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RFID tags on domestic waste bins

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It's collection day, so I bring in my bin from out the front, and tip it upside down to drain the water since it's been raining. And what do we have here? There's an RFID tag built into the front lip of the bin. I check my other two bins, the green waste doesn't have one, and the recycling, while not having a tag, has a little molded cavity for the tag to be popped right in, should they decide to monitor that too in the future.

I can't find any info online about this from our council's waste contractor, but plenty of info of other companies using this technology to monitor garbage habits, bill-by-use etc. Some also log the weight of your garbage each week, and photograph/video the contents of your bin being emptied, so they can record images of "non-compliance" items being thrown out.


Should've wrapped that corpse in black plastic! :o

(just joking about the corpse part Mr Policeman)

Edited by Alice
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never seen that before.

gunna check my bins now hahaha

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hehe, someone took my bin for a week, it appeared again last bin day...

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Swap bins with the neighbours?

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I am all for improved waste management....but.....

I could understand non-compliance with recyclables or green waste, particularly contamination of that area of waste stream......

but the general refuse bin??

EDIT-unless they are getting people putting shit like gas bottles and oils in their bins.....

Edited by waterboy

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Someone could really have some fun with them.

Many RFID chips can be re-flashed to almost anything you want. You could clone one (maybe from a neighbours bin) and re-flash all the bins in the district. If you wanted you could even clone one from an RFID chipped purchased item and flash the whole streets bins with the data from anything.

When they upload the data it would awesome if all the data came back as shit like double d bras and undies.

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Put a drill through it?

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Put a drill through it?

One of these ought to do the trick :)


Edited by Halcyon Daze
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what would i have to install in the bin to fry their chip reader?

Without physical access there's not really much you could do to fry the receiver. A large electromagnetic pulse can fry an RFID tag because of the inherant weaknesses of the low cost chip and antenna circuitry at close range, but in general most solid state devices like the reciever are very reliable and would most likely just miss a few cycles and then just keep ticking over as normal.

Theoretically it is possible to generate an EMP that would fry it, but it would have to be a very high energy pulse at close range to the receiver.

I'd just pry the RFID chip out with a small screwdriver and smash it with a hammer.

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that could be terrorist activity since we don't own our bins do we

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I could understand non-compliance with recyclables or green waste, particularly contamination of that area of waste stream......

but the general refuse bin??

there is actually quite a lot of stuff not allowed in general waste as well

plastic bags are the most common one i can think of

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there is actually quite a lot of stuff not allowed in general waste as well

plastic bags are the most common one i can think of

You mean recyclable plastics Jwerta?....after a lot of holes put down into landfills of a coupla states I find it comes in bags and gets into the ground in bags.....and those bags stay there for quite some time....

You not authorised as a domestic user to put "controlled wastes " in .....oils, radioactive materials, medical wastes, breaking bad outputs, some levels of contaminated soil, asbestos from your home reno ....I can see why it would be good to detect the sources of these. These need to go into a higher category containment and have transport restrictions.

Then there is the dangerous shit people put in the general waste bin....old BBQ gas bottle are amongst the worst, car batteries, breaking bad outputs, old munitions. Its OH+S stuff really......

Monitoring the separation of green wastes I could understand... which are the least of your worries in a landfill....other than taking precious space...they are easily recovered into something of value.

I reckon its more likely the contractor is trying to not get shafted by the council when people claim they haven't had their bin collected, when they put it out late or not at all and the bin starts overflowing..... single runs for a lazy bastards bin costs money...

its a business ....when it starts not being that way we are fucked because the average punter throws out too much.

But there is a lot of application one could probably do with the tech.

Not the first time the contents of a garbage bin has been used as some form of evidence.......

Edited by waterboy

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