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A post about Corrupt Law Enforecement in Australia

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no way i read all of this what has been said, boring, boring, boring!!!

smoke able dmt has been around now for 50 years or so, and no lawmaker cared much about it....

it would be better for everybody to leave it there where it was the last 50 years and not to drag it into the lime light by commercializing it.

it's the same thing like with salvia...

i agree it's something worth fighting for,

but you have do act on a different level, no good for our communety if some believes divide us.

and remeber, let's always, put principles before personaleties.

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^^Seconded, wholeheartedly. I appreciate the sentiment, Julien, but anything that divides will get us conquered--we simply can't compete with the resources of the ignorant, even if what we're doing will ultimately be for their benefit.

I applaud your bravery, though I don't know how well your cause can be served with you in gaol.

PS. I know nothing of the background to this story, I'm just going off what's here.

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Warning: Excessive DMT use may lead to gross egotism, rampant self-justification and delusions of grandeur.

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I'm surprised you can keep up the spite mate!

Please explain for us all at home, what am I projecting onto you exactly?

My motivations, my intentionality, my attitude. its only coming from your own repetoire ... you call it a weird hypocrisy... but I just don't think you understand and you really don't know very much.

Vice versa, most of us probably would have no problems with the selling if you would stop pretending like you are gifting manna from the heavens to the poor unwashed and ignorant masses.

heh, I don't know if I am pretending anything... Terrence McKenna certainly seems to think it is "manna." The ultimate answer.

I don't totally agree with him in that case, but it does shed light onto the importance that some people have placed upon what almost nobody deems to be "drugs".

But for the most part, I think DMT is the most significant thing that humanity has ever encountered... yet, I am also of the understanding it is behind many traditions in most world cultures, most of which are unknown and/or hidden.

in fact I would have been very happy for you to distribute information, but that is hardly profitable, is it?

All this is research for me, I have been working towards a book for 9 years or so... developing my understanding.

I am also planning a doco at this point. (btw, if anyone wants to assist with this project, let me know, also I am looking for investor funds and that kind of thing - as I'm quite bereft of resources and funds at this point)

But for the most part, my internet posts how I have been getting information out in the most effective way... and I regularly meet people around the world who know me from my input on various web sites and forums. That's powerful stuff and I'm proud of that. It also often takes a lot of time, with little reward or feedback.

Jdanger, thanks for the "applauding"... thousands of people around the world are actually already on my side here, and I don't actually feel that the ignorant will prevail in this case, because there are too many "enlightened" people.

Many, many people want to believe I'm a "bad" guy or whatever they want to believe... but almost nobody comes up and talks to me and finds out for themselves, and what I experience is this absolutely damaged receptivity in the Australian culture. i.e. people don't seem to be able to ask questions and be receptive to what someone has to say, and would rather make their own uninformed judgements and assumptions.

So, with most everything that I do that I consider significant, I consult and talk to different people and spend a lot of time considering things.

I am not saying I am above and beyond the law, I am saying, the laws do not dictate my actions if I find them repugnant and preventing the evolution of human consciousness.

In many instances, DMT is a good medicine for people in the west, who are largely spritually disconnected and don't have much of a sense of the numimous.

There is no real good reason it is a schedule one substance!

It is not a drug of abuse, nor is it dangerous to the physical body or the mind.

The point is, we are talking of a substances that transcends "medical use", healing of the physical body (even though that can occur! - and I met a guy recently, who told me completely healed a persistent 20 year old shoulder injury through high dose 5meoDMT!)

Intelligent people, when confronted with it, can do an enormous amount of inner work with it - and it is very commonly life changing.

Like I said, thousands of people can attest to that.

We live in a society which cannot even recognise "the good" of what this material presents... because it doesn't recognise anything that presents itself out of its own materialistic paradigm.

Any efforts to transform the paradigm that can get this material to the people of the world, should be applauded I think. It should not be kept by uptight hippies for themselves. Everyone should be allowed to access this, not just some people in some countries.

That is what I think. And that will happen despite me!

Yeah, you will get idiots who want to abuse it or are not responsible, but like I said, people need to figure it out themselves. A culture needs to develope.

But there is no reason in our society for these laws to be there... especially for DMT... it should be decriminalised and people should be allowed to access it.

It should also be our priority to research this material, to explore it legitimately and that wave is already a swell on the horizon.

THAT, is big stuff... look at Australia's ailing tourism industry... in times like these, if Australia where a place people could legally explore such substances... quite a lot more people would visit this country I would think!

