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The Corroboree

Seeing your thoughts in the world around you

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I don't know hey.... We used to be friends when I was a girl, oddly when I started to become a woman he distanced himself from me, or maybe I became an irrational teenager, however I read once, I think it was in an article something pretty fucked up, I dont know if it is TRUE but it said something along the lines of fathers being threatened / attracted to their young and that makes them pull away, abuse or ridiculice their daughters the article said it was to hide real emotions and to relieve their guilt, I dont know if it is the case with all fathers but I am not the only woman I ve heard saying similar things, having similar experiences...

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entomology wrangler is bogfrog <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png


"And with one metaphysical mind call ..we were immediately enveloped in a witches coven of druid bees that were simultaneously angry and belittling us"


"I was hating this curry i was eating soooo much, a herd of flies appeared and buzzed me right out of the noodles are us noodlebar

perhaps you are discovering things that are normal to you(and unrealized but making the praying mantis' es rollicking over your cactii, prick up their fore quarters and are watching you ....all the while swing their body back and forth and twisting their head side to side

pretty cool observation bogfrog

sometimes i feel that the things i discuss with my wife appear later on in that same day, wether it be a televigshe news story or someone else mentions exactly the same freaky observation you experienced earlier on that day.

either way, tuning in with your immediate environment whether it's the physical, tangible existence or 'the other one' , was for me, a step up that ladder that when you gaze up at it , feels like it's Jack's beanstalk up to the giant's penthouse but still you feel nothing but good vibes.

synchronicity is amazing thing.

enjoyable reading, thanks for posting <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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so true... animals really do seem to respond to our thoughts. from butterflies landing on me in mexico, to wild dogs howling in sync with my fear while camping, I too have had similar experiences. it doesn't stretch my ontological boundaries too far to believe that there is an extra dimension to all beings that is not perceived by ordinary human senses.

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It doesn't bring me any joy to post this, but in the interests of truth - there is a lot of scientific evidence saying that our memory on these type of subtle things is often not quite correct, and that we're likely to 'remember observations that align with our beliefs, and forgetting the observations that would otherwise prove us wrong'.

This is the wikipedia article on the subject: http://en.wikipedia....nfirmation_bias

It's worth having at least a skim over, as there's a lot of things to think about, that many people find scary to think about.

Plus knowing your weaknesses allows you to work around them, and you get closer to the truth (because the truth is both more simple and infinitely more complex [depending on how you look at it] than you think).

Edited by CβL
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It just occurred to me that there is an insect that always comes to me at a certain time... Whenever i lay down to have a bit of a kip during the day, without fail, a friggen blow fly will turn up and buZzzzz back and forth like a bomber plane near my head, or a house fly will come and land on my legs or arms or face and annoy the shit out of me. GrrrrRrr. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png Its a sign to get up and get back to the grindstone lol.

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ISn't that the Gaia theory? A hypothesis that all life if joined by a force that is empirically as-of-yet undetectable. A book that bogfrog put me onto said that ethos isolate the cognitive functions of the minds that are able to detect and exacerbate that energy. Bit of a stretch but i hope its true.

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What I am seeing allot lately are the things I desired or have though off comming into being....

I think it is because I can feel the balance between me and the universe (conscious me and subconsciousness everything else). Knowing this only makes me want to focus more on just the balancing instead of what I could let materialize. I know there is magic in such thoughts. Still trying to figure out how to make something 'seemingly miracoulous' happen and freak people out with that... hahaha... 'so if I do something now and I get the timing right, when the situation comes up it will seem like a crazy impossible thing. Just think about it.... everything is conected and the only moment is now.... past, now and future are one.....

about the insects.... all I know that the world moves in repetitive slowly changing patterns.... so if you focus on insects.... then your patterns will involve insect timing.

so your focus can be on anything....... from thoughts to objects... also just the flow of everything(I call it the natural mystical flow)....

rythmic repetitive patterns.... that is why repetitive beat music works so well for getting your mind out of the repetitive pattern of daily life

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Maybe i am Bullit, or i'm just becoming a bit of a witch. I should stop reading wacky books which tell me insects are actually interdimentional travellers here to watch us and read our energetic systems.

..Geez woman. Pull yourself together.

Splains it all

I have heard that eating garlic repels mosquitos... why I never remember that in mosquito season I dunno cause I must be friggen sweet or something


Frankly I think it is quite subjective but in a magical way... I remember a few years ago, I was reading about how there was a shortage of bees.... the article I read was trying to explain it away... I was thinking to myself, that maybe ppl just aren't tending to their gardens enough... within a few days, a huge swarm of bees tried to nest in my attic... I had never seen so many bees in my life! That was the first and last time that ever happened! It was some of the most awesome confirmation for me and it was right in a time when I was trying to wrap my head around what happened to me after read Napoleon Hills "Think and Grow Rich" ... Tremendous stuffs...

