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Who would be keen on having a sketch book throwie exchange? Of course I don't mean sending them over I just mean Writing the person you're doing exchange with's name and taking photo and putting it on here for person.

Way it works.

I have a name that I use, and so do you. Yes?

You draw me my name in your style and I draw your name in my style.

I hit Nerk

A small less time consuming piece but much more detail than tags and some hand styles.
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I have no idea what you're talking about lol

So you pretty much write someones name for them and they do it for you.

But in the style of a throwie.

Like graffiti?

Something like this just your own style, and in a sketchpad or something. Personally I love graffiti hope some other people do too because this would be fun to get going. Hope I answered your statement

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Typically it's a quick, loose, elaborate, or simple bubble styled type of lettering. For getting up quick! ;) is that example one of your throwies NTS?

Nah just quick one of internet. I don't really get up much anymore. Don't wanna risk my job aye.

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I love graffiti art but I'm hopeless at drawing. I guess I could come up with something really nice but it would take me hours and I'm a busy person with all my hobbies and interests.

Gimme a few hours and I'll see what I can come up with. By the way, I've never heard the word throwie before, I had no idea what it meant.

You Zaney Kiwis...

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Well this took me ages and it sucks. I give up...


Awesome bro dped haha hope you don't mind. nah ill show you what I mean

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What you want ya tag to be for the duration of this topic?


Oh btw my tags Nerk (what I tag and smaller lettering as nailthesnail is a bit long.)

I love that photo though haha

Im just gonna use a felt and a vivid.

Oh and I'm writing you as daze hope you don't mind

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hope that worked.

Sorry I have litteraly no experience with d a or z so i hope its okay.
It says daze yep. For you halcyon


Edited by Nailthesnail
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I do like that tag in post 3. I tried tagging when 16yo. That was 22 years ago. You could say i am your godfather nail, handing down the profession to you guys. The truth however is i had a felt point pen and tagged about 20 times, mostly new homes getting built and they were in felt point pen. Some cooler kids who listened to vanilla ice came and wrote "toy" on my tags by monday morning. That meant i was shit, so i gave up forever.

Graffiti is misunderstood if you ask me. Its not that i like or dislike it, nor do i weigh into the talent dispute. Its no more eyesore than a mcdonalds logo and that is forced into your face everyday and for what reason?

Original good post nail.

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I love graff even was going to start a label when i was younger called Graffilthy making clothes for graffers .

Check out this crew called one up they have balls


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Man, this thread shows how diverse our community can be. Fantastic!

I write Hock,, from a past of hocking my shit to get by when I was younger. Havnt hocked anything for years now,, but the name still sticks as a reminder. I write Upside now and then, but write it upside down lol

Check out my gallery for a couple of my pieces. I'll have a crack at Nerk this weekend, work has me pretty tired lately.I don't get much time to paint for myself these days.


The term throwie is used all over the world. As is most Graff terms, whatever nationality you come from like skateboarding, it's fucking awesome haha

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I love graff even was going to start a label when i was younger called Graffilthy making clothes for graffers .

Check out this crew called one up they have balls


1up is awesome.

These guys are ballsy aswell. Bigred you should watch grifters code pt.1 its real new its pretty good.


Now for the main event whose keen on a throwie exchange?

Mean as upside I'll give hock ago soon. I like that name

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just spreading seeds, if you mix 2/3rds rustoleum bucket paint, 1/3 paint thinner + a good dollop of dot 3 brake fluid, you get a krink that, even if it gets buffed, will leech into concrete and leave a 'ghostie' that will never die. also words written on stainless steel surfaces in oxidising agents will live forever

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