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phsyco ex girlfriend

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why cant women leave it at that, she cheated on me i ended it why does she have to get back at me and make my life hell.

what could i do to fix the situation

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Women are crazy (except the ones on here of course) I think its just in their nature the only thing I can think of is just to tell that she's the one that made the mistake and just fuck off... Although I'm not very experienced with crazy real crazy chicks

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why cant women leave it at that, she cheated on me i ended it why does she have to get back at me and make my life hell.

what could i do to fix the situation


If you can, ignore her, and hopefully she will go away. Maybe she needs to meet someone else to focus on...do you have any single friends,lol.

You may have to move states?! (*thinks about the movie 'Fatal Attraction')


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"People" are crazy, blokes too. Emotional attachments, however justified, make us do some of the oddest things at times; sometimes we don't even notice it til later. There's not a lot you can do, try to avoid her, but be gentle and nice where possible if you do see her. People respond in kind, and you don't want her doing anything really crazy - do you?

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It depends on what the nature of her 'revenge' is. If she's doing anything threatening or illegal you can get an intervention order, which would theoretically result in legal repercussions for her if she breaks the conditions. Though you have to be aware that women are given much more leeway than men in these situations. That means that it's very important to acquire as much concrete evidence of her 'phsyco' behaviour (it's psycho). If she's harassing you with phone calls, set up a recording device and hit "record" every time she phones. If she's sending you threatening mail, save every item and document it with dates. In fact, document everything in a journal. If she's spreading rumours or something, you could probably be entitled to compensation for defamation of character, but again you will need lots of evidence, because if you don't, given that she is a woman and you are a man, you will most likely be seen as the instigator.

You will need to provide some details to get really helpful advice.

People respond in kind


Not all people.

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why cant women leave it at that, she cheated on me i ended it why does she have to get back at me and make my life hell.

what could i do to fix the situation


If what she's doing to you is way out of line, go to your local cop shop and advise that you want to file a restraining order against her for misconduct. That will be a slap in the face for her emotionally, and if she keeps fucking with your shit, she'll be in a whole world of bother. Although one would want to be very careful about doing this if they had hobbies at their house that were of an interesting nature to, and could backfire.

On second thoughts, leave the coppers out of it, and start dating a jealous female kickboxer. Fate will work the ex's shit out soon enough.

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On second thoughts, leave the coppers out of it, and start dating a jealous female kickboxer. Fate will work the ex's shit out soon enough.


and pray that ^^^^^^^ doesnt back fire on you :lol:

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Keep evidence and notes of everything crazy she says and does. If you must have any interaction with her then make sure you have witnesses and record everything. You might not need it but it could save your arse and reputation.

Heaps of crazy women make false claims to the police all the time. They are given the benefit of the doubt and multiple police have told me that they are discouraged from arresting and charging women for it because of political reasons.

If you use any social media sites then it might be worthwhile creating a new profile and using an alias. If you can't block her phone number then you should be able to change your number for free if you say it's because of harassment.

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thanks for all the support but i am no rat so going to the cops is not a option i try to ignore her but she want attention and she seems to get it she is one crazy mother fucker i have to stop thinking with my penis when choosing women . The kick boxer sounds great but what if she takes it out on me in the bedroom my best bet is to send her to the Russian front make her think she has won a prize. I think its because she cheated on me and i ended it (thanks ebay nanny cam) and she wants to make my life hell well i think she is just showing how pathetic she is its just sad when someone sinks to that level.

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Not all people.


Maybe I should have said most people respond in kind, but it's a good way to be anyway. Must admit that can be difficult after a nasty breakup but sometimes it's just about self-respect. As I see it, if you can't behave rationally and with some degree of control you don't deserve to be called human ;)

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i am no rat so going to the cops is not a option


I don't mean to be rude, so forgive me for being blunt, but that's a pretty childish attitude IMHO. It's one thing to be loyal to friends who are doing something illegal but not immoral, and not dob them in to get leniency from the cops in your own troubles, but in regards to things where the laws are actually on the side of good, it's a different matter.

Most people who aren't 'rats' have that attitude because they live in a world of criminality and don't involve the cops in anything because they 'take care' of their own problems. Assuming you're not like that, then you're left with no options to protect yourself if you are unwilling to use the legal system to help protect you.

Having said that, as I said before, the politics relating to domestic disputes makes it really difficult to actually get the help that you deserve from the legal system if you are a man, and as migraineur said, everything that has been suggested is about protecting yourself against false accusations. Also, if she is behaving in a threatening way or something, then be aware that getting an intervention order doesn't necessarily involve going to the cops. You can apply for the order directly from the courts. The interim order papers are served by the police, but it's only so that it's official that the papers have been served, and has nothing to do with 'being a rat'. Whether or not you decide to dob her in should she break the order is another matter, but the order itself might be enough to get her to leave you alone.

