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how reliable are 'they'?

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Leonardo de vinci would be my favorite guy to talk too.

Not possible.

Although I certainly beleive in the after life is it a side show for any that can call back the souls of the dead.

But a a atheist is just someone when in the grave with great clothes has now where to go.

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lol :) I should say, I didn't actualy "talk" to him, but his mannerisms and way of deducing and reasoning were within me (all limited by my intelligence). I even felt like I had his moustache and pipe lol :D I felt like I was wearing his clothes and everything. I felt like I had his frizzy crazy hair and all. it was definitely einstein.

even if he's been re-encarnated back to earth which is entirely possible, it may have been a 'ghost' of his character. but like I said before, these things do need to be taken with a grain of salt because of our own confusions and uncertainties. when we are pure spirits, then pure communication with 'what's right' can happen in my opinion.

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From your personal experience how reliable are 'they'...in so far as what 'they' 'tell' one?

I dunno, I've always found them to be reliable and instructive. FWIW, I mean can you really trust the opinion of someone who listens to the voices in their heads when they're fugdrucked ;)

Sometimes it can take a while to work out what "they" mean though, once it took a whole year but it was so hilarious and maybe even true it was worth it.

Once I 'met' a rapidly phase changing grumbly old entity who said he didn't trust people who come in 'just for a look, without really askinng anything interesting' cos they' "tend to hang around too long and get in the way, they should just come and get what they're looking for and go home " but then again that could have been my inner disdain for tourists coming to the fore :devil:

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This thread couldn't have come at a better time for me.

I have been having some real troubles really recently, about a week or so ago I opened up this direct line of communication with these fucking entities, and once I did information started pouring in at a MASSIVE rate. The stuff I was being shown was so intense that I had a lot of trouble dealing with it, I was more or less shown how the entire planet works and basically shown the map to existence.

Along with this these entites who work as part of the entites that are really controlling this world became engaged in a huge psychic battle with me. They told me something about my furture that they were going to do if I did a certain thing..... like a warning basically.

So I said "Ok if this is true then you need to make yourselves known to me on another occasion that isn't now." and I kind of hoped that really they wouldn't. So on the weekend I opened up another channel into the spirit world and guess who came along, yep the same entites. They were all like "REMEMBER US?!?!!!!" and then bang I was hit with this huge psychic bombardment, it was massive. Then they said "ok, we are going to show you the future." and they did.

It was crystal clear and completely devestating.

So the conundrum im in now is, do i take what they said as the truth and do everything in my power to prevent these future events from taking place, or do I doubt them and maybe try and convince myself that it was really just my subconscious trying to tell me not to do something?

It was overwhelmingly clear and overwhelmingly real.

I was also shown by other entites in this spirit world or dimension EXACTLY what the shamans in the amazon are doing and how vital it is to our existence, and it was so intense that I was almost compelled to jump onto a plane and head to the jungle and join the battle for humanity.

So im really really wanting to hear other people's experience re:reliability of information that these entities can impose you with. I have encountered lot's of trickster entities and psychoticly bad-willed entities but this was nothing like this. This felt like total and utter truth.

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Well lets talk about the bad entities-a word that means it exists not he exists by the way, a corporation can also be refered to as a entity and has the legal status of a person.-

Ought to be a better word. Spirit seems more to denote motivation such as good spirit, bad spirit. Soul seems to be a mind/body thing. Who knows.

Heres a theory I ran across.

An important point to make is that one of these bad entitys are powerful enough to create visions without the need for hallucenogens at all.

So being in a hallucenogenic state simply would make one more uncritical of whats being presented.

My concept of bad entitys is that they are on a cocaine/amphetamine type of high all the time and having such they like repetative thought loops in their victims because essentially thats what they like and they don't want anything more..

About a 5 second cycle loop.

Obvoiusly there are some people here that have had other experiences other than negative. And I hope they never have a bad experience.

But it might be that the bad entity hasn't taken off the kid gloves because the victim isn't weakened and confused enough.

The victim would weaken himself by engaging in some mind twisting exercise that supposedly acomplishes something but actually is the entity conditioning the victim to a futile and weakening experience. The victim might have good intentions for such exercises such as saving the world.

Street people that talk to themselves are a good illustration of the final result because they are trapped in such a repetative thought/logic/emotion/ loop. Long term predation.

A very overwhelming and tiring state. so they don't have much resources to take care of themselves and they become hostile.