Now adays I just walk around bees and wasps, no fear.. I like having them around... they like to drink from little pools of water on the grond after I water my plants... I send them good vibes and promise them a buncha flowers and they seem to not bother me... even posing for photos and such

Bees are a beautiful thing... I believe they sense extra energies.. .what science calls "Other" dimensions, I believe are two aspects of the same dimension interacting with one another.. Bees have well developed eyes and this coincides with the hexagonal shapes in their nests. To the Ancient Egyptians, bees were sacred, honey was said to mend the bones together... unspoiled honey was discovered in pyramids supposedly...

I get the feeling the bees were there to cheer you up

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Sorry i mustv helpd u get yr wires crossed, i meant pheramones are likely what is attracting bees to me when i am angry, no relation to bee dreams.

I watched my dad do it today too, he was getting pretty worked up and venting lots of built up anger at the world and hey presto we are surrounded by bees.

What I meant is I think the unconscious largely determines everything we notice and make connections between, so maybe you notice the bees when you are in a certain frame of mind.

That seems more likely to me than a direct chemical effect, and also explains the way reality seems to conform to our moods and thoughts. Maybe it really does, who knows?

What I do believe is that when stuff like this happens, the best place to look for understanding is inside yourself. If I have bee dreams and I notice bees a lot I would ask why? The answer will be very personal, which is why you are in the best position to know it.

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I thought about this thread this morning and remembered that song I thought your name came from bogfrog, and then I remembered it also mentioned being full of bees:


I am
The only one
Can ride that horse

I'm full of bees
Who died at sea

It's a wonderful life
It's a wonderful life

I wore a rooster's blood
When it flew like doves

I'm a bog
Of poisoned frogs

It's a wonderful life
It's a wonderful life

I'm the dog that ate
Your birthday cake

It's a wonderful life
It's a wonderful life
It's a wonderful life

Neat huh?

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I'd like to hear this song, do you think it would be on youtube somewhere?

The part that goes:

I am the dog that ate your birthday cake

-Reminds me of being a little girl and blowing out the candles on my best friends birthday cake.

She was so upset and i pretty much ruined her birthday. Thats a feeling that has always stuck with me <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png i sure felt like a dog

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I'd say you're getting quite clear, Bogfrog.

And, it's the veil.

Next, we don;t have any thoughts or feelings to reflect..

and therefore become boddhisdattva

capable of holding that space of truth,

while others measurements (thoughts/feelings) also fall clear. Then..as theirs do..

others do too.. and on and on.. until we all get HERE AND NOW..and know it as the only true self that we've ever been : )

Anyway, yeah- its totally common in my experience. And its rather awesome.

The internal/external connection becomes obvious, immediate and even quite abrupt

in its presentation.

When it 'all gets sticky' again,

or we recede and step back from the edge.. or the NOW moment of truth,

things don't appear as connected. Or as divine. We get stuck in thought loops, past and future instead.


the more NOW, andHERE.. you can truly stay..

the more we can truly understand ourself as all things.

Observer..gives rise.. to observing/knowing..

and 'objects' surrender to 'process'. The clairty of 'no-self' perceives the relevant reverberations of all things. and stuff. lol.


I think this stuff is at the heart of manifesting and Christ consciousness.
The 'clearer' and emptier we become, the less time lag there is between cause+effect, or desire and it's fulfillment. The more personal a desire or intention, the more consequent 'measurement's and objects' we evoke from the field of nothingness that we are..
and the less personal, or more universal and selfless (godlike) our alignment becomes..
the more likely we are to levitate in bliss while facilitating the storm
than we are to be drenched, or drowned by the chaos.
Having other peoples words..and actions be your own..and in sync, (the inner and outer worlds)
is a function of becoming the all..and witnessing the 'is-ness'..
it's when we add our own words and actions to that, that the isness becomes somthingness
and we slip back into everyday consciousness.
Here's the paradoxical difference between 'making lightning strike',

and 'being/observing/lightning striking'.

I've always found this state to be rather permeable and dependent.

Personally, I think that the trick is in toeing the razors edge.

Omen, and metaphor belong to these concepts too. Having archetypal doorways with which to choose and direct ones all-flowingness inside the all-oneness of the flow.
Thanks for the rant!
: )

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The two most difficult tasks in the world:

1. Self transformation - as it relates to #2

2. Knowing thyself - as we have to honestly stop looking for a way to find our identity in the external

and take that hard journey, which only begins when we are ready. and I believe there are many paths to this, nothing documented by any culture is required though some may be better guides than others for specific personality types and such...

