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The Corroboree

Is this sunburn or over watering on my cacti?


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Help something horrible happening to my cacti, In melbourne there has been 40 degree heat days. FOr two days it has been very hot and for two days i have been watering my cacti at night and then this happened?

Some kind of epic rot on one side

This thing is just an awful brown color, weird thing is when i put it in the shade it was a nice crisp green color, so in the shade it turned into this brown color

And these guys are semi soft and lazily leaning on one side, as if about to fall

I am going to put them in shade, but should i stop watering? Will it affect my other cacti?

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I planted an opuntia outside after it lived in a conservatory for a few weeks.......................and it got sunburned ...but only on the new growth and the side facing the sun .......and it was more of a butterscotch colour...............doesn't seem to have harmed it too much............is the 1st epic rot one soft and mushy?

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Yup, Sunburned.

That fist pic is pretty hard core, but don't despair: Put them somewhere out of direct sunlight (shade cloth is what I like) and they may come good.

I panicked about a big guy I got burnt, but after a few weeks in the shade it healed completely, I can't even tell where the burn was.

That's a real shame though.

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I recently spent far too much time on imgur. tonight i decided enough is enough, i have wasted far too much time on this nonsense. i'm never going back to imgur again...

anyway. your 1st trich is burnt as shit, my guess would be that it was grown in a very shady spot and moved into full sun on a hot day. that doesn't usually happen if a plant is used to full sun. just leave it, don't cut out the burn, keep it in partial sun and in a few years you won't be able to tell. the second plant is fucked. just throw it in the bin now. and the third is fine, just needs a good water and should probably go into a better draining mix. that plant usually goes kinda red in full sun.

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Wow. So burn. Such cross.


The Rot is the infection afterwards wasnt the original problem. The Cactus in first pic will most likely recover though. And the Kitty is very sweet so there´s hope.




Edited by Evil Genius
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I planted an opuntia outside after it lived in a conservatory for a few weeks.......................and it got sunburned ...but only on the new growth and the side facing the sun .......and it was more of a butterscotch colour...............doesn't seem to have harmed it too much............is the 1st epic rot one soft and mushy?

yes it is soft and squishy

Yup, Sunburned.

That fist pic is pretty hard core, but don't despair: Put them somewhere out of direct sunlight (shade cloth is what I like) and they may come good.

I panicked about a big guy I got burnt, but after a few weeks in the shade it healed completely, I can't even tell where the burn was.

That's a real shame though.

I will put it in shade, but continue to water? And the second pic it was in the shade out of direct sunlight how did it get burnt?

oh yeah, this website has it's own image gallery, please use that in the future, i nearly got sucked back in.

Next time i will put direct links to imgur, so you cant press the imgur button and get redirected to the number one gallery of entertaining pictures. Also download website blocker a google chrome extension.

How did you get the dog to stay still while you were shoving the pump up its arse ?

Well,... I... what??

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I will put it in shade, but continue to water? And the second pic it was in the shade out of direct sunlight how did it get burnt?

Water like you normally would.

What prier said is probably true, did it go from shade to full sun? It won't die, it just may look a little ugly. Or different if you want to sound kinder.

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