Since this is a thread about entitys, talking about neurochemical imbalances and schizo street people should be in another thread.

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The bibrain system is a marvel of the universe.

Verbal language and thought is dependant on the intercommunication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

Interrruption between the two brain hemishperes would be as easyer than submarines tapping/interupting in on undersea optical or otherwise cables.

I think only entitys could do so which would create tension as one would like to complete ones thoughts.

Anothe tantalus feeling.

A nasty and cheap way of doing stuff but even more effective than the slow conning stuff I was talking about above.

The hammer rather than a slow poison.

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A intersting physical phenomenon I heard of is that prolonged close physical contact for weeks with a entity creates a interesting temporary transparent skin patch. 1/2 square inch.

The theory is that the microspheres of water that normally make the skin opaque are somehow dispersed by some sort of microwave energy.

A microwave entity detector?

Shades of Ghost Busters. :uzi:

The same thing can be done by injection in the skin of either glycerine or glycerol. Some sort thing medical students due for a stunt.

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wasn't gonna post till after i submitted my thesis (holy crap I'm stressed outa my frincken gourd!!!!)

Anyways, re reliability of 'them'....

went and had my heart checked, and apparently im fit as a fiddle. Blood pressure AOK, lungs in top shape. Heart fine.

so does that mean 'they' were wrong, or perhaps I misunderstood, or im crackers? I can't say anything with certainty

ATM I'd seeing it this way:

There may not be any empirically demonstrable symptoms at this point, but given past experience and current circumstances, I know that there is potential for problems in the future if I don't get serious about living NOW.

The overarching impression is of having been warned, for which i am grateful.

So the conundrum im in now is, do i take what they said as the truth and do everything in my power to prevent these future events from taking place, or do I doubt them and maybe try and convince myself that it was really just my subconscious trying to tell me not to do something?

Could you do both? I mean, ultimately, are these two aspects mutually exclusive? Ie, perhaps your subconscious is trying to tell you something...that in your heart of hearts you are aware that if you keep doing things the way you are doing them now, there is potential to manifest tragedy.

Maybe the 'vision' you saw won't ever come true (personally, I don't believe that the future is predetermined...we always have choices), but something approaching it could.

It sounds hackneyed, but IMO you need to follow your heart. but then im somehwhat biased towards that organ at the moment.


I do not believe that there exist malevolent autonomous entities 'out to get us' (maybe because Ive never encountered one...touch wood), but then i may also have to subscribe to the idea that benevolent beings are also a load of mumbo jumbo (a savoury idea Im reluctant to abandon).

Are these 'bad' ones a common variety?

Sure, Ive experienced entities that scared the bejesus out of me, but never any i thought wanted to deliberately harm me.

That said, if whatever 'they' are is simply a part of ourselves so strange we cannot help but experience it as separate, then as an aspect of self 'their' motives are our motives, which, ultimately, if we are 'healthy', would be to preserve us, not destroy us. But then destruction is often necessary for growth...so our subconscious would want to annhililate us at times I suppose....ah, its all good.

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what 'they' say should not be taken for granted. whether their are good or bad influences at work.

objective consideration of the possible consequences of following any feelings associated with visions should help to discriminate between 'good' vibes and otherwise.

wandjina: perhaps u needed th reasurance that u r physically ok during this nerve-racking time in ur life. if so, how fortunate to have such caring spirits. :)

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Another interesting phenonmemon is the phosgene techenique.

Pressing the eyes creates a triggering on the retina.

A entity can theorically do so as pressure wave on the retina.

When applyed in a pulse 1/2 second long repeat pattern its supposed to to be a hynosis type,

or 1/2 ro 2 second brain cycle for sleep.


But ineffective so why it described.

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well my voices maynot have been too accurate on the race, but makybe deva did win the cox' plate.

chemical Shaman--i'm really pre-occupied at the moment, but i have a great deal to respond to your comment which i only just noticed.

i'll try & get back to you as soon as i'm able. BTW the amazon shamans are just the tip ov the ice berg. the black hat tibetan monks are the real genertors ov dimensional balance.

sorry i can't expoand more right now. PM me.