Economically, and in every way, we need to CHANGE, if we are at going to survive these coming times.

We should not AT ALL give any power to those who deem they have power over us! AT ALL! Especially when we are persuing healing and wholeness, insight and intelligence.

I am a sovereign being whose focus is in evolving the evolutionary paradigm on this planet. I am not interested in harming anyone, or causing anyone suffering - only healing, only communicating resonantly.

I believe the present laws are inhibitive, fear based and controlling a consciousnss which actually wants to be emancipated - and that's beyond all of us, and yet totally present.

We have a good chance in this country to transform this paradigm. Personally, I'm not just going to fiddle with myself, even if Rome does appear to be burning... the primary message that I get is of stepping up to the plate, not copping out of being human, fully human, consciously connected to all humans and all life on the planet and recognising that in fact, you are this - you are all this.

This, I think, is one of the primary messages of DMT and I think I have been trying to demonstrate a responsibility here, that I feel is so often forsaken and given over in fear and separation, this is what we need to release in order to see our way through these very tricky times.


Edited by folias

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Warning: Excessive DMT use may lead to gross egotism, rampant self-justification and delusions of grandeur.

It's not true! :bootyshake:

God made me this way! :P


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from what i could tell u havent really smoked that much dmt have u julian? more just the ayahuasca?

one thing id like to pipe up about is that:


Many, many people want to believe I'm a "bad" guy or whatever they want to believe... but almost nobody comes up and talks to me and finds out for themselves, and what I experience is this absolutely damaged receptivity in the Australian culture. i.e. people don't seem to be able to ask questions and be receptive to what someone has to say, and would rather make their own uninformed judgements and assumptions.

seems to be widespread throughout the community.. almost akin to some form of old school withhunt/superstition... mostly i feel fear projections/shadow resemblances.


i have too many points of contention admiration and agreement with the main players in this conversation, and also love you all equally and dearly as you have enriched my lives and given me guidance and support more then most people could imagine... it is very hard for me to go through and pick out what i do and dont agree with from each of your posts....

however i will say this:

i am quite humbled by the fearless attitude julian and reptyle have had towards confronting the 'powers that be', however it also frightens me....

its sort of like suicide/messianhic complex in that whilst u may feel/think it to be a completely selfless act, it is in many ways quite selfish and ego based (my claim to fame) in that it it risking and taking liberties with the wellbeing of those around you.... whom either might not be ready for such extremes, or jsut downright disagree with the approach to dealing with the situation.

I think perhaps julian this has been one main concern that i have witnessed (and felt to some degree at specific times) that you are so sure of yourself, that you have it all figured out, that u are willing to take some pretty serious risks that dont ONLY effect you; therby taking liberties with other peoples space/energy/process.

Whilst i know u have nothing but the best intentions, i feel it is up to every individual to decide when and if they are ready to take that 'next step'... and also just because u have reached a state of 'enlightenment' doesnt (in my perspoective) mean that other peoples states of consciousness are inferior and or less 'enlightened'..

We all have our paths to walk and roles to play, and i think what roughs most people up is that u seem somewhat unaware at times of other peoples process/state of being, to almost a point of neglect whereby u over-ride their path or neglect your influence on them, because you are convinced u know better, or simply unaware/emotionally detatched.

This is a very rushed and scattered post, but yeah, its just what im feeling and thinking in the moment..

it has seemed at times that you get so caught up in your own personal process that u become unaware of the fragility of those around you or the need for subtlety and tact. (im going to use ariel having a pyschotic breakdown in our tent at earthfreq, and the night i dfound out my dad was in jail for delliberatly almost killing my brother as reference points here).

I personally can see this in you because i recognise it as one of my own traights when i get too 'caught up in myself'.

Also Sina, i think perhaps you are swayed a little too much by dennis and Torstens and maybe even my conversations with you on this matter, your posts seems far too personal given that from what i can tell you and julian have had minimal interactions. Ad i know how long and viciously dennis has played a part in villanising J, and also me.

Ok thats my putting my head int he bucket of shit for now... but pleas eunderstand i totally agree with 99.9% of the points people are making here, just .1% of disagreement with some of the extremeties of how they are being communicated/represented and acted out.

oh and T, your a stubborn grudge bearing bastard if ever i knew one, but ultimatly as i have said about julian i agree with most of what your saying it just seems to get a little too personal/gripey... it might just be the german/blunt way you communicate i dont know...

and all three of you give the best hugs ever :wub:

am a sovereign being whose focus is in evolving the evolutionary paradigm on this planet. I am not interested in harming anyone, or causing anyone suffering - only healing, only communicating resonantly.