We still don't really know what she's actually doing. All you've said is "she's crazy", "she wants attention", "she's psycho", "she wants to make your life hell". So it's hard to really give you any specific advice. I get the impression you're probably not genuinely interested in getting practical advice, and just want sympathy. That's cool man. Sometimes it's just good to talk to people about a problem like this and know that there are people on your side who understand what you're going through.

As for documenting things. If she's seriously behaving in a psycho way, the likelihood of her making false complaints about you is high. It's something that women are aware they will be taken seriously on, and it's a very common method of revenge when relationships go sour. You may think you don't want to deal with police, but you might end up having no choice, and if you're being held and questioned for something you haven't done, you will seriously regret not doing more to protect yourself.

This is all assuming you're not over-dramatising the situation. When you use the term psycho, I take that very seriously, and that is the basis for the advice I've given.

I hope everything goes well for you.

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i have a lot of history with her i lost my virginity to her about 15 years ago . i got back with her and she recently got diagnosed with ms so i thought to myself

i have to look after her . i would carry her to the shops and back i would do anything for her i said i would marry her but she always wanted to fight she gets off on it

she just wants a abusive relationship i am prescribed pain medication and she has made a complaint to my doctor saying i have been using it inappropriately. i know going to the cops is a option but i cant do it its not the rat thing its the whole police thing she recently assaulted my mum and sister so i don't want to see her charged

and lawyers cost money i just want to wish her well and be done with it edit; i might be looking for attention :wink: but i do need advise i am going to get a avo and hope she gets the message i just aren't the type of person to do this type of thing and i dont want the cops knowing i have girlfriend issues they could use it a leverage or use her against me i just want peace and thanks for the support everyone

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she recently assaulted my mum and sister so i don't want to see her charged


Does not compute :blink:

and lawyers cost money


If you get an intervention order and she turns up to court, you will be provided with a legal aid lawyer to give you advice before you go in, and it is usual practice to represent yourself in applying for an intervention order. There is no court attendance required for the interim order. You just apply for it and then it is served, and if she doesn't turn up to court to defend herself from the final order being made, it will almost certainly be granted.

Again, I hope everything goes well for you. This sort of thing can turn your life upside down, and I know this from experience :BANGHEAD2:

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thanks ballzac i spoke to my lawyer and he said to cool off for a day then get the order he said not to worry much as she is not a stable character and just to ignore her i think a avo would be the best bet at least she wont have any credibility if does make any frivolous claims against me . Thanks heaps for everyone's support it means a lot to me

peace big red

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i know going to the cops is a option but i cant do it its not the rat thing its the whole police thing she recently assaulted my mum and sister so i don't want to see her charged


Bwaaaaahh?? :scratchhead:

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Further to my previous comments, a friend of mine had to deal with a psycho ex making false claims of assault against him recently, even though she was the one who went to his house and went crazy and assaulted him. To make a long story short, I told him to record her and have witnesses. He ended up with a couple of hours of audio and video of her saying things like she was so wasted she couldn't even remember what happened and some other stuff. She also ended up withdrawing the complaint but the cops don't go away straight away because they think the woman might have withdrawn the complaint out of fear of the man.

Also, check out this guy. I know him. It's the most fucked up situation ever and epitomises how biased the system is towards women.


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i remember seeing that. it's so fucked, particularly because the family can't sue the police for costs incurred during their defense. not sure if they ever launched a civil case against the girl?

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i remember seeing that. it's so fucked, particularly because the family can't sue the police for costs incurred during their defense. not sure if they ever launched a civil case against the girl?


Yeah, they can't sue because the government doesn't have to pay to defend itself. It's pretty wrong what happened. However, I remember seeing on the news that the Western Australian government was considering an ex gratia payment since the family lost A LOT of money and it was such an injustice. I don't know how that's going. I haven't seen him for a while and he doesn't like talking about it at all. He had to go back to finish highschool as an adult.

I'd really love to know what happened to the bitch who falsely accused him of this. Probably not a whole lot since she's female and was a teen at the time. They should take the compensation from her. There should be a registry of people like this, similar to what there are with sex offenders so we know whom to stay away from. Innocent guys have their lives ruined and it takes away limited resources from the real victims of domestic and sexual violence who are often too scared to do anything about it.

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Bwaaaaahh?? :scratchhead:


she had a fight with my mum and sister and if my mum found out that she was going to the cops about me she would have her charged over that indecent i just dont want the dramma i think a avo would be the best bet . So if she did try anything at least the cops would see it as petty revenge and what a crazy bitch she is

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