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If I were you I'd get your heart checked out. Why not? You may or may not prevent yourself from being seriously sick, but you will definitely find out something very interesting about our gnomic friends.

thats very good advice

i have sensed major illnesses coming on under the influence of ayahuasca and also sensed the road to recovery under the same

in teh former i saw a vision that took me inside my eye and down past the level of blood and tissue to the molecular level where is saw glistening crystalline polyhedral entities attacking me

less than a week later i broke out in a serious case of viral conjunctivitis

Other times i have sensed greater attention to parts of my body abused or neglected and been abl eto see the damage and the way to fix it. Great advances in my wellbeing have been made using this ability inspired by shroms or LSD or especially ayahuasca

its hapenned enough times no wthat i pay careful attention when i get the 'picture'

they maybe you on another level trying to tell you what you need to know right now

Edited by Rev

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This thread couldn't have come at a better time for me.

This felt like total and utter truth.

I know where u are at

Everytime i go back its the same story

same vision, same path ahead, everytime clarified a bit...

im meant to be in a certain special place as soon as i can and i know just what i have to do there

and as u allude its not primarily a matter of my personal satisfaction but the whole future of well..everything. is tied in with this role i have to play that is acutely humble but which is a pivotal cornerstone for the ages

In the meantime im meant to rehearse so when i can make the jump more smoothly when im ready

Its comforting because i have no idea what going to happen yet i have absolute faith one where im meant to be and what im meant to be doing

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I totally understand it's like 'they' know that you first of all believe and that you are commited to your cause and then all of a sudden you are tuned in.

It matters not whether you take a substance either ...'they' are always there and are happy to let you know that yes...you ARE an integral part of the whole and there's no escaping that fact.

I can't wait for the day when we all gather together and talk this stuff out in real-time 'cause I aint gonna be the only one to say something we all understand and somehow know but can't actually explain why or exactly how.All I know is that we come from different angles and a unique combination of types and such a meeting will be illuminating for all.

Nice to hear from you again CS too.

Now they're telling me to sleep :wink:

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Like a plant that can absorb sunlight, energy communication waves can be absorbed into food instead of the false commincation.

Cetainly some people like plant style rather than eating animals.

As a in vacuum energy absorbtion.

Another theory.

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Much over my biological outlook as it physics

A engineer is simply a physics major without imagination.

A biologist is mathematically challenged .

Still the biologist I think has the right outlookl.

But if such exists than a plant type energy absorb could actually sustain actual beings that aren't molecularized.

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The lyrics for this song (which is fast becoming my favourite) seem appropriate here.

Cog - The River Song:

His life had become perpetually incomplete,

there was always something missing

73% of the population were involved in some form of recall stabilisation program to compensate for unquantifiable consciousness anomalies.

Unlike most people, he new exactly where he'd find the answers

For fourteen years he'd lived and worked inside the Euronic layer outside the Mandalay belt, some six hundred miles from the source.

He'd always known the forbidden zone had been just that, forbidden, and yet he could contain his curiosity on longer.

There would be no more internalised debates, the decision had been made.

He would enter the forbidden zone.

I know you'll say that your time here is short and you'll pay

You wait all day for the chance to arrive, it's too late

By the time I arrive here, ready to begin, I will, I will

I'm on my own! Who do you believe?

What he witnessed from the edge of the escarpment was incomprehensible and yet it made perfect sense

A euphoric wave rushed through his mind, affecting every thought and emotion he had ever experienced

A thousand realisations, so complex they tore at the fabric of consciousness itself.

It was a reality that could not possibly exist.

The fight for his mind had begun

I know you'll say that your time here is short and you'll pay

You wait all day for the chance to arrive, it's to late

By the time I arrive here, ready to begin, I will stay! I am always on my own, I'm always on my own

You are on your own again, killing time

I am always on my own

I'm always on my own, I'm always on my own

Shelter yourselves against the mass parade, shelter yourselves against the masquerade.

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A another point to mention is that entitys are a pack affair, lets say six, like pack dogs.

Thats means its very confusing for a bibrain {us} to figure where such is originatinating as in ten feet from multilple inputs having a two brain system.

And at last there is the movie that Segurgny Weaver, who as a actreress who first came known as which is named the Entity a { movie}, based on a theorical story of supernatural rape.

Or a incubus/sucumbis as called in the medieval ages.


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just out of curiosity i more closely checked out a supplement I've been taking as a study aid, and found this:

L Tyrosine Side effects

Overstimulation, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations or arrhythmia are side effects that occur from high doses of tyrosine. These can occur in sensitive individuals in as low a dose as 200 mg.