I refute the present laws as inhibitive, fear based and controlling a consciousnss which actually wants to be emancipated.

AMEN to that!

and u know ive always been down for a book and doco!

(p.s if u read back through your posts there is a bunch of self contradictory statements... yes dmt is awesome and should be available to everyone, but there are definatly risks and dangers involved in its use.. and yes it should be freely available but at the same time people need to work for it so they have the relevent understanding and knowledge to be able to work with it properly... and there is fuck all financial reciprocation for dmt production given the cost and man hours involved.... it has always been more of a self sacrafice for the cause... barely sustainaing ones lifestyle does not in my books count asd being a 'profiteer')

ok enough brain dribble for now.

plant lov.e

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oh and T, your a stubborn grudge bearing bastard if ever i knew one, but ultimatly as i have said about julian i agree with most of what your saying it just seems to get a little too personal/gripey... it might just be the german/blunt way you communicate i dont know...

I can bear a grudge quite well where it is justified or worthwhile [10 years seems to be my limit], but as far as Julian is concerned there is only one grudge I bear with him and that is in regards to harvesting phlebophyllas. It's not even a big grudge. Just something we ended up 'agreeing to disagree' on, but which will never go away. The rest are just differences in opinion which raise their heads every now and then, but hardly anything I'd stew on :wink:

Just blame it on my blunt german netiquette :P

I do need to point out though that I don't think either sina or I ever claimed that 'profit was the primary motivation'. Something can be profitable or commercial without the money being the actual aim. eg, if you happen to get a lot of money for what you love doing or believe in then money is not the primary motivation, but nonetheless it is still profitable or commercial. And like I said before there is nothing wrong with that. But I won't explain it again what I was getting at cos it was actually very precisely stated in my original comment and these topics tend to become very repetitious anyway.

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Yeah i just got the vibe the consensus was that there was a presumtion of somekind of hidden agenda of profiteering from dmt.

Why don't you just come out and say it Julian, what you call "valid non-violent protest" the rest of us call selling drugs for a profit, and would be a lot happier to accept your position of spiritual mandate if you weren't asking for more than a few "millimetres of fingernail" for every dose. Vice versa, most of us probably would have no problems with the selling if you would stop pretending like you are gifting manna from the heavens to the poor unwashed and ignorant masses.

in my above post i too have bcome too personal in my dialogue, which is sort of what i was accusing you and sina of doing in many respects.. guess its the nature of the mode of communication that emotional aspects that would b delt with in a face to face interaction interfere with the clear communication.

my recounts of experience are i guess a (microcosm) of what might be tlked about here in regards to the (macrocosm) of the community and the issues being raised. (i dunno.. maybe?)

A powerfull determined and extremely effective tryptamine giant whos focus and determination sometime leads to some of us littler folks getting a bit mixed up in the wake. like when ur quietly fishing and a massive boat goes flying past you and you get all uppetty "those friggin wakeboarders, no respect. e.t.c." but really they are jsut doing what they are doing and because its whats right for them in that moment. (although personally i prefer the tranquility of sitting in a tiny with a beer and a couple of lines in the water catching up with old friends.... im jsut not made for wakeboarding or any such high octane intense full throttle adrenaline pumped activities)

IF liken it to somekind of cartoon with julian being the shrek of trypamines, storming around throwing magick "get free potions" with other little elvin/make believe characters running round going "no no dont bump that, and , oh hell hes gone and broken the evil faeiry godmothers wand, now we are all in for it" e.t.c.

Whats done is done so (j) im sorry for bringing up the past, im sure a lot of it is redundant now... i was jsut trying to communicate that you seem to have very extreme concepts and your actions match that, despite the environmental context at the time... and personally, and i guess for others also, it seems like your self certainty and 'drive' doesnt neccessarily allow for the rest of us, whom are of the same intention and goal and aspiration, but just not acting to the same degree of hyperspace acceleration... and in many cases it seems we are left with no other choise then to go with YOUR programme, even when it may not be exactly the right programme for us IN THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT...

and sina, i never thought id cross words with you n a forum, its jsut that u know how friggin upset all dennis's villanising of me has made me, and also i know it was even worse with julian.. and i know u guys are bestest of pals... i just hoped that u were able to form your own perspective on it all and not get TOO personal (as u have been able to do so with me)

Edited by _e_

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e wrote:

from what i could tell u havent really smoked that much dmt have u julian? more just the ayahuasca?

