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The Corroboree


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  1. Sorry to reignite this thread from two months ago, but are you guys trying to tell me that you can graft a cactus onto a stapelia gigantea ?? This would have to mean that Stapelia is in the cactus family?
  2. I wish Burbanks cactus instead of having no spines but having glochids, had spines but no glochids. Better the devil you can see than the one that is invisible
  3. @halyconDaze It was sold to me by a man who sells cacti at Victria Market in Melbourne. He seemed quite reputable. Burbanks although described as spineless are most often 'almost spineless' I think it is Burbanks cactus as it fits this description, especially the thick round bluish pads it produced: "A form of O.robusta reputedly bred by the fammous Luther Burbank for cattle-friendly fodder in WWII. Thick round bluish pads on a medium-sized bush. Okay outdoors in mild areas." - http://www.cacti.co.nz/library/opuntia-burbanks-spineless/ @skellum It never made any fruit as i always kept it in a pot and neglected it. I initially wanted it as a grafting stock, but the vascular rings were too close to the sides.
  4. Had a variegated trich (i think? ) I grafted it onto a healthy trich because its hylocereus stock was dying. Anyone know what kind of cactus it is? Some of the spines i ripped off accidently
  5. gr33ntea

    Albino cactus

    It is albino, i am unsure what kinda cactus it is though
  6. Top is a pachanoi with no chlorophyll, bottom is what it was grafted on a hylocereus
  7. Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/oi9pL/layout/grid I AM LOCATED IN AUSTRALIA, Northern Suburbs Number 4. is a Luther Burbanks Spineless. Has a nice blue tint to it 18. PENDING for buyer 6. PENDING for buyer 11. gone 12. gone 10. Pending for buyer
  8. Welll one year on i have an algae problem. Havent changed the water for a year. The cacti have been in partial shade. Still havent painted the container so the algae cant photosynthesize and die already lol. The shade + water i reckon made them grow vertically, kinda like elongating. Basically elongating. Anyone here have elongated loph?
  9. Hahaha, yeah bump too man. I know it is possible, google atomic garden
  10. Do you have pictures of it? How did you infect it? Grafting?
  11. Here is a similar post i made: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37294 Austrocylindropuntia subulata f. monstrosa contains a bacteria Phytoplasma that makes it 'monstrose' as in pup from most of its aeroles. This infection spreads to only other opuntia plants through grafting, have tried it on lophophora, trichocereus and it didn't work. It has been successful with pereskiopsis, and so i am trying it with other opuntias Here is the graft of pereskiopsis on Austrocylindropuntia subulata var. Phytoplasma (I'll just call it Phytoplasma instead of monstrose to avoid confusion for the time being) Here the Pereskiopsis Spathulata var. Phytoplasma are growing on their own roots. They have noticeably thin leaves, pup from most aeroles. Some of the later growth did not have the infection. So now i grafted a blue burbanks spineless opuntia on Austrocylindropuntia subulata var. Phytoplasma to see if i get similar results Mother Plant: I am also trying with the Paper Spine cactus (Tephrocactus articulatus) This monstrose cresting opuntia i forgot the name of Mother plant: And with this thin spineless and glochidless opuntia Mother plant:
  12. Just curious how this comp works, are people planting your seeds incog, or is it their own seeds?
  13. I got three variegated seedlings grafted and growing. Can't wait until they big boyz. Edit: and exchange pollen
  14. An update, they have gotten a little bigger. I got some green algae or something growing in the water, They are under t8 lights and a heat mat. I havent replaced the water in like 4 weeks.
  15. From my experience you must seal the top as well. Most of my moisture loss is from the top. The wood glue when dried leaves some gaps open and loses moisture. My only success i have had is sealing the top with glue tack. I am gonna try beeswax i bought off ebay soon.
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