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New years Resolution

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Heya all,

Just wanted to have a bitch at my missus, ex-missus actually. Guess what her new years reso was... to go out with a guy friend and cheat. Thats how we started the new year 01-01-10. Got a 2 year old son and a new house half built, life sux some times!

Put all my time and my energy into this family for 2 years and she fucks it all up in one night, new years day no less. Poetic.

Fucking cow!

Edited by Harry

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yep...she sounds like a right cow.gif alright.

show her the kerb I say.

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Heya all,

Just wanted to have a bitch at my missus, ex-missus actually. Guess what her new years reso was... to go out with a guy friend and cheat. Thats how we started the new year 01-01-10. Got a 2 year old son and a new house half built, life sux some times!

Put all my time and my energy into this family for 2 years and she fucks it all up in one night, new years day no less. Poetic.

Fucking cow!


sorry to hear that Harry.

There isn't much I can really say - except keep your shit together and think about your decisions. or rather don't make any decisions without sleeping on them and giving them some time to make sense.

Its no excuse but these things are very rarely planned and although it hurts to think about it there may be a lot behind what happened. find out why things worked out the way they did.

it sounds like the ball is in your court. You are in control of what happens next.

take care of yourself, and your son.

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good luck man, I hope everything works out for you guys and you pull through the shit smelling like roses.

and i think WT has the good word there ^^ sounds like wise advice.


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Harry, sorry to hear! Everytime something like this happens, you have to take action or you´ll end up losing her on the long term. Show her that you wont accept this behaviour. Women who do that will cheat again if you dont take drastic measures. I for my part would definately make it even and fuck another girl too just to prove that i can have other girls too if i want to. But i know that most men in your situation wont do that because there is a lot at stake. Nevertheless, you have to change something in the relationship dynamic or it will definately bite you in the ass. No matter what you do, show her that she crossed the line and that you wont accept that. Be hard as a rock even if it hurts badly. If you buckle at some point and act as if nothing happened, she got away with it and will do it again. I cant say you what to do or to say because you´ll probably know best what your options are. Just do something because the worst thing you can do now is passiveness. bye Eg

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Sorry to hear Harry, it couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke :( I agree with WT - take things easy and try to keep your head as clear as possible before making big decisions. Always keep in mind the most important person of all, your little dude. Thinking of you both, Ace.

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Always hated new years resolutions.

But seriously, that pains me to hear too. i think WT said it best; take care of yourself and your son.

All my best man.

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Thanx peeps, I appreciate your kind words. As with all stories that involve 2 there are 2 sides. The last 2 years since moving from Canberra have been challenging to say the least. WT your words are wise, however where raw emotion is involved logic is a fleeting concept and reality or truth it seems is beyond grasp. Its not the same from one minute to the next anyway.

Time has passed and I have found peace, the journey here has been life changing. Conflicting emotions existing simutaneously in such potency is madness but I have found my way clear.

There are many factors involved in the circumstances here, to many to list. Our child has had 1 chronic illness after the next which focused our attention on him leading to neglect of each other. As a result we lost our connection and although we loved each other we were no longer "in love" with each other. Circumstances were less than ideal with where we live and other sources of stress including the "father in law" gently manipulating my partner in hopes of breaking us up, put to much pressure and stress on the relationship. This last part I know because he admitted it to me. Guilt got the best of him.

What has happened between my partner an me is to catastrophic to simply make amends. We need some time apart to remember who we really are after all this. I have learnt a lot about life, relationships, love and myself.

For anyone who is in a failing relationship don't be appathetic the consequences are devestaing. Always put your love first, maintain that connection as it is the life line of the relationship. When things are tough come together to deal with it as apposed to retreating into your shell like I did. Sex is vitally important in a relationship.

I am a stronger and wiser person for all this, the cost is tragic though.

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Hey Harry,

Sad to hear that your relationship as it was ended in such a fucked up way. I don't really know you, how old you are, how many r/ships you've been in and all that so really I just wanted to share a small fraction of my experience with this stuff.

I broke up with a long term partner when my son was 8 months old. I surfed too much or something like that lol, nah - not really, it was just time to move on and as hard and fucked up as that was with a child involved, (who I immediately wanted 50/50 care of) things have panned out okay - it's two and a bit years on and the arrangements we have with care have taken work and really placing our son before ourselves. We got help with that cause we argued too much when it was just us, this helped in heaps of ways... the counsellor called us on our shit when we were going into it, held the space for each of us to get our point across etc she mediated the situation well and helped us make plans... so i'm dropping some links just cause they might be helpful.

http://www.centacare-canberra.org/uploads/files/Family%20&%20Relationship%20Counselling%20Brochure.pdf <-- this is the service we used...

http://www.familyrelationships.gov.au/www/agd/familyrelonline.nsf/AllDocs/C923408E4AE4285DCA257441000CC950?OpenDocument <-- this is the homepage they have centres in the ACT..

hope it all works out okay bro. Oh and I surfed alot more after we broke up :) win/win situation


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