Once you find ayahuasca (or any form of DMT taken orally), you can stay in the state for a few hours and really work more deeply with it...

I've smoked DMT hundreds and hundreds of times, but it is not something I reach back for or need to do very often... because after about 100 times you get the message!

Having said that, ayahuasca fiends in South America (village elders and all that!), love smoked DMT!

It can be one of the most beautiful things... I don't like energy that ignorant people project upon it, just ideas and thoughts, without the meat of a real experience behind them - that is unfortunate, all these thought forms about something that is often so tender and wonderful in itself, has become a bit demonised I think.

What I feel, E, is that personal grievances should remain personal grievances...

What surprises me, is how commonly people simply just don't speak to the person involved (about something they feel is negative is them) and rather just go tell other people and then takes off and becomes something totally different.

The funny thing is, I don't have a problem with people telling me their personal grievances with me, and I generally say, "this is why I was like that, and that what I thought, and this is why I did that... and you may not know about this and this" and so on and so forth, to the point where there is some mutual understanding.

But people seem to often like to live in judgement, I've found when people do talk to me, their judgement generally ceases. So a lot of people prefer NOT to talk to me!

But I am not restrained by people's sense of judgement, or restrained by what people think is appropriate or correct behaviour. (as MOST seem to be) and I know that pisses people off!

But I am actually a mega cool guy, in that I am very easy and allowing and forgiving (I get it from dad, I think!)... I generally don't have grievances with people.

You seem to think I am extreme... I don't feel that way at all... I feel like actually I'm actually being sane and responding to circumstance in a natural and straightforward way.

I'm just not making concessions to Richard Nixon's rubbish "drug" policies!

And I think people in this country are so slack and overcome by lassitude in regards to these issues, I think that people like me and Reptyle are actually counterbalancing this primary disinterest and inability to sacrifice anything for a greater cause than themselves.

People take themselves so seriously and so held back in fear, and its just a confrontation of that really...

We all have our paths to walk and roles to play, and i think what roughs most people up is that u seem somewhat unaware at times of other peoples process/state of being, to almost a point of neglect whereby u over-ride their path or neglect your influence on them, because you are convinced u know better, or simply unaware/emotionally detatched.

This is a fair enough view... but its not my fault I appear this way, its just the way I appear!

IF liken it to somekind of cartoon with julian being the shrek of trypamines, storming around throwing magick "get free potions" with other little elvin/make believe characters running round going "no no dont bump that, and , oh hell hes gone and broken the evil faeiry godmothers wand, now we are all in for it" e.t.c.

yeah, that is what it feels like sometimes...

Funnily enough, after all this, I have heard that some people in the community (who don't post here) want to make peace with me at this point and "forgive" me!

Another friend said that during the commission hearings, it is likely that I have been made something of a "scapegoat" by people who want to "pass the buck" for what they or their friends are doing, and some people may have the impression that I'm some kind of Mr PCP or whatever... and that I am just hiding behind the plants! Which is just rubbish.

There's a lot of weird shit that has been going on, and I am quite sure I don't know even the half of it.

People seem so obsessed by money... for all the BS I've been through, (and this is just the very tiny, tip of it, believe me!) ... I deserve to be unbelievably wealthy. (as something of a small consolation!)

On that note, I'm just starting a business and expect to make a lot of money with it... even in an economic downturn. I've had this vision for 10 years actually to do this, and have just been waiting for the right time. But money doesn't motivate me, anyone who knows me, knows I am driven by more essential drives than for plain ole cash.

The people I know, the relationships I have, the plants I have access to, the experiences that I have in these spaces - you can't pay for that stuff and these are the most valuable things to me.


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Why don't you just come out and say it Julian, what you call "valid non-violent protest" the rest of us call selling drugs for a profit, and would be a lot happier to accept your position of spiritual mandate if you weren't asking for more than a few "millimetres of fingernail" for every dose. Vice versa, most of us probably would have no problems with the selling if you would stop pretending like you are gifting manna from the heavens to the poor unwashed and ignorant masses.

Don't incriminate yourself or others. Shame on you ex-mod. :slap::wink:

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What a lovely shit-storm of a thread.

Popcorn, anyone?

