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some input on your take on what's going to happen....what's already happening (?)

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I think the New Age equivalent of Christian fundamentalists will make a bunch of money selling millions of poorly researched derivative books to unscrupulous wannabe prognosticators.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will get high as all fuck.

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mass virgin sacrifices

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Probably nothing,

but I do find it interesting that my last couple of journeys showed rapid human/technological transfiguration at an astounding speed. I searched around the internet and found out about Mark Pesce, who's always had similar visions. Spooky!

Here's the essay of his I found.


Edited by strangebrew

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It's already happening. Essentially, it's the speed of change that will be the kicker. Some will come on line, others will not. And what we do now will be crucial for what comes later. Some people, some cities, some civilisations will be at the right place at the right time; but a great deal of others will not. For me personally it equates to an individual life, a person that is sick and requires healing. So, pachamama is a being just the same as me, and what occurs microscopically for me occurs macroscopically for her. One of the best ways she let's us heal is through a purging of our sicknesses; so the same must apply to her. So the darkness will come, be out, be seen, be felt and experienced, and then it will be transformed. But what does that new being look like, I wonder? Beautiful, I imagine. But who will have eyes to see?


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Singularity etc is interesting stuff, but I don't see how it is going to happen in less than four years.

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mark's on twitter if you want to keep up with him.

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Nothing..Nasa says a current sun spot cycle is going to end in the sun, maybe that will help us definitively understand their role,if any on global warming, and more importantly, galactic warming by ways of other planets warming up also.

Other then that, who knows. As appealing as the mayans culture is, i cant put to much belief into it,(common, they preformed human sacrifices in hopes to rejuvenate the land and please the sun god) for all that is fact, the calander ended at 2012 (though even then iv read reports that it does even extend to somwhare into the 3000s), all other implication's are modernly man made, and like the rest, have all been a waste on other wise intellectual folks brains. As a man of both science and faith, i find faith has failed far to often.

As for reptiles.. (salams link),there have been too many anciant civs with all sorts of ancient mythological creatures.. to start falling back into a paganistic\futuristic information darkage.

Edited by Jesus On Peyote

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I think will be just as scientific predicted as a global disaster.

If nuclear weapons is a background noise then global warming is a new surprise for a problem.

And alot more.

But psychology strengthened is more important.

Panic and confusion in the citys is a given.

After all a two hour nuclear missile can destroy a city.

Rather old news but other stresses are coming up which I don't think are going to be considered.

So a alot of fighting that uses resources for solving short term problems.

Like the U.S. is running out of resources.

Like a giant bleeding out.

So when runs out of such its gone.

I don't think terrorist groups have the slightest idea that the foe [the present government]is going to crumble into to dust within their lifetime.

But from global disaster

So better get ready on that rather than focusing on upheaval of the peasants vs, the captalists.

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Interesting concept at the very least, the end of an ancient calendar.

From what I recall, the Mayans believe it to be the end of an 'age' (after which another begins) rather than the end of time/universe/whatever itself. A lot of stuff has been tacked on by new-agers like IB said, so anyone remotely interested should go straight to the source (Mayan research) for decent info.

Isn't there supposed to be some Chinese geometric calendar or something like that that ends at the same time?

Scientists have conclueded the next polar switch (i.e. north becomes south and south becomes north) occurs in 2012. I don't really understand the exact science behind the switching of magnetic poles, but from my vague understanding small ones occur every 11 or 12 years and also every 1000 or something years.

That is at least one concrete scientific data point that something big could happen in 2012.

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As appealing as the mayans culture is, i cant put to much belief into it,(common, they preformed human sacrifices in hopes to rejuvenate the land and please the sun god)

I was flicking through Nexus magazine at the shop today (Skeptical Inquirer in the other hand) which was talking about Mayan civilization, and it got me wondering about that exact thing... maybe 2012 will be the first season of a controversial new reality show called Sacrifice.

The reptiles thing... I find some of that stuff fascinating, but there's too many loonies for me to be able to take it very seriously. Mind you, maybe that is a good reason to take it seriously. I also am wary of philosophies which make such easy and usually egocentric distinctions between "us" and "them"... eg. reptile/alien folk, mystery cults, fundamentalists, new age and so on... against the backdrop of millennia of empire, mob rule, genocide, football fanatics, racism, witch-hunting, crusades, revolutions and inquisitions it's all a bit chilling.

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ANother idea, which i look at kind of jokingly, is that the mayan that was in charge of the calender just died at that year or couldent be bothered doing more :)

Eaither way tho, their knowledge of the stars is undeniable and there may be something in it, whatever it is ( i dont think its "doomsday" per se, but somthing might or might not happen. if the poles dont shift, then maybe well get back to a cooling period (ice ageic), maybe a war that will ravage much of the world and thus "restart" the human race back into a modern darkage ( due to nukuler war) or maybe a war that will impact on the mind of the populence of the world that will lead to an era of peace. the human ideas of the world and war may change to one of "never again" (again).

