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The Corroboree

NSW camping trip

El Presidente Hillbillios

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Hey all,

Was just putting out the idea of having a camp in February or March time, i was thinking maybe somewhere down in one of the state forests in the southern highlands. I could bring the genny, stereo and maybe some lights and laser n stuff. Even better if someone has a pa we could i pod to lap top some tunes, kinda our own chilled mini doof, chillax camp LOL.

Was a fun time camping last time and it would be cool to do it again.


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Yeah March sounds good, not quite autumn fungus time, but not so stinking February hot either, need activities for the daylight hours though, can't be high balling day and night although I'm sure a few of us will once again try too. Could maybe set up a volleyball/badminton court at the camp site even get a game of soccer happenin... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Hahaha, im a bit old n fat for soccer, but ill give it a go is someone is willing to resus me

SAB totem tennis championship? we could all donate summat little for the winner.

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Definitely keen, though I'd ask that we avoid the 12-14 March as I may be travelling. Also depends on uni commitments as I go back at the end of Feb, but shouldn't be a problem since I should have little work so early in the year.


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what about the 6th & 7th March?


I'm down for that date just to be difficult....https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.thenook.org/forum/style_emoticons/default/smirk.gif&key=0a55c122a241eddd941e574e317dee6ac871077303dbcd0c20f2bd4f7bdb6bb6

Anyone know when Mind Expansion and Faustas are back from their Thai skag honeymoon...?

I'm sure they would be up for another camp under the stars.

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id have to say march 6th n 7th too, because im doofing on the feb 27 weekend.

Id prolly have some room in the car too if anyone needs a lift.

is that good for everyone?

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im in if its cool.

we should definately do another winter camp at jenolan this year. that camp rocked. maybee we could do some cave tours this time as well?

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we HAVE to do another autumn/winter camp!

this season will NOT be missed!

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Can we just make it the one camp...two close together seems a little over the top at this stage...plus I just got work so will need to carefully plan ahead if to be able to grace a camp with my presences.

Was out at Jenolan caves 2 weeks ago for the day showing some of my wife's friends around etc...that place is so cool and mysterious...one curious thing I did notice, is the amount of relatively new landslides all around the hillsides on that windy drive around to the caves...seriously it looks like the whole place is about to shift and fall down it the valley, some slides only looked a few months old.

one good mini earth quake out there and those caves will be no more,.. or lost to millions of tons of rock, gums and rubble.

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i'm totally up for another camping trip. got to agree with chiral though that we should only organise one. if we try to have two i doubt most people will be able to make both. but if we've got one then we can make it happen. i got gigs on the 6th and 7th of march...so i'm putting forward the idea that we just do the winter/autum camping trip. we all know it's a killer spot, we know how to get there, we know whats (hopefully) in store. and i think it's safe to say we'll all be going there at some point this year anyway. so we might as well have an anniversary camping trip... make sure you bring your gremlin beating sticks and reindeer catching equipment.

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