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*crunch*...*munch*....mri prefreer trwristries actrually....*munch*...*crunch*....*wipes cheesy residue on trousers*....

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I've smoked DMT hundreds and hundreds of times, but it is not something I reach back for or need to do very often... because after about 100 times you get the message!

My hero... :)

so if after 100 times you get the message...why continue on.


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e wrote:

What I feel, E, is that personal grievances should remain personal grievances...

What surprises me, is how commonly people simply just don't speak to the person involved (about something they feel is negative is them) and rather just go tell other people and then takes off and becomes something totally different.

The funny thing is, I don't have a problem with people telling me their personal grievances with me, and I generally say, "this is why I was like that, and that what I thought, and this is why I did that... and you may not know about this and this" and so on and so forth, to the point where there is some mutual understanding.

But people seem to often like to live in judgement, I've found when people do talk to me, their judgement generally ceases. So a lot of people prefer NOT to talk to me!

But I am not restrained by people's sense of judgement, or restrained by what people think is appropriate or correct behaviour. (as MOST seem to be) and I know that pisses people off!

I havent seen much personal grievences remaining personal in a long time.. if only it were the way... i wholeheartedly agree that it is about the individuals involved int he experience coming together and clarifying it rather then opther folks eneries coming in and making it messy. However it seems folks arent able to really to 'burst the bubble of silence' without individual energy/ideology dscrepencies that have been 'aged' accordingly... dont ask me why but it just seems the way it is, im constantly having to deal with inter-relationship friction and its ungodly manfestation from the years past because folks wonder off feeling jilted/jaded and fester and mutate the experience and my/your/our role in it.

What surprises me, is how commonly people simply just don't speak to the person involved (about something they feel is negative is them) and rather just go tell other people and then takes off and becomes something totally different.

what surprises me most is folks whom adamently go fishing for the slightest bit of 'ammo' against others in their own personal process and twist and misrepresent the communication to the point where it is made out that people whom are uite neutral or understanding of specific issues/topics are made out to be perpetrators and supporters of the 'witch hunt'.. to the point where the witch's confident is burnt not only by the hunters but by the witch themself. i think maybe in such cases it works both ways....

i believe both at earthfreak, and when we had some troubles at my place, it was uite clear i was pissed off with the situation and angry with you....i didnt need to tlk to you anymore then i did... my message was conveyed via my body language and our interactions and the energy between us following said experiences, really took the matter as far as i was willing to/capable of taking it given the context of the situation.. i Really feel in these instances that that was all that was needed, and given that i made peace with it almost over night, having known and supported you for so long, and knowing that:


its not my fault I appear this way, its just the way I appear!

I was merely utilsing the examples of how, when ur all fired u and on a mission, (which seems to dominate the time we share) there comes time of intencity in that process where it appears that peoples toes are stepped on in your big footed oafish tryptamine missionary style. (and i see our interactions as perhaps a microcosm of that which u have been struggling with on the macro)

thankfully i got big oafish tryptamine toes as well, just maybe not so much missionary, so ive never taken it to heart, nor held onto such experiences for too long.

the comment RE ur smoking of dmt was aimed at whomever it was that said dmt use leads to over inflated ego/illusions of grandeur e.t.c.... and i thought ud smoked far less then 100 times.... as i remember a conversation about the fact id smoked very little but felt very little desire to smoek anymor ein that "it seems i have gotten the message for now and there is no need to re-visit the sapce once u 'get it')

The funny thing is, I don't have a problem with people telling me their personal grievances with me, and I generally say, "this is why I was like that, and that what I thought, and this is why I did that... and you may not know about this and this" and so on and so forth, to the point where there is some mutual understanding.

But people seem to often like to live in judgement, I've found when people do talk to me, their judgement generally ceases. So a lot of people prefer NOT to talk to me!

But I am not restrained by people's sense of judgement, or restrained by what people think is appropriate or correct behaviour. (as MOST seem to be) and I know that pisses people off!

I remember when i first met you and for a while afterwards i was uite intimidated by you and your sense of self certainty seemed to over-ride my ability crticise you when i saw/felt something i didnt agree with. I can imagine this may well be the case with people who, havent had the opportunity to see you as a big fluffy cuddly (if not slightly crazy) jim henson bumble bee creation. yopur sense of determination, ur physical statutre and the pervading sense of self certainty must create a bit of a problem in communicating with folks.