The only guides I think are generally, pain, pleasure, and intuition, and frankly I think intuition is more about trust than anything... but when we embrace all the pains and pleasures in life, we are more able to make the best of it... every obstacle becomes and opportunity, and every pleasure another opportunity to learn about ourselves

crap I dont know what this has to do with bees but lol

Nothing more rewarding than than #2 as it helps you decide #1, and all the power in life resides in decision, ability to decide... easier for some, but most rewarding when its most difficult and yet achieved.... but nothing is more soothing to the soul to just spend a day on the sidelines, without a care, without deciding, but simply being...

I maybe staring at my plants too much though laff

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heh,.... silly that I didnt think of it before. Sorry if someone else already said it.

Bogfroggy,... you can stick with the insects.... they can be seen then as your spirit animal guides as indiginous peoples say.

So learn from their behaviours,.... see if there are indeed corresponding pattterns with your moods. Sometimes the interpertation can be done intuitive. (Like when sometimes dreams can be understood intuitively,.. especially your own.) But als always be very self critical about your own observations/interpertations, so you do not create illusion based thoughts. ( I believe that this could be a reason for triggering imbalanced brain chemistry, especially if you go deep on these types of methaphysical/spiritual journeys it can create sloppy or in worse case scenarios a run away brain cemistry. I only had a brief period myself when I was interested in animal guides,... as that was for me the beginning introduction into shamanism.

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yeah, theres a thin line between an intuition and psychosis...

but they are not crazy I tell ya, just confused ;)

Thanks for adding that tho Woof, I think you made my thought complete

Come to think of it, I think I have learned more from my Conure than I have from any roomate ever...

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Thank you all for the astounding thoughts and words.

Its been a hard day but it was worth dwelling in the dark pit for a while to come out the other side clearer and stronger.. And then to get to read all these unspeakably beautiful thoughts from you special people <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png ..its a real treat, i tell you.

Things are unfolding just as they should.

I dreamt this morning that i was being stung by a bumblebee, again and again and again.. It must have stung me twenty times and it HURT, it really hurt until i woke.

Then it dawned on me that bumblebees die when they sting, and this bee was killing itself for me. Fighting its natural instinct to live and then fighting it again to survive when it has really already died. 'For what purpose', i ask.. 'To wake me up, to myself, to my weakness, to my strength, to my responsibility, to my power' I answer.

Numb, sleeping minds need to be stung many, many times just to wake up. And it needs to hurt too, because so much hurt hides, just waiting to be unleashed.

You cant release what you wont see and you cant heal a festering wound unless you cut it open and let the puss and pain seep out.

Its out for today, and right now i am awake. I know slumber will return, but this intermission has shown me much.

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And 'doh!'

Finally noticed the youtube clip Chilli.

Cant play it on me phn but il check it out tomorrow, cheers <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Bumblebees don't have barbs on their stingers, so they can sting repeatedly without losing the stinger. So your bumblebee guardian would've been able to live to sting another day.

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Well, I actually was going to say "they don't sting - they only bite", but I decided to check it - so I was wrong too originally.
But yeah, they can fly and sting as much as they like. Explains why it hurt so bad when I put my sock on with a bumblebee in it..

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I got stung by a dead wasp once. I had swiped it during the day, and it disappeared. When I crawled into bed that evening, the bugger had somehow found its way under the sheets and stung me. Had the last laugh.

Talking of being being hurt til you wake up, I recently got shocked quite severely by switching off a power point - the cover had come off the switch, exposing a wire which was running the tiny light. The shock, though it clearly wasn't fatal, triggered a huge adrenaline surge (the same as I get when I get stung) and I had a huge panic attack, not seen for years! I am fairly certain that my brain chemistry has been altered somewhat, I can't say how exactly - I'm sure someone here could pinpoint it - and I'm struggling to regain the equilibrium I once had, although I think the changes may be for the better. The shock has made me "wake up" and see things differently.

They used electro-shock therapy in the past, and still do a surprising amount today (I did a bit of quick looking up afterwards and was surprised to see it was still considered a useful tool for depression) and I wonder if another type of shock (i.e. stinging) might work too. Rather like the traumatic initiation ceremonies in some shamanic traditions, which are more like - my brain is so dead this morning - like the iboga ceremony, with specific results built in to it using trauma and brain chemistry changes to evoke new mental and emotional paradigms. We can control some of that ourselves, with the way we think, creating new mental pathways and such, but sometimes we need a bit of a push when we get stuck in old patterns.

Which is why psychedelics work so well as therapy, really. They not only help create new patterns and pathways they often provide a bit of trauma to go with them. I imagine it's even better when we can somewhat control the process, add guidance to the journey.

I think the bee dream might be telling you to make a new spiritual journey of some sort, Bogfrog?

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When I was in deep love with a special lady we camped on an island and fireflies filled the night whilst we were having dinner. Most amazing experience ever. I really believe that your thoughts do shape the world around you.

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