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Hi guys, here's a list of stuff I'm after ATM

Cali poppy seed

Mexican prickly poppy plant/seeds

Bixa orellana plant/seeds

Patchouli plant/cutting

TBM cuttings (biiig want)

Mam craigii plant/seed

Calea cuttings or seed

P viridis white princess

P alba leaf cuts

Obscure/hot chilli seedlings

I have plenty of seeds and cuttings in exchange and everything will be for even trades. Ie cactus for cactus, plants for plants etc. serious members only, pm me, cheers


Edited by thed00dabides
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  • 3 weeks later...

hey mate i have some aji amar chilli seeds. they large orange and hot. good for cooking. atm all chillies are green so will have some to spare in a few weeks. pm me if u want some. no charge obviously. though i might need some motivation if u can send me some of that.



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hey mate i have some aji amar chilli seeds. they large orange and hot. good for cooking. atm all chillies are green so will have some to spare in a few weeks. pm me if u want some. no charge obviously. though i might need some motivation if u can send me some of that.



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