You seem to think I am extreme... I don't feel that way at all... I feel like actually I'm actually being sane and responding to circumstance in a natural and straightforward way.

we live in crazy times that call for desperate measures, and of course i think ur extreme and intense and i think a lot of people would agree that their experiences with you have been at time spushing the limits of human experience.... i dont have a problem with that, its just not something id expect lots of folks to understand or be comfortable with... it took me a little while and at times yeah sure i need a break from it... but such is life and changing the world one particle at a time.

And I think people in this country are so slack and overcome by lassitude in regards to these issues, I think that people like me and Reptyle are actually counterbalancing this primary disinterest and inability to sacrifice anything for a greater cause than themselves

and when/if u guys got cut down and were unable to continue your work, there would be a bunch of low lying ninja folks already tinkering away to make sure that the work continues.... so like i say "we all have our role" i jsut dont think that you saying that ur willing to go to jail, and expose it to the level where others are at a much higher risk, means u can walk around saying "if u dont do as i do your chicken shit and not standing up to your beliefs".

Trust me when i say there are a lot of people doing a lot of work (in so many different fields) to bring about massive change... and we are all working towards this (some with little or more vigour, i think its cyclic personally).

but yeah, it does seem a bit soap box/superiority complex to think that you know what is best for everyone and to declare that is people dont do as you and reptyle then we are 'chicken shits'.

the work must go on, and how can it if everyone is in gail or prevented by various means from doing so. ?

(and sorry but i dont think the martyre scenario uve been tlking about for years now is constructive and progressive.... unless everysingle person stood up at the same time.. which is what lots of folks are working towards!)


Edited by _e_

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There's a lot of weird shit that has been going on, and I am quite sure I don't know even the half of it.

People seem so obsessed by money... for all the BS I've been through, (and this is just the very tiny, tip of it, believe me!) ... I deserve to be unbelievably wealthy. (as something of a small consolation!)

On that note, I'm just starting a business and expect to make a lot of money with it... even in an economic downturn. I've had this vision for 10 years actually to do this, and have just been waiting for the right time. But money doesn't motivate me, anyone who knows me, knows I am driven by more essential drives than for plain ole cash.

The people I know, the relationships I have, the plants I have access to, the experiences that I have in these spaces - you can't pay for that stuff and these are the most valuable things to me.


I think this is perhaps your saving grace, the lifestyle of the wondering sage, whom may go through periods of abundance and may have to whether incredibly torurous injustices/hard times..... but this lifestyle is testament to yourself (and others whom live like you) arent in it for 'material' gains, but if they were then youd know about it.. because theres a fuckload of resonant energy out there as a result of the work.

i sincerely hope that u are able to find some stability and real world 'physical/material assests' through utilising your journey thus passed.... it is somethingi have been aspiring to of late too!

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I dont think you can lump anyone into an us and them style category, at this point, speculation about proposed actions fares in no way with disconnected and non-incriminatory activities which have passed. This is not to say anything about the heartfelt dedication experienced by some.

(passthe popped corn please)

im interested personally in the unfolding of past mishaps by the whoever's when things, as they are set to, start to actualise.

The real thing thats going on here is quite funny, We in the western world seem to think that the world should be fair, and that a $250 fine is something to be uppetty about. Tell me about heavymetal poisons being inhaled through heavenly smoke and the regulatory processes governing substances fit for human consumption. I mean its not because we dont have the equipment or the knowledge, just laziness, or is it a rush for cash, or is it a sinister plot to undermine the whole world of sacred alchemical sciences.

I'm all for information and education and progress and even profiteering, but let me know who you would trust to teach you such a "subtle" art?

The truth is their is a holy war going on in this world, and subsequently in heaven, the kingdom of light that exists within the self from which stems the materially manifest , and our roles as free men and women, are to teach the violent murderers how to upset the order of a system to attract attention to specific ideological problems without causing harm. mainly referring to disclosure of structural and intentional factors wihch eventuate in the existence of the new world.

Its quite simple really, plants and mother nature dont really give a fuzzzy little blip whether the laws are pro or anti anything, what is really important is that the people who have been shown truth know how to use it. Faith in the pyramid of our society is recognised as being paramount to happiness since the first chinese empires, that however doesnt mean it cant be used as giant reflective surface for personality modulation and modification. Infact the idea that the whole society is an emanation of the royal families goings on is not to far from the acceptable. When the responsibility is placed firmly on the individual and their interactions the blame game gets a lot more serious. The golden body is the first state which one must achieve to progress on a path of intentioned perfection of all strata. If this is not being actualised, what are you compaining about?

ok, im all high and mighty i know, but there is nothing else to talk about. The world is a magickle, wonderful and beautiful creation, it has lions and tigers and bears, oh my. and it has angels and demons and scarecrows, and it has suicide bombers and it has the antidote. It just never remembers how to take itself seriously, and instead takes it personally.

