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The Corroboree

EGA SAB/AE meet up point


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What better time to make this post when I should be studying? <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

So I've floated this idea already, but perhaps we can actually make it happen with a little planning.

What do people think of having a meet up point where forum members can go to put faces to the names? Not sure how the best way to go about it would be. Through the EGA crew themselves? Or perhaps just have a time and place on each day where we can wander over and see if anyone is there? Plenty of people from both forums will be there, so ample opportunity to meet each other...


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I think we should have a SAB versus AE arm wrestling competition. I'll be representing SAB, of course, and I'll be the clear winner. Torsten, I'll accept a kiss on the cheek as payment.

But seriously folks, I think this is a great idea. Maybe we should organise it around the camp locations, so that we can keep running into each other while we run around to check out workshop and lectures. We could also hang out in the evenings, etc. I haven't been to EGA before so I don't know the camping layout. Hillbily had his Village set up at a recent doof and this made it very easy and casual for forum members to meet up. Is it possible to have a SAB Village corner of the camp area?

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There are plans afoot already.

just waiting for Ronny to get back to me, but i know hes busy.

But we may have a space for a couple of hours to meet and swap plants and have just have an opportunity to meet other forumy plant geeks.

I love the idea of the SAB village - i wonder if a designed space can be set aside. There is the chapel, and this has been suggested in the past as potential meeting points.

Cheers, Ob.

Edited by obtuse
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I think we should have a SAB versus AE arm wrestling competition.


Wouldn't Mud Wrestling be more fun?

I am very keen to to catch up with SAB peeps. A designated spot for the duration of EGA is a great idea. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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i want to take on your tantalising biceps marcel. and we all know what the loser must submit to.

i kicked everyones ass in the thumb wresting comp at 07 ega, i believe theres a picture floating around here showing me absolutely smashing yowies ass.

speaking of yowie/marsha, has anyone heard from him??? would be good to know hes doing well.

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ok i found a meeting space and time that we can run with for the co-forum meet up

workshop Dome 1 saturday 11am - 1pm

obtuse can you run with this info as i do not have time to push it but i can offer it.

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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So is anyone else going to wear one of these?


Despite the fun I would have using a fake name, (hee hee I'm not really Marcel) the molestation that i would receive from incognito would probably get tiring after day three

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