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The Corroboree

Male intelligence....


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oh yeah, you gotta have an aussie in there...


ooops, hugging is not such a good idea after all


1000 kg divided by four legs is still a shitload




Thank you yahoo for a great laugh.

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earlier this year I was headbutted by a 4 months old calf and it knocked me out cold. I had concussion with nausea and visual problems for over a week. That calf was only a bit over 100 kilos, but there are just no soft and cuddly bits on cows!!

We've also got this really friendly hand raised cow. When she sees a bucket she comes and gives you a nudge. If you don't pay attention you can end up needing a hip replacement. These beasts just have so much power and weight behind them.

Ramon, what could possibly motivate you to endanger your life or at least your health for somethign as pointless as this? I am intrigued. I remember considering this for a fun thing when I was really drunk one night at about age 21. By the next morning there was no way.

Have you ever handled cattle?

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Despite the picture I would still like to give it a go once in my life.

they seem to have good aim. bullseye https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png


oh, this nearly made me puke when I realised where the horn was


These two were brothers.


Still keen?

Also, would you go and watch the bull fights?

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Go, Southpark Cows, Go!!! The One with the spiked leg is priceless! What a horny guy! ;-)

This whole thing is really too high for me! Almost as good as jogging on the motorway! Well, if i should ever feel too healthy, i´ll give it a try! bye Eg

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One time in India i was walking along with this German guy & we had to go past a cow. She didn't seem to be paying us any attention, but as we went past her head she just seemed to flick it towards the guy & her horn went deep into his thigh as easily as a knife through butter.

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hahaha i have a sick appreciation for these kind of photos. Don't mean to hijack the thread but some of you might enjoy this site. Basically confirms or debunks myths around photos and urban legends.

This link is to the photo section, but there's a fair bit of reading available as well.



Edit: Be careful, there are some graphic pics on that site.

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I don't really get off on gory pics as such. I do have a bit of an interest in 'the running of the bulls' for the simple reason that this is where the bulls get to take revenge for what horribly cruel fate is about to be inflicted on them. I find the bull fights that follow this spectacle so distasteful that seeing a few of the spectators in agonising pain [or even death] provides some sort of counterbalance for me.

Anyone who gets pleasure out of animal cruelty deserves to be impaled.






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no idea why theyld want to risk their lives,proly the same reason people go sky diving or other endorphin rush activities . no way ild be ever doing anything like that.

I'd never bother running with the bulls, but I'd definately be keen to go skydiving. I plan to go on my 21st. Young and dumb - definately. But confronting something as insane as that (skydiving) and coming as close to flying like a bird is something too amazing to pass up. There was a trip report where a guy smoked DMT before hurling out of a plane for the most intense skydive of his life (he claimed he was a very experienced skydiver). Very, very stupid idea and came very close to a horrific death. But he managed to live through it and it made for an intense trip report (possibly just a tall story, but it was extremely well written and captivating).

I think running with the bulls is more of an idiotic spanish past-time and very different to skydiving. But both are still quite crazy (and completely idiotic), so I can make the connection Definately a way to seek out a huge endorphin rush and playing with your food before you eat it...

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no idea why theyld want to risk their lives,proly the same reason people go sky diving or other endorphin rush activities . no way ild be ever doing anything like that.

I'd never bother running with the bulls, but I'd definately be keen to go skydiving. I plan to go on my 21st. Young and dumb - definately. But confronting something as insane as that (skydiving) and coming as close to flying like a bird is something too amazing to pass up. There was a trip report where a guy smoked DMT before hurling out of a plane for the most intense skydive of his life (he claimed he was a very experienced skydiver). Very, very stupid idea and came very close to a horrific death. But he managed to live through it and it made for an intense trip report (possibly just a tall story, but it was extremely well written and captivating).

I think running with the bulls is more of an idiotic spanish past-time and very different to skydiving. But both are still quite crazy (and completely idiotic), so I can make the connection Definately a way to seek out a huge endorphin rush and playing with your food before you eat it...

I always wondered what skydiving on a high-dose LSD trip would be like. Would you fall out of your body?

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So some drugs are banned because they have been declared dangerous to our health, huh? Perhap this tradition should be changed to the running of the kittens.

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Lol Legba, nice pics. the one on the right is beautiful.

Ace, you got a link to that report lol? DMT b4 a askydive, that would be insane!! (im thinking in a bad way )

Tho i can see the difference between skydiving and running for ones life at the expense of animal cruelty, flying like a bird for a few min would be fun, but not for me no more, im too fragile lol tho maybe one day, i used to want to do it.

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In some places in South America where they raise Guinea Pigs as livestock they have the "Runnin' of the Guineas"


....a festival when 1000s of Guinea Pigs flood the streets, and the town-folk run for their lives!!!

Here in America, I think we need our own holiday... I'd call it "Runnin' of the Fat Kids", a day when we round up all the fat kids in each city and make then run up and down main street until they passout!

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Appologies Torsten for the de-railing... Last irrelevant post, I promise. Though, I suppose it does relate to male stupidity in the name of an adrenaline rush

Ace, you got a link to that report lol? DMT b4 a askydive, that would be insane!! (im thinking in a bad way).

LINK TO DMT-SKYDIVING TRIP REPORT. Wow, I'm suprised I could find it so quick. First google hit after [DMT skydiving trip report] - I knew google was good, but that's the first time in ages I have got what I was after first time!

Please dont bother trying this at home. The person who did it (or claimed to do it) was clearly a few sheep short in the top paddock (no offence to said nutbag). It would be interesting to attempt with a VERY experienced person strapped to your back who was able to fully operate the chute and ensure a safe trip, but otherwise it is nothing but a deathwish. Either way, a very interesting (and quite captivating) read.

BTW, I think DMT was chosen over other psych's as it was short-lived (and very intense) and the skydiver wanted to be able to smoke, jump, trip and pull the chute completely independently (thus removing the risk of endangering anyone else).

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