It seems there are definite guidelines for the effective use of medicines, it also seems that people like to think rather than to listen, or do i mean listen rather than think...i lost myself in the middle somewhere.

Being God is to intense for even God, this is why Arjuna could only see KRSNA in his a reduced form, its just to intense. To intense? to intense? BAHAHA

(anymore popcorn?)

There is an overriding sense of prescence in the moment that seems to disconnect individuals from the process they are part of, as servants, there is only one goal. Antagonism is false, and brings separation from the source of creation.

Would 007 winge if he was arrested for cannabis possession or would he cunnigly find his way out of the situation so as to travel half way around the world and displace a despotic dictator?

Would Ferris Bueller skip school and take the red car if he was really worried about getting in trouble?

Would King Midas stop touching things just because it would mean everone else would get rich off him?

What would you do???

or more to the point...why?

psssst " i didnt do it" :bootyshake:

blessings and happy earthing.

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What this all reminds me of is this fellow who lives around the Byron area called "Fast Buck$"... he used to take out advertisements in the local newspaper and regularly take on council members and generally stir up the shit.

Funny thing is, that he called himself "Fast Buck$" because it is said he considered growing marijuana a fast way to make cash!

He ended up in a court case, sued by one of the local council members, whom he accused of mistreating the people he worked with, and he lost his case.

He can be found today, regularly writing letters to the Byron Shire Echo and at the real estate agents, increasing the "for sale" price on his million dollar property.

What gets me is the lassitude and resignation... and also the cowardice of just covering one's own arse!

But there is also a great deal of humour implicit in all this...ChickenShit is said provocatively in order to confront these issues, not in a condemnationary way!

A lot of my approach is deliberately provocative!

I remember when i first met you and for a while afterwards i was uite intimidated by you and your sense of self certainty seemed to over-ride my ability crticise you when i saw/felt something i didnt agree with.

Well, that is not an issue with me, as I see it, if I have a strong will... and if you feel unable to communicate with me some things, this is something to look at within you.

I'm not the kind of person who gets offended, jumps down other people throats or particularly touchy about being criticised.

But I do see this "not communicating what could be perceived as negative material" as an endemic paradigm with people who speak English as a first language.

btw, I'm not really interested in jail, but I am interested in bringing a court case to the high court, in order transform these laws in this country in particular. Like Peru has with ayahuasca, Australia should have with the wattle - I believe.

And that's a very strong argument, a very strong case which I feel is entirely legitimate. This is very strong alchemy which should be available to people who want it... jail is just antithetical to what it is about in essence, and so I don't see the association apart from these regressive laws which I will likely challenge at some point and WE SHOULD NOT ACCEPT THE VALIDITY OF THESE LAWS!

Most of us are so bullied by authority and "the law" and their "punishments", but even a regular speeding ticket can be challenged and there is a guy who claims 85% success rate with his clients.



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btw, I'm not really interested in jail, but I am interested in bringing a court case to the high court, in order transform these laws in this country in particular. Like Peru has with ayahuasca, Australia should have with the wattle - I believe.

And that's a very strong argument, a very strong case which I feel is entirely legitimate. This is very strong alchemy which should be available to people who want it... jail is just antithetical to what it is about in essence, and so I don't see the association apart from these regressive laws which I will likely challenge at some point and WE SHOULD NOT ACCEPT THE VALIDITY OF THESE LAWS!

I don't really get this...why can't people just quietly grow their own wattle..use it as they need too..when they need too..surely that's a peaceful dignified way of continuing that persons quests and healing.

I mean the chances of anything going wrong in that situation is akin to the odds of winning Lotto. So why all the ranting and raving..why all the big hoo haa..and jumping up and down. Are you trying to be the Tryptamine king or do you think that god has chosen you to be the "Timothy Leary" of wattles etc..There is so much unnecessary mouthing off about this subject..it's getting to the point where it's all slightly embarrassing to listen to IMO.

I've never met you Julian and I'm sure your a fine fellow..I like that your passionate about these things, but I can't help feel that there is another more humble way to go about your crusade. there is no point in getting high and mighty about all this because you are probably drawing too much attention to yourself..and the probably the wrong attention.

