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Mouse elbow...we need a health and well being subforum huh.

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This is a very serious condition...I know because I have it...for about the last 6 months I have had increasing amounts of pain in the elbow and wrist area of my right arm..the mouse arm.

This was partly the reason I was taking more and more painkillers with an anti-inflammatory in them, Jesus now I'm clean of pain meds this condition has increased in intensity 10 fold. Honestly it is extremely painful and makes it incredibly hard to get proper sleep, I lay on my right arm to sleep and always have done so now it's just extreme pain if I do that.

The elbow pain has now become wrist and finger pain with swelling across certain knuckles also.

Apart from not using a mouse anymore ...fuck what are the options...I haven't really been able to find any info in relation to healing this and ridding myself of this pain that is 24/7 and making me cranky...sometimes it hurts like hell to pick up a bowl of food..even picking up a pen off a table has had me almost screaming with pain.

read more HERE

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eeehhem..are you laughing at my pain big fella...tap.gif

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im laughing at the fact u have mouse elbow!

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I didnt read more here but , chiral do you find your arm/arms feels numb sometimes?? i think i have a variant or this condidtion in my forearms from pulling things together like rope and crimping tools and stuff , its real bad numb but hurts in the tendons and feels like i have a bruised elbow

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I didnt read more here but , chiral do you find your arm/arms feels numb sometimes?? i think i have a variant or this condidtion in my forearms from pulling things together like rope and crimping tools and stuff , its real bad numb but hurts in the tendons and feels like i have a bruised elbow


thats alot cooler injury than 'mouse' elbow.

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Nah its not as cool as it sounds " you have to try it first hand to see what i mean"

That would make it more painful( its wierd pain too ) i feels my veins and tendons tighten up , but the muscles stay numb two docs couldnt explain it " carpel tunnel or like it prob , i reckon some how indirectly caused by my love of ciggies not master bates or hard work maybe?? do you smoke ciggies chiral??

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I was always told to swap the mouse to the other hand. I never actually did that though and just reduced my time spent on the computer.

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unless you are a heavy mouse user for graphic design etc, your injury is more likely due to incorrect mousing. The main strain appears to be from alternately lifting and pushing the index finger. In my case I fixed this by getting a much larger mouse with an ergonimic shape and a smaller button. Reason being that I can now rest my index finger at all times except when I need to click, and with the click requiring little to no effort this is now no longer a strain.

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Some type of Arhritis? ... Some form of Elbow RSI??

If it doesn't go away after a couple weeks not using the mouse then you should probable go to a doctor and find the source of the problem so you dont damage it more. I have carpal tunnel syndrome as such..in my wrist from hardcore RPG playing, only way to fix the pain is with a operation apparently.

Edit: what Torsten mentioned about ergonomics is spot on, spend the extra money on a lighter/larger mouse, maybe even correct your chair height..etc..

Edited by vual

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So you were experiencing onset of this Torsten..?

because I have to find an alternative quick as it's getting progressively worse, I'm looking at a mouse/keyboard pad that is finger touch..it's a usb device and some people love it once they get used to it.

Mr G I can sympathise totally as I've been a little worried lately as I'm also geting pain in behind my knees and back of thighs..smoking + heavy computer useage can = carpel tunnel and RSI.

I am a heavy user of my computer to be honest, I'm on line constantly doing 3-4 things at a time constantly, reading, writing, browsing etc etc, even though i spend a lot of time in the garden and at work I still find time to rack up 10 hrs a day of computer useage...the pain in my legs is likely from poor posture and prolonged static positioning of the legs and continous bent knees and arms.

this shit is not good at all, I'll try a new mouse and see if I can find one that is more ergonomic, may need a wrist elevator too. I use a Microsoft windows mouse on a mac so I can access right click, but it's the central roll wheel that I love the most and couldn't do without it.

You know what shits me is that my doctor did not diagnose me with this even though i had x-rays and complained of extreme pain when I use the computer...he said it was from playing tennis when I was a teenager.

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umm maybee restrict ur time on the net?

seems a no-brainer to me ?

id take it as a sign ur spending way to long in front of a computer? at least until the symptoms subside?

i doubt theres anything u can do for it, except stopping the activity thats causing it?

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Changing hands worked for me.

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I'm no doctor so take this with a grain of salt.

In traditional chinese medicine your intestinal meridians run through your elbows, wrists and down into your hands and fingers. Large intestine problems commonly present with RSI problems in the left elbow, forearm, wrist and hand , where small intestine problems show in the right side.

They are both connected and many times problems show in both sides.

If you notice any flare ups in your condition coinciding with bouts of constipation or intestinal pressure or intestinal upsets this could be a clue as to what is really going on.

Sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day is clearly not what we have evolved to do, maybe it's not just your arms it could well be from your sitting position for extended periods.

You have hinted at the excessive time at the computer causing the problems, maybe you're right.

A lot of people get some relief from these symptoms by ditching the chair and sitting on a gym ball while they are at the computer as this gives your intestines a workout and you are never in the same place for long.

You said in another thread that you once worked as a Horse Stapper/Handler, did you have the RSI when you were doing REAL physical work that stressed the fuck out of all your tendons, muscles, ligaments ? or did the symptoms show up after you stopped bending your back and giving your intestines the on off compression they were designed to have ?( The kind of movement that forces intestines to work properly)

As for the anti inflammitories - fuck that shit man, I was a Kickboxer for years and I've got more serious long term injuries than most will have in 3 lifetimes. Doctors give anti inflammitories as a way to suppress the symptoms so you go away happy but they are a double edged sword.

