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The Corroboree

Mystery extract


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What if I told you I am right now assaying an herbal extract that is completely legal and indistinguishable from excellent cannabis in it's effects? It smokes exactly like fine ganja, but is less tasty and a little harsh.

Previous pyrolization experiments on myself and with my students were all favorable--highly so.

I am trying it today (1/2g in a capsule) to see if it works orally and so far it does. I took it around 50 minutes ago and am now going to go home and relax.

I will have a full report tomorrow.

This is fun. I think a gram would be better....

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is it a single herb or a combination? will you share the species name or is that secret for the time being?

does it have both the psychedelic and the sedative effects that pot has or is it more one or the other?

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Australia is scared of it's own freakin' shadow.

Doesnt really matter.

You were going to tell someone anyhow else you wouldn't have said 'im trying this right now'. :D

So really, you should either never respond to this thread again and live happily with your faux-cannabis, or share it, and let it come to whatever it shall be.

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When I am fully convinced of it's efficacy through repeated bioassays by both myself and others I will reveal the species name.

I am not the first one to follow this route in this forum and I am certainly not here to yank your chain. I'm being cautious. I don't want to give out incorrect information.

That being said:

Last night I had a wonderful experience by orally ingesting a total of 950mg of extract in two capsules 1 hour apart, and 2 hours later smoking a joint with my students of the extract combined with the flowers. Some of these students had not previously tried this extract.

Agreement as to the clearly very cannabis-like effects was unanimous.

One said she felt 'less psychically threatened' than with cannabis but otherwise it was almost identical.

Last time we tried it, two weeks ago, some even said they felt it the next day.

I feel confident you will all know the name of the plant shortly; I just want to try it under different circumstances in different modalities to ascertain it's range of effect.

I get better effects from oral ingestion of this extract than I get from orally ingested medicinal cannabis, both organic and pharmaceutical THC.

It contains no illegal substances and has been used for centuries to treat numerous conditions by the local peoples in the regions to which it is native.

Reminder: I am using a 25x concentrate.

Hint: It is a plant some of you have probably tried, but not in the extract form. Unextracted it was not very active, if at all.

It's not Scutellaria baikalensis, although that would be a good guess and a likely candidate for further investigation.

It's not a Pedicularis species, either.

[ 10. February 2005, 01:04: Message edited by: friendly ]

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friendly, a few questions.

What kind of extraction are you using?

Are the psychoactives in the plant material simply alcohol soluble, or do they require a more advanced extraction?

If so, are we talking nonpolar/polar, or acid/base?

How easy is the plant to grow?

Are the flowers of similar shape/size/texture to cannabis?

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WOW what a teacher wish i had this much fun as a student , (don't need any more students ?) My guess : Nymphaea caerulea .

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I enjoyed the extract i got from Herbalistics and actualy enjoyed the flavor of the smoke (kinda like 'Bank' tobacco , anything but harsh) and it is orally active. I am convinced there is something good here But hey I'm only playing the guessing game like the rest of us . :D

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It's a hydro-ethanolic extraction concentrated to 25x of Leonotis leonuris flower petals, commonly known as wild dagga.

I smoked it smeared on cigarette papers which were filled with dried and crushed L. leonuris flower petals. Several of us smoked each joint on each occasion and the effects were consistently agreed upon as being almost identical to mj but without some of the psychic edge.

I was as surprised as you are now when it actually worked consistently and felt like what mj used to do when I was new to it.

The plant has a reputation for being inconsistent but this may be due to our lack of understanding of it's requirements.

It has a reputation for working the first time and then not working again, so I wanted to be certain it was reliable before I mentioned it by name.

The effect I got from eating a gram of the extract--when oral cannabis, either organic or pharmaceutical thc has none on me--was very strong. This was what finally convinced me that it was indeed highly worthy.

I smoked cannabis later the other evening after smoking the Leonotis with my students and couldn't tell a diference; I couldn't feel the cannabis.

I did not make this extract; it was sent by a friend on another continent. He may or may not have disclosed the correct details of the extraction method to me in order to keep control of the product which I am certain he is going to make of it.

[ 11. February 2005, 02:07: Message edited by: friendly ]

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Leonoris extracts are available now in several places. I've heard of 25x hash being offered. I might order some or do an extraction myself. I have a good sized bush of the orange flower variety with narrow leaves plus some wide leaf varieties. I gave away a big bag of l.l. flowers a while back because they had set around a long time. I get stuff and never use it or swap it off. I never cared much for smoking the flowers but the resin sounds interesting. Good work, friendly!


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Mine came as a fresh resin extract. Drying it all the way down to a hash may cause some loss of potency. Unless it is just resin mixed with flowers to make it solid and called hash.

Also, I believe the extract I have to be newly made; it may lose potency in a short time for all I know.

I will need to try it again in a month (although I have had it sitting around at least that long at room temperature between uses) and each month thereafter to see how long the potency lasts.

If the potency is durable, it would be a very nice addition to anyone's medicine bag.

I also have a 10x he sent that I haven't even tried yet.

I assumed with the plant's reputation it would be best to go with the strongest extract first.

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Friendly, in your experience with this extract, how well does it work on pain relief compared to cannabis?

Have you noticed any strong relaxation of the muscles in the upper back/neck region for more beneficial stretching(in turn pain relief) of this area?

Great work, your students are very lucky having you as a teacher.

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Well done friendly.

Just like you said, I think this resin extract will go well in my medicine bag.

Out of curiosity, what exactly is a hydro-ethanolic extract?

[ 11. February 2005, 09:28: Message edited by: apothecary ]

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