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The Corroboree

Australian Drug Lords

mr me

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Is it just me or does there seem that every 2nd tv show involves crime / police. There is a new show on called Australian Drug Lords - Drug Lords is a real stretch. I think I've come to the conclusion that these shows like Border Security are almost meant to indoctrinate and cower the public into submission.

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it seems the next level in mind control/ programming is presenting itself as a tv diet consisting predominatly of master-slave psychology. Obey the authority, give up your personal power. YOU WILL GET CAUGHT> here shut up watch this.

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It's classic illuminati mind control! Even if you watch old shows like bewitched or the flintstones you can see how they are deliberately designed to influence peoples thoughts and tell them how to act and whats considered normal. You know, don't concern yourself with individual freedom or politics, it's more important to be a well behaved little wife, or spend your whole life trying to impress your boss and go to any length to convince other people that your normal just like them. scaring people into complying by telling them they won't be excepted into society unless they live a certain way, is just one method.

Another method is pumping our heads full of murder and sex crimes, which I think is about creating hate as much as it is about creating fear. Anyway, apart from the constant murder and rape, theres two things these stupid cop shows always have. The first is the criminal (The lex luther) who is evil by nature, then you have the super cop (The superman)who is always perfect in every way.

It's all about conditioning us into the belief that there is some sort of evil force out there that we need protecting from and that there is a force thats good and pure in everything they do (the government), which will always protect us from the evil force. They influence our thoughts into the belief that there is this good and bad force in everything we do and that the good force is the one that looks and and acts just like you.

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It's classic illuminati mind control!

people have always been fascinated w/tales ov outlaws & daring dirty deeds: Robin Hood, Dick Turpin, Al Capone etc.

W/the success ov Underbelly it's no surprise there are a slew ov low budget documentaries about the Australian underworld attempting to cash in on that success.

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Of course I agree that radio and TV have and is being used to intentionally influence people for a whole range of reasons by a whole range of people/groups.

Border control is a great example

but it raises a question from my way of looking at it.

I often have difficulty seeing how one group of people (say the Illuminati) could possibly have the ability to have such a large amount of control, in a world that can be and usually is so hard to control. Of course aspects of the world can be controlled or even maintained by humans but I wonder how all encompassing really is.

I think that shows like border control and the like are often what people simply want to see or feel they need to see. We often feel the need to be social, we often feel the need to be part of the pack. Surely primary and high school taught most of us that their is no easier way to feel part of the pack than to exclude some poor other kid from "your" pack. For example school teachers have a great deal of power over students, yet I am sure most students will become out of control at some point.

To me the world is a jungle for the most part, that's not to say we cant be influenced in ways that do not have our best interests at heart.

Edited by Sonny Jim
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The Police Service has become the Police Force, notice the uniform change over the last 20 years. Expect more tv to be infused with military control type themes. Turn off the TV, there are better things in life anyway.

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yeah i agree!!! its what people WANT to see!! its entertaining!! have more people watching they can charge more for advertisers.

they are supplying the consumers with what they want. view recent success of the 'underbelly' series, COPS shows etc.

slybacon ur illuminati stuff is starting to get rather creepy <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_unsure.png

Even if you watch old shows like bewitched or the flintstones you can see how they are deliberately designed to influence peoples thoughts and tell them how to act and whats considered normal

i dunno, but i never found myself compelled to rig up a wooly mammoth to do my washing up..

however i do feel compelled to find a woman like tabitha? is that her name? anyways she was hot and could just do everything with a blink of the eye. the mother in law sucked i believe.

wtf?? this 'illuminati' shiz is goin to far now when u start associating your bogeyman with the flintstones lol. r u SUUUREEEE smoking pot doesnt exacerbate paranoia??

jesus guys im surprised ur able to walk out the front door.

u dont need the government to scare u into control, yas do a good job of it yourselves!

Edited by incognito
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people have always been fascinated w/tales ov outlaws & daring dirty deeds: Robin Hood, Dick Turpin, Al Capone etc.


That's a very good point. Wouldn't the fact that people have probably always been fascinated with stories of outlaws and good over evil, then make it the perfect thing to use against them? The magician distracts the people by waving his magic wand in the air with his right arm, while he steels your watch with his left.

Border security, the force and shows like that are clearly used as police and government propaganda, even blue heelers would of been constantly working there show around making the vic police look the shit.

Not saying it's all the illuminati, but come on! All these cop shows they got on tv now, it's like there not giving you a choice to watch anything else. Society can't honestly be that mentally sick that they actually enjoy watching shows about people being mutilated, raped and murdered, sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same night on the same channel, I mean WTF!

I remember years ago after a few cones I wouldn't mind sitting back and watching law and order or something, trying to work out who the killer was. But it's just gotten to the point where it feels like it's been forced upon us in order to influence our lives.

BTW, you can point a gun at someones head and force them do something, but you can't point the gun at them and force them to want too. In other words, of course a group of very rich and powerful families (let's call them the illuminati) could never force the whole of society to comply with there demands. But can anyone actually deny that they could quite easily infuence our thoughts and convince the 'majority' of us that we want to comply, without us even actually aware that we are being forced?    