I was on them for years and they destroyed the lining of my stomach and oesophagus and one night it came to head and I vomited well over half my blood and I almost died.

Arnica is a great anti inflammitory and can give some relief (but look for the cream not the gel, the gel runs out way too fast)as can clove oil and even peppermint oil.

Good luck man I hope you can get some relief.

No I don't

I hope you cure yourself.


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my right elbow hurts with pressure near the apex. same cause?? it's subsiding very slowly maybe since i changed my computer set up.

anyway since i used to be an office bitch with mad skills, i know how bad it is using a mouse and shifting your hand from mouse to keyboard, keyboard to keypad, mouse to keypad.. i used to stretch and massage from the elbow to the fingers on the train to and from work, but that isn't really the answer.

it's hard but i'd suggest switching to left mouse. if you keep using a mouse with your right arm it will just get worse.

another suggestion though, you can get a mouse and pad these days with a little sliding wrist rest that moves around with your hand, and/or an elbow rest.

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Interesting info there magic...I don't actually spend 10 hrs continuously using the computer, it is broken up by many walk aways, meals, errands, etc etc, plus I have net access at work.

I fully get that it's really bad for a body to sit crumpled up, and sag into yourself for hrs on end while you burn your retinas out staring at a brightly lit screen... :blink:

Working a labor intensive job or even just a regular job like an electrician or courier is generally not going to cause RSI or CTS, in fact these types of jobs are relatively healthy for an individual, I did how ever find that when I was a stable groom it brought it's own set of unique physical issues...to this day I have a back affliction caused by lifting huge ass grain feed sacks whilst in the stables, not to mention the various bites, kicks, knock downs and getting stood on, but at least ..(apart from the back injury) these are minor injuries that aren't necessarily life threatening or long term and heal quick.

So far...

permanent back injury - stable hand work

Sun cancer issues ongoing - working outdoors, landscaping, builders laborer and Satellite installation tech.

Acute RSI in right arm and possible CTS in legs - Computer use in various roles at work and recreationaly.

Everyone wants to talk about the dangers of using drugs etc.. well work and learning come with just as dire ones it seems...at least one can walk away from drug or alcohol use and regain health, but these work injuries are lifelong and you can't ever walk away from them.

I think might go back to my acupuncturist in the city and see if they have some therapy to assist in some healing, perhaps they have been treating this injury a lot more these last 10 years.

I recommend anyone who is spending a lot of time in front of their PC's everyday learn from this and take precautions now so you don't have to deal with it later in life.

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yes, I had this pretty badly in the days when mice still used to click loudly and were squarish. For me the biggest problem was holding up the index finger. Once I found a mouse that allowed me to rest the index finger and only shift it onto the button for clicking, things got rapidly better. It took me a while to work out what the pain was from as it was the muscle on the inside of my elbow [both above and below, but mostly the latter] which was seizing up [not my finger or wrist] and I suspected a myriad of other causes first. Had to stay off the computer for 2 months completely to let it heal [with antiinflammatories]. Then tried a few different designs, which were luckily just happening at the time. Found that sitting higher changed the angle of my wrist and put less strain on my index finger. Initially it was a larger more domed mouse that fixed the problem, but now I actually use a normal size dell mouse [which is kinda small for my hand] because I have found a position on this which allows me to rest the tip of my index finger on the non-active shell towards the tail end of the mouse [or any part of the shell rim that is comfortable]. That way there is zero tension on my finger until I want to click, which I often do while keeping the very tip *just* on the shell. ie, the problem with mice is that they click from the weight of your finger... if you can find a way to completely take the weight off while still comfortably being able to click [ie with no more effort han usual] then you are winning. Also, get used to scrolling the wheel with your middle finger as this also gives your index a break.

In some mice you can configure a thumb button to be the right button. Make the right button inactive - maybe even take the clicker out of it. That way you can rest all the time and the activity swivels from left to right without straining your index finger.

I have a friend who is about to flush his media career cos he has fucked his neck from laptop use and his hand from mousing. He's just 30.

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Check out this mouse I found...check out the whole product HERE


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i have to agree w/ Torsten here, a bigger mouse has helped my wrist Alot

also i also got a different keyboard that keeps my hands further apart and at a better angle, it took a bit to get used to though

also, learning all the key commands possible saves mucho time over mouse overall

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ur getting old u old fart!!

this is tragic, long gone are badbacks from toiling in the fields, now its RSI from using 'mice'??

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I thought this thread was about the health benefits of eating mouse elbow :lol:

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i dunno about that gun mouse. i'd love to try some of these but i'm not sure where to go in brisbane that would have track balls, pen tablets, large touchpads, vertical mice and the like. might have to just order one and hope for the best.

i'm partial to the suggestion of having more than one pointing device, and switching regularly.

chiral i still reckon you need to immediately switch to left mousing. after a while it's easy, although i still have a tendancy to use the right hand.

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can get a logitech trackball for 31 dollars. i would get the symmetrical one that is operated with the fingers. the thumb operated, mouse looking trackball looks like a peice of crap and it costs more.

i picked up the gun mouse for 70 dollars. its good, even in the left hand which is how i use it. it's somewhat hard to push the middle button (scroll wheel) without moving. also the buttons aren't really customisable eg can be assigned to various tasks, which was a major disappointment. good to use though.

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i am making a few medicinal lineaments and have a dit dat jow that may help you with this, but it wont be ready for at least another month or two.

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