of my friends that had helped me in the past [most of my friendships had declined and my brain was seemingly generating those in the isolated state I was in], others were clearly out to 'get me') .

Trying to work with psychiatrists and psychologists has been hard. Disclosing any of the content often makes the 'voices' worse and the antipsychotics have improved some domains but left clearly audible hallucinations in the background.

Send me a PM if you need to talk.

Take care of yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I could put so much stuff here... but i'll just say its fucking crazy.. throw away your televisions and stop wasting your creative abilities for sales and propaganda... free your mind by knowing yourself, which means being with yourself.. get rid of the external noise and the internal noise becomes more delightful and things just start to add up eh plus your energy can flow where it should be into your creative abilities whatever they might be

theres no voice which can be more cruel than the internal one we all have and while I do think it can be manipulated by knowledgable ppl I don't think its a wise thing to approach it that way, but shit I live in Texas where psychic confrontation is a part of fucking life... gotta love big cities blah .. I read a book, permission to succeed which compared anorexia with self sabotaging behavior , at what the author deemed as "Success Anorexia" and well it was pretty interesting.. i never finished it tho like most books lol . .. has a good exercise in it that helped me alot with mind strength and helped me turn off the auto pilot thing at least to some extent ... Knowing who you are makes one less manipulable, even if its just with the noise bouncing around in your head from external stimuli ... the exercise was to find the ugly voice inside and let it all roll out onto a piece of paper.. then one by one go by each statement and diffuse it with something more productive... sort of like a reply that replaces the old "tape" ...

I think that Century of the Self vid is very related to this topic

to answer your question @ OP, I think so, pretty sure actually but shit like that isn't meant for being displayed

on the internet.. im already weerd as it is laff

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to have auditory hallucinations regularly as a child, I would always hear my name being called out but no one was ever there, I've put it down to the febrile convulsions I used to have, maybe a symptom of the body over heating.

A while back, 7 or 8 yrs ago, after a relationship breakup when I was quite loopy I was considering fighting for custody of my child, I certainly wasn't at that time very good father material to say the least. Anyways in my loopy state I lay in bed, quite depressed and anxious considering the custody battle that would ensue should I have decided to do that. I had one of those little electric fan forced heaters next to my bed, and pretty much clear as day through the Hum of the heater I heard a voice saying "don't take her down with you". Frightened the shite out of me so much so I unplugged the heater and sat up freaking a bit rethinking my position as the best option as principle carer for this innocent child.

I could put it down to me being totally fruit loopy in the head or I could put it down to something from the otherwise trying to speak some sense to me through the electrical circuit of the heater lol

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For the last 5years or so i've been having episodes of what i thought was tinnitus. A light hum or buzzing sound that would present but with no obvious external stimuli. I went and saw a couple of quacks about it and their responses were pretty much useless.

A little while back ~12 months ago, i bought a different modem because the puss decided she didn't like the old one and chewed the living daylights out of it.

It was at this point the buzzing in my head escalated quite noticeably to a feeakin annoying hum that would just be there always. No voices as such but annoying to the point of distraction!

Three weeks ago, a 30 year old root canal amalgam that had replaced one of my wisdom teeth fell out while i was eating a particularly delicious piece of roasted zuchinni .

The buzzing/humming in my head ceased!


you can interpret this as you like but it has given me a new lease on life and i feel like my body had just spoken to me.







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Fuck that's a hefty looking chunk of metal to have in your mouth, I'd be looking into an amalgam free replacement if that were me.

Just out of curiosity do you have any other fillings or metal surgical implants anywhere in your body ?

Theoretically when you have 2 or more implants (I believe it would be also possible with just one metal implant in some circumstances) you can create what is known as LC resonant circuit inside your body. Another name for an LC circuit is a tank circuit which is commonly used in radio circuits. If the LC circuit is resonant with any form of radio wave or electrical frequency then that tank circuit can actually function as a radio reciever. Any frequency that is on a harmonic frequency that divides into the frequency of the tank circuit would also be picked up.

A human body doesn't have the circuitry to demodulate the signal from the carrier wave so all you would be likely to hear is a humm or ringing in your ears.

I've raised this concern with dentists, orthopedic surgeons( because I have heaps of metal in my body and fillings), and a few GP's over the years, but none of them seem to have the mental capacity to comprehend what I was trying to say.

Another issue with titanium and stainless steel surgical implants is the possibility for the stainless steel to become the cathode in a corrosion cell and the filling becoming the anode and dumping metal ions into the bloodstream at a greatly accelerated rate. The human body is high in electrolytes so the conditions are in place for this to happen. Again every doctor I've raised this issue with didn't understand what I was saying.

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that shits pretty toxic, but the dental association whatever its called here pretty much goes after anyone that makes an issue of it.. even removing them is dangerous as its releases heavy rates of mercury.. many many ppl report lots of issues going away after having them removed,, I just have one small filling and I hate to know its even there...

even though its out you should look into detox and take alot of stuff rich with antioxidants... I think magnesium and zinc is supposed to help the body rid of toxic metals but theres lot of other things that help... even garlic I think...

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If you are lucky enough to find a dentist who will remove the amalgam fillings many times they will recommend a course of chelation therapy to help rid your bloodstream of metal ions.

IV chelation is the most effective and some suggest sublingual EDTA is effective too, although I've never seen any studies on sublingual EDTA. This could be a good candidate for liposomal encapsulation.

My blood has shown high levels of metal ions because of all the metal I have in my body, so I do a course of EDTA about once year to try to keep the levels down. I alternate the EDTA with serratiopeptidase (serrapeptase) in weekly cycles - EDTA for a week, then serratiopeptidase for the next week for about 8-10 weeks total. They both compliment each other and it's like a powerflush for your arteries. The serratiopeptidase dissolves arterial plaque and the EDTA mops up the crap.

The serrapeptase was pivotal in my recovery from a recent back injury as I won't take NSAIDS - the quacks nearly killed me with that shit. I'm still taking it now.

Chelation therapy should only ever be a short term thing and a good quality mineral supplement is recommended while the EDTA is being taken.

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  • 3 years later...

forum on this stuff here

for interested people http://synthetictelepathy.freeforums.net/

also check out the ICAACT: http://www.icaact.org/

and the targeted individuals association (TIA) run by Magnus Olsen and Gary Owens http://targetedindividualsua.weebly.com/ti.html

also check out the most likely source, the Russian Military Intelligence Agency, otherwise known as the GRU who alledgedly have a secret subunit called PROTA unit  with a synthetic telepathy machine that uses directed photo-acoustics and directed energy beams to target people directly through background and white-noises  https://structure.mil.ru/structure/ministry_of_defence/details.htm?id=9711@egOrganization

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  • 2 months later...

have you tried listening to an air-conditioner or static on the radio, or even an upright fan? Some substances aid the Auditory Scrying Technique, such as cannabinoids, Dox substances and no doubt LSD. The voices that emerge are quite effected by the drugs as well. Please just bear in mind that once you make contact you may never go back.

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  • 3 months later...

Where is the real Princess Anne of England? Who the hell do the pretenders and imposters Tindell think they are? This is the MAIN issue at the moment in worldwide TI and it involves the Western Australia seperatist party with a trapped boyfriend. No Uranium for Iran, Beazley and Turnbull! (or whoever the real successionists are)

The current theory is that the TI units are using electrogravity waves, as theorised by albet einstein when he fused the electroweak force with gravity in a 5(,1)-dimensional theory of spacetime.

It appears there are 5 zones of TI worldwide, and the denmark-germany-austria zone is about rescuing a suppressed ex-royal family member from Austria's crown reconstruction!

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