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Reiki Healing

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Is anyone here into this? a student? teacher?

I recently went to a local Reiki practitioner as, like everyone else, have been having a bit of a hard time of late.

Not to go into specifics but i have been in a state of stress and high agitation for around 4 weeks.

Stressin so bad my gut would ache and tremble. My body felt wrecked, no energy, lethargic.

Well i have really responded to this reiki work. During the reiki my muscles lightened, i really felt the stored stress pour out.Like they where drained.

I cant really put it into words. I feel a kazillion times better! Theres definately something to it, i had quite visual 'hallucinations' during the reiki healing. I dont think the guy was to chuffed when i told him 'Its like LSD, when your not havine LSD!.

Definately cleans out yer chakras!!

Anyhoo, my next question is, how would someone, as a complete beginner, get into Reiki? Maybee a workshop, are courses offered?

Im really interested.

p.s i hafto ask any reikinians, itspretty crazy,but the chakra that is above your 'wang'?? well i totally tripped when he put his hand over that!! Seriously this energy like a rod came out, was quite intense!!! It kind of felt that he kept his hands there, unti it completely 'came out' of my stomach and dropped off??my stomach kinda closed up, and he cleared it away with his hand.. I know this sounds kinky and weird but its totally true!!

what does that mean?? haha. weird i know, imagine it happening.

My stomach feels completely better anyhow.


Edited by incognito

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Root Chakra

The root chakra is positioned at the bottom of the pelvis. The organs that are under it are the kidneys, adrenal glands, leg bones, large intestines, rectum, and spinal column. It is the chakra that keeps a person grounded to his physical existence.

anyhow---THAT chakra.

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Mmmm, it's a difficult topic because I have found that there are either the people who believe in it or there are the skeptics that scoff at the idea.

The original method of reiki was born and taught for free. Actually the more you give, the more you get. I bet you probably already know that about the physical world and energetically it is the same. Unfortunately or fortunately, I am not sure - there was a monetary value put on to the "courses".

The fact is, everyone has energy flowing through them. Everyone can use this and intensify it. The "course" only makes you believe that you can so then you start using it and practicing it.

I started the courses, completed the first, second and then suddenly realised that the courses are definitely not important. I went to Kyoto and looked for someone who was high up, close to the beginning, but it turned out he was just a robe-wearing dude who wanted to be put on a pedestal. Do ya need a temple, an alter, a church, a certificate? I'll save you the time and money - F#$% that!

Some basics points I like to remind myself are:

1) We are all at one "point" and reality is just a creation of our mind. That means energy transfer from me to you can happen anywhere because we are in the same place.

2) You need to practice everyday and meditate to be more aware of the energy

3) Like I said before, the more you give the more you get. Some the greater giving, for example Reiki the world for world peace or reiki the children's hospital, the more healing energy you are going to have available for you.

4) symbols and images may help - so if something feels like it is working, stick with it. eg. the taoist animals to protect and attract energy

5)There are so many more points we could all add to this list. What works for you?

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Yippy, finally I found it!

I saw this on Japanese TV about 5 years ago and I have been looking and looking for it. I've been trying to explain it to people but I get the, "Yeah right- you have taken way too much acid" look.

This guy is a Japanese energy healer (Mr Kanzawa). The previous week he healed some people but they said that it was maybe not legit because the people were maybe actors. So he said, lets go to the zoo and i will make the animals sleep.

So skeptics, explain this one!


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Hey Jono,

My friend Bek is deep into the Reiki thing, I know you guys chat occasionally so you could try contacting her via FB.

I cant comment on her current abilities as its been a while but she is doing Reiki/massage sessions from her place, she is very serious about her healing work and has done plenty of courses in Reki and other forms of healing and spirituality, so while its unlikely youll be able to get a session from her any time soon (unless your going to be in Melb for EGA) she should be a really good source of information and advice.

Anyway, just thought I would mention it and say hello for me if you get in contact with her.

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There was a thread about Reiki not too long ago I think?

Might be a source for some more info Jono.

I had reiki once, can't say I noticed any effect, but it was a long time ago, and I was quite young.