I was taking it when i had my scary heart experience. hmmm

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i think you are spot on.

it would have worsend the anxiety which was related to the stress of writting the thesis.

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I certainly believe in the existence of other entities, beings, spirits, or whatever you may label them as, but what disturbs me is the way that a lot of people who have some kind of contact with these spirits uncritically accept what they tell them, especially in light of the fact that these messages often seem flattering or simply "what we want to hear."

In a lot of experience reports, its bizarre when people are like "yeah, I was fully freaked out and it felt really dark and sinister, and it seemed to be trying to steal my soul, but I am sure that it is a wise teacher and I have much to learn, and I know it would never want to hurt me."

This just seems extremely naive, there's alot of evil in the world.

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I certainly believe in the existence of other entities, beings, spirits, or whatever you may label them as, but what disturbs me is the way that a lot of people who have some kind of contact with these spirits uncritically accept what they tell them, especially in light of the fact that these messages often seem flattering or simply "what we want to hear."

I'd have to disagree-nearly everything I've been told aint been what I wanted to hear, but everything I needed to hear and hardly flattering and if I hadn't listened then I'd be fucked now.I guess it depends on your circumstances and if your life is already perfect.

Humans don't like change and that's an age old fact.I myself like the shakedown that entities bring upon the "classical mess" that is the human being.The only illusion seen is that we have a fuckin' clue in the first place :P

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wandjana,spun me out when i read about ur 'heart' experience.

i drifted off with our acacia friends yesterday, and after my last inhalation, layed back on the couch to enjoy the experience (had a fantastic experience about 2 hrs earlier, beautiful,vivid imagery with some fantastic interactions with 'mayan/indian looking children ,who seemed to care a great deal for me')

anyways i layed down, and felt myself falling DEEP.Ah im ok i thought, will be all good.

Then a voice:" hes going now,"

another:"hes gone now,not long and hell be with us."

I thought, "im ok man, its all good!"

then a hearty laughter from the 'entities'

"no ur not my friend", "look at ur heart....look!!"

i then became aware of the irregularity of my heart , it was loud at first, then started to slow down rapidly.

like wandjina said, i became aware of my hearts flow, of the valves etc and could literally hear the blood flowing through it.

"U are dying" they said, almost jovially, "soon u will be with us!!"

"Nah, im o.k" i said, trying to reassure myself.

"So u think....." they laughed

"Am i dying?" i questioned nervously.


they replied , sternly.

AT this i shat myself,(not literally mind, but close) and jumped up,bolted out the door, and tried running up the street, still in full acacia mode, trying to figure out of i could get my heart working at full potential again again, or if i was already dead!!(and where the fuck is my body?) my heart felt to be straining, and i was not fully aware of my body, i was just a heart trying to amble up the street, when i saw my friends walking up the same street(whom i thought at that time where well in with the 'entities' scheme and knew EXACTLY what was going on.

'Am i dead guys? u can tell me u know....'

which was met with raptuous laughter..which furthered my suspicions of their entity alliance.

'Ur not dead jono, but what the fuck is wrong with U??my mate said he could hear my heart pounding, and slowly i started to come back into my body, and started to realise that i hadnt died(or had i?)

weird stuff, and i am going to have a check up done on my heart,

like wandjina i(and others!) havce put my heart through alot during my short (27 yrs) on this plane, and maybee they were telling me to take my health alot more seriously.

respect to the acacia legume.!!


plus a question, is it possible to stop ur heart using our acacia friends??

i know this would possibly dependent on the users hearts health, but would be interesting to hear peeps thoughts on this matter.

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jono you freak me out, once on an extreem dose of aya, they told me the same thing, that i was dead allready, but somehow i believe this to be true and life is nothing more than a holographic like memory of the past. something like all our life experiences are put into us at a certain time and than just played.

the problem is that once you are straight again, one can't understand anymore those concepts, or it would take a hundred words to describe someting that whils beeing under the influence, you seemed to understand right away.

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Yeah, sorry, quick post and I guess I only presented half the equasion... It seems naive people are often sucked in by flattery, while the more skeptical among us get the shit scared out of them... I don't think anyone's life is perfect though, unless that remark was facetious

I don't know, it just seems a little sinister... my bro's been messing around with Salvia extract, and a lot of the stuff he's heard/seen seems pretty evil to me.

No offense to those whose experience has been different though, I've just seen some very accurate entities do some very evil stuff in the past.

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