Anyways I hope you can look back at your life when you are an old digger and be happy with the decisions you took upon yourself and can honestly access what you have done to be the right thing..time will hey.


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btw, I'm not really interested in jail, but I am interested in bringing a court case to the high court, in order transform these laws in this country in particular. Like Peru has with ayahuasca, Australia should have with the wattle - I believe.

And that's a very strong argument, a very strong case which I feel is entirely legitimate. This is very strong alchemy which should be available to people who want it... jail is just antithetical to what it is about in essence, and so I don't see the association apart from these regressive laws which I will likely challenge at some point and WE SHOULD NOT ACCEPT THE VALIDITY OF THESE LAWS!

agree wholeheartedly


I remember when i first met you and for a while afterwards i was uite intimidated by you and your sense of self certainty seemed to over-ride my ability crticise you when i saw/felt something i didnt agree with.

Well, that is not an issue with me, as I see it, if I have a strong will... and if you feel unable to communicate with me some things, this is something to look at within you.

i agree this was my issue, but as also noticed i said "when i first met you". i was using it as an example of how folks whom dont know you that well may well feel a similiar sence of intimidation/dominated energetics.

What gets me is the lassitude and resignation... and also the cowardice of just covering one's own arse!

But there is also a great deal of humour implicit in all this...ChickenShit is said provocatively in order to confront these issues, not in a condemnationary way!

i disagree with this.... if ur ballsing up and doing somethign you really believe with and intend to do so whenever it you feel the need to break the law inthe name of personal freedom and beliefs, whats cowardice about covering ones ass if u intend to do so in the future.

i think the issue here is that its not just covering ones own ass, its covering the ass of the collective... and i dont know about you, but i have firm commitments to protecting my friends and family from any threats that may be represented by my own personal beliefs and entheogenic activism.

IF all i had to worry about was my own safety and well being then im sure i would have done some incredibly drastic things over my life, far beyond my involvement with entheogens.... i dont have a personal fear of death or punishment, i have a fear of how my death or sufferring would effect my friends and loved ones (family particularly).

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Are you trying to be the Tryptamine king or do you think that god has chosen you to be the "Timothy Leary" of wattles etc..

this is what i was hinting at earlier re "my claim to fame", but thats where terrence mckenna steps up.

beng a global key spokesperson for entheogens may create somekind of infamy in the future....(but personally theres so much going on all over the world who nkows if it will be that important an aspect of our current and future history to warrent too larger a mention)

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I can totally understand why poeple who have easy access to this would want to keep it secret. But the fact is most people don't even no what it is and then there's people like me who have been interested in it for years but just never had the chance. Not everyone can grow/extract there own, for many different reasons. I think everyone should know about it and be able to investigate it further if they wish, it shouldn't just be for a few elite.

Just remember it wasn't till the gay community stood together come out and said enough is are enough and marched in Sydney till they started to get law reform.

Edited by jabez

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"when you do things right...people don't know you have done anything at all".... I believe that is what God said to Bender when Bender was spinning out in space and had become a god himself..failing miserably.


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"when you do things right...people don't know you have done anything at all".... I believe that is what God said to Bender when Bender was spinning out in space and had become a god himself..failing miserably.


"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32

Spread the good news, LOL.

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I can totally understand why poeple who have easy access to this would want to keep it secret. But the fact is most people don't even no what it is and then there's people like me who have been interested in it for years but just never had the chance. Not everyone can grow/extract there own, for many different reasons. I think everyone should know about it and be able to investigate it further if they wish, it shouldn't just be for a few elite.

This substance exists in an area of grey. I was not aware that it was easy for anyone to access it. This is the result of it being in an area of grey. If this substance is sold commercially it will cease to exist in the grey. The responsibility of the folk (elite few) who draw this substance out of the grey is to ensure that it is utilised within the right context so that it results in positive experience and change for those with whom they share it.

I wouldn’t trust the government to ensure this substance is used in the right context as they have mis-interpreted the context of every other psychedelic substance to date. The government should leave this substance in the grey where it belongs. Instead they have made it illegal in a deluded attempt to convince everyone that they have control of something that exists in the grey.

Not everyone is drawn to this substance and one of the reasons for this is because it is not very convenient (having your whole world dissolve before you). It is also not very convenient to access but those that are drawn to it will seek and find.

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