That you tube vid is pretty cool educate, certainly looks believable, but then again the animals may just be getting bored with the dude waving his hand so they have a nap. My cat does this all the time.

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my brother also practices Reiki, but i dont know alot about (im usually skeptical about this type of stuff) it ill see if i can get some info from him

allot of people offer workshops etc so he may be able to point some good info out that i can pass on

Edited by mac

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I rate reiki, Ive had a few different sessions, some that didnt seem to do much but others that, as you said, were very psychadelic with lots of challenging stuff coming up from within me.

Like any form of healing, there are some people that are amazing at it and some that are not so amazing. If you are getting results then that says the most imo.

I dont know much about the root chakra but I know when I bat off heaps I can feel my root chakra getting depleted.

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I know when I bat off heaps I can feel my root chakra getting depleted.

well that explains that :P

time to lay of the monkey spanking i suppose.

i have often wondered what damage you are doing yourself, both physically and spiritually, by jerking off on a daily basis??

Anyhoo this reiki healer in orange is REALLY good, if anyone from the area would like his number lemme know.

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the chakra above your penis is the sacral or sex chakra.the one below is the root chakra.

the colour in the west for the sacral chakra is orange.thought this interesting cos the guy was wearing orange and you remembered that, and it might mean he has a personal thing with working on that chakra ?

a yoga book recently advised,if your body needs to masturbate then its healthy to do it.so i guess you have to workout if your body needs it or if you have another reason......?

balance ?

t s t .

Edited by t st tantra

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yeah well im not really up to date on the different chakra points but the one I was refering to is right near my junk.

Yeah I agree that there are times when it is healthy, and can also balance that chakras if its getting a bit overloaded.

Its interesting cos for me sharing an orgasm with a partner does the opposite of depletion, but thats not really about reiki :P

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Anyone can do this,it's not an elite practice...you've probably done it many times without calling it Reiki,which is just a word for "universal Life Force"

Look up Usui for some insight.

Much like acupressure...like my acupuncturist said when I told him "that's where I press sometimes for relief"

He replied "Well a book didn't just fall out of the sky!" and winked as he left the room for 30 minutes.

It's all energy and balancing.

Drugs,wrong doing,eating,stress,pollution etc. this puts the body in a state of imbalance.

A practitioner has learned how to re-align the patient,usually by re-aligning themselves and living right.

Get yourself attuned and the force will flow naturally.

If you find someone who is willing to attune you and won't accept payment,then your on a good thing.

Some get on their high horse and think they own it LOL attunements can cost thousands!!!

I've been attuned by a Master,but the Pharma Co's are stuffing with the flow to an extent.I'm self-treating some nights for withdrawals.

Hey jono feel the energy in a sick plant with your hands above and around it,keep it in mind and keep doing it with intent day after day.

Do the same with a vigorous one too.

Notice any warmth/cold in the centre of your palm?

You'll be surprised :wink:

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I agree completly that everyone can do this, but I dont get the stigma? surrounding people that do it for a charge. Everyone can grow food or be happy, but people pay for these services or guidance without questioning it. A potato is still a potato whether I grew it myself or bought it.

Having said that I have never paid for Reiki :P

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Hi GingaNinja. I agree about what you said about paying for something. It's really unavoidable in this world unless you live in a cave. Money coming in and money coming out. Definitely you have to charge for the work you do and if people want to pay for it, they will.

I guess it is just me. I'll pay for some things but Reiki didn't seem right at that time in my life (for me anyhow). I did the first course for about $100, the second for about $400 and then the third was going to be over $1000. I felt like plants had taught me more than what I was going to learn so chose to keep my dollars for something else.

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For sure educate. I guess my post may have come off a bit like I was having a go. Looking back its kinda a pointless post as all people have different values and things they want to spend their money on. Some of the things that I refuse to pay for people think are weird :)

Anyway all good, im only at the begining of trying to understand my body's energy and how to use that for healing.

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i paid $60 for an hr session. im going back next thursday. The effects are amazing in my mind.

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Cool B) paying for a session and getting results is well worth it.I'm glad you're experiencing it Jono...it's an amazing eye-opener hey.