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slybacon ur illuminati stuff is starting to get rather creepy


My contribution to this thread is relevant not creepy at all, its only natural for you to be in denial. How is telling people to turn off their TV creepy??

I find it very hard to believe that these cop shows are what people want to see.I really hope that society is intelligent enough to see through all this.

This is obvious (not creepy)

Cop show called - The Force!!!!!!! Isn't the police service as in public service, not FORCE!!!! fuck incog wake up man. Your being lied to on a daily basis.

None of this shit matters if you turn off the TV..... simple

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LOL i dont watch tv. hard to believe people want to watch cop shows. geez alot of people that i know and talk to LOVE watching underbelly and the nz cop show. its entertaining. its exciting. ive seen border security and i enjoyed it!! some of the security guys are pretty fucked up, but funny when u see what people are trying to get in, and get away with it. thank fuck we have border police, thank fuck we have police for that matter.

dude im just gonna call it. i think ur fuken paranoid.

as far as wake up, dude, how about u take ur own advice. the world aint out to get you ;)

i think ur paranoia is far mor damaging to yourself and 'society' than your supposed bogeyman ..the 'illuminati' wooooooohhh ooohhhhhhhh look out man!!! their in the flinstones! there in bewitched! there in fucking lady gaga!!! arghhhh!!! run for the fuken hills its the illuminati!!!

how about this thought for a second... your the consumer... YOU have the power to decide what the fuck u can watch, listen to, spend your money on. Stop layin blame on your bogeymen and start thinking and chosing for yourself.

I DO think its fear mongering.

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I'm pretty sure the influx of police crime shows started because one was popular, and then the TV executives realised if they just put more on, they would have more popular shows! It worked.

That's not to say the shows are not themselves propaganda peices they are, but not in the way you've described them, at least in my opinion.

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If Im so paranoid psyco and off the mark why do feel the need to personally address me in your posts incog. If what i say is so far from reality that it makes me creepy and psycho then just ignore me asshole.

Im just gonna say it. Your walking around with your eyes shut! I haven't mentioned anything about illuminati in this thread, you just launch off at anyone who mentions the fact that what we see around us might not be as it appears. The police are becoming more militarised illuminati or not. They are The force and sorry for not liking this fact. You can call me all the names under the sun but it wont make your life or opinions any better.

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I dont think its paranoid at all. Do we currently have the queens head on all our money? So why is it so hard to comprehend the total, and i mean total control of the human race .Do you honestly think they make plants etc... illegal to protect the youth? Enjoying your enslavement does not make you one of ''them'' and will not protect you. ............................................................................................................................................................https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo330/blowng/27788_1465666245881_1360278601_1227.jpg&key=24f4ab2f3ce36ac425c4c91d170470d96a89d8255c4e79560e30fbf542b3866e.

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If what i say is so far from reality that it makes me creepy and psycho then just ignore me asshole.


Come on Sly, keep it civil. You have posted some excellent stuff and people are more likely to listen if you don't call them names. All you can do is inform people and let them make up their own minds.

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suppose its a bit like war...Ive found myself sitting at a pub whining away to my friends how bad it is that the US invaded iraq etc and then I go home and play COD on the xbox :S

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Come on Sly, keep it civil. You have posted some excellent stuff and people are more likely to listen if you don't call them names. All you can do is inform people and let them make up their own minds.


i dunno, i reckon nito has been rude to sly enough times now. no offense nito, its fine to disagree, but you are coming across as one of those people that ridicules novel ideas and talks anyone down for defying the status quo. a lot of people hold similar views, and comments a lot more poignant than yours haven't dissuaded them.

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okay okay??!! look sorry if ive offended.


poignancy has never been a forte of mine.

i aplogogise.

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Police are supposed to protect and serve the people , but it looks more and more like they are becoming a privatized gang which protects the fascist new world order regime .......................................................................................post-4908-127477798571_thumb.jpg




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lol no need to apologise, i have broad shoulders. the day i take anything to heart on an internet forum is the day i truly start questioning my existence ;)

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while we r on the topic!!!

The police are becoming more militarised

id like to see them MORE militarised!!!

asides from the exceptional cases of deaths in custody, some of which where (are) no doubt brutal acts of cold murder, id love to see it back in the day where a policeman could give u a sound flogging for calling him a 'pig' to his face!!

i used to manage a hotel here in the central west many years ago, and when the cops would come when we needed help, they would be the centre of all kinds of abuse, people screaming pig at them and telling them to get fucked and so on, spitting on them, abusing them so blatently. how i prayed one of the cops would pull out his gun and pistol whip one of those fuckers into submission.

im so glad we have cops. and the cops i personally know do a great job! for the conditions they have to work in!

i think its admirable for anyone who wants to join the police force, for the right reasons.

im so sick of the complete disregard for the police that has become so evident out here in the central west. in so many ways there hands are tied. people just dont give a fuck.

im not saying that there aernt corrupt cops or cops who are in there jobs for the WRONG reasons.

people who abuse that power are in fact just that 'pigs'. But bear mind for the cops out there doing good work, doing the best they can.

edit.. i was readin somewhere someone saying, if this is how humans can behave in a policed state, imagine what we are capable of in an unpoliced state.

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