I was talking becoming attuned i.e. a practitioner...just the way I see some people claiming they know the secrets when all it comes down to is energy and charging ludicrous prices for something we all have as a birthright.

People who will attune you and teach you the symbols,hand positions,chants etc out of love are amazing humble people.I admire that quality over the dollar.

The more you go,the more attuned you will become through Chakra balancing anyway.That's when you can really feel it flowing and use it whenever needed.Then borrow some books from the library and practice :)

Edited by mescalito

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the traditional way these sort of modalities were taught, from teacher to student, was usually through a very close-knit relationship. usually the teacher would take someone on to first assist them by doing menial or mundane tasks to free up the teacher's time/energy for healing. this meant the student was dedicating a lot of their time, without expectations. the teacher would be getting to know the student during this time - what sort of person they are, how their mind works, their emotional hangups, etc, to decide whether they were both compatible and if the right level of dedication/commitment was there, as well as the right mindset. the student would be expected to work hard without a lot of questions and ego drama.

they wouldn't take on someone who they found to have their affairs out of order, be lazy, lived an erratic lifestyle, always showed up late, was into drink/drugs, won't moderate their diet etc....obviously it can take some time for these imbalances to become apparent

so these days, this sort of relationship is largely unrealistic because householders can't just freely give of their time. they need to work to support themselves and their family. the monetary donation is just the equivalent of student giving of his/her time. if the student gives generously and without clinging and attachment - difficulty paying a decent sum (worry, hesitation, "what am *I* getting out of this?)..with trust and faith....that says a lot about them. and the student can already know the intentions of the teacher by seeing how they use their money and time. (eg, do they make themselves available to people who cannot afford their services? do they set up new healing centres, or do they buy sports cars?) the abudance of time given to the first stage of the relationship ensures they both know each other quite well.

there are a lot of students that just turn up for the attunement, the mantra, the shakti or whatever, and once they get what they want, they're out of there. no respect, no dedication or commitment..no thanks.

in reiki circles, it's usually said that the cost of attunements is the equivalent of a lot of hard work. it also means that it is something which has a great sense of value. most times, when you give something away for free, people generally don't value it. for example, a healer/herbalist...they give their advice/herbs away to someone at no cost -- the person takes the herbs, loosely follows the advice given for a week, loses the little faith they had, gives up on it, throws away the rest of the herbs, tells other people the healer isn't very good - they drank that awful stuff for one week and nothing happened...etc. someone who makes a commitment to invest in treatment will generally stick it out longer. they've already carefully considered their options, made a choice, parted with their money (which is the currency of their investment of time and energy) and will try hard to see it through.

of course, exceptions should be made

Edited by coin

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hmm there is a course running in bathurst that runs through the school holidays.

2 hr trip...... 3 nights a week...

I dunno i feel a kind of calling to this discipline, and maybee something that i can put into practice in my work.The problem out here is there is not really alot of these style of 'therapys' around, so finding an actual course is difficult.

I would just like to be directed in what is actually going on with reiki. I need a framework when i am learning, im absolutely hopeless at self directed learning.

Im to much of a daydreamer!

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Coin, that is beautifully put. There is some great stuff in what you have just written!

Especially this>

for example, a healer/herbalist...they give their advice/herbs away to someone at no cost -- the person takes the herbs, loosely follows the advice given for a week, loses the little faith they had, gives up on it, throws away the rest of the herbs, tells other people the healer isn't very good - they drank that awful stuff for one week and nothing happened.

Money is one form of energy thesedays.

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sorry if i missed this incognito - did you ask the practitioner you saw about local courses and his background in training?

will be interested to hear how you go with looking into it and/or starting a course :)

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sure Coin. He did his training with a lady in Lithgow i think he said shes a Teacher for the School of Natural Medicine???

Im going back on thursday, i will ask more specific questions before the Reiki starts in regarding where to go and who to speak to regarding training.

As far as i can gather he is the only reiki healer in my immediate area.

The convesation i had with him i cant remember to clearly as it was in the post Reiki haze, my head was swimming.

Its definately a skill i would like to learn. I am still feeling the benefits from it. Im definately a believer.

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