But in the end, i agree with sina and Sublime Crime (i donno if i should call u be SC or IB :) )in that, if there is an answer, that true mayan research must be observed rather then new age theoretical guesses because they believe what they dont understand.

only round 3 an a half years to go, should/could be interesting to see what happens, my bet is on little change. however, if say a nukuler war goes on with iran "current headlines" many people will jump onto it, but thats just the way it is, and wouldent have much to do with the calender.


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Its an interesting concept which i have been pondering a fair bit lately; mostly spurred on by dramatic visions that i have been receiving, feelings of time running out and of course the many different cultures that have predicted a major change in the world around 2012.. although all these things are debateable by a highly analytical and skeptical mind... :unsure:

So my theory goes something like this... Pachamamma needs to purge, she is tired and unable to support all our needs and desires anymore, this will happen, and perhaps cataclysmical events will happen, maybe we will see destructions of cities and many deaths, perhaps she will just cease to provide, maybe we will see the climate change very dramatically and very quickly, perhaps all the storages of gas in her belly will seep to the surface and we will all have our etheral layers stripped back to reveal nothing but the truth (that'll screw the gov :) )... i am certain it will mean that the way we live will be challenged. During this period of ultimate human challenge, the current leaders of the world will see the errors in their ways (if they survive) the warriors and wise will step forward to assist and heal the peoples through a new revised way of understanding, a blend of the ancient and not so ancient. These new leaders will develop systems where every person lives in equality and is taught according to their talents the ways of the world, ancient and modern, pulling on every resource available without prejudice.

This is why i beleive we are currently seeing such a huge resurgence of right minded thinking, and research into the ancient ways... we as a human race are beginning to realise that we need to remember everything; as a challenging time is leading forth and we need to be well educated to tackle the real big issues...

One thing that I am absolutely positive of though, is that cataclysmical events or not, i think 2012 is the time when we will see a huge shift in the way the human race is evolving and living.. :) Positive thinking right?!

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Serenes, i understand your view point (and many more like it), but i am wondering how in your view how the whole human race will change its living, evolving patterns in a mere 4 years, i dont mean to be objective or argumentative , but am just curious because of the Absolutely Positive view point of yours? (and also many others).

I think that kind of focus is the mainstream interpretation of the mayan 2012 theory goes,but i cant get around the idea that every nation and man will confide with a single peaceful view point.

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I imagine that the 2012 has enough of a life of its own by now that something will almost certainly happen somewhere... with people like serenes practically wishing it into existence, we are bound to be treated to some kind of spectacle, whether amusing or terrifying.


The only thing I can be sure about is that there will be a lot of naked people on drugs.


We can find some comfort in the idea that a special breed of people will survive to help guide us misguided analytical types from the error of our ways into what will surely be one of the most idiotic spiritual revivals the world has ever seen...

Because thinking only positive thoughts is, some would say, using only half your brain.


Look at all those fucking smileys... quite upbeat.

Edited by Sublime Crime

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Fuck IB, I completely agree with your post, an unprecedented moment in history for sure. Perhaps this agreement is the proverbial flap of butterfly wings which will cause the downfall of our misguided and fucked up society in 1699 days :P

I like the sound of drug induced nudity though. Got a candidate field picked out for a good view of armageddon? Can I come?

Here's the fallacy of the new age 2012 interpretation: if an apocalypse occurs, it's gonna snap everyone be they peasants in India living organically in touch with nature as well as high powered cocaine snorting executives and SUV driving burger munching red voting Americans.

Just like the fallacy of putting the Mayan faith on a pedestal as being somehow more enlightened, considering (as JOP mentioned) their highly enlightened practices of human sacrifice.

Who knows, maybe the new-agers and the Mayans were right, and all the skeptics are gonna have some seriously Revelations pie on their face before long.

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Fuck IB, I completely agree with your post, an unprecedented moment in history for sure. Perhaps this agreement is the proverbial flap of butterfly wings which will cause the downfall of our misguided and fucked up society in 1699 days :P

Yeah, it is weird... not for us to agree, but for anyone to completely agree with me about anything.

I like the sound of drug induced nudity though. Got a candidate field picked out for a good view of armageddon? Can I come?
Im more interested in the nude drug taking now, as soon as someone decides a spot, let us know :)

Okay sickos, well it sounds like it won't matter to you guys where we are, as long as we're naked... simplifies things, at least.

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Im more interested in the nude drug taking now, as soon as someone decides a spot, let us know :)

found it!

party location


peace x

Edited by husk

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the mayans seem to have gone to all of this effort to pinpoint one cosmic occurrence. when the sun rises through the galactic centre

(how the fuck do you spell centre? center? bah americans)

on a winter solstice.

fuck knows if any of this is true, but supposedly they viewed the galactic centre as like a tree of life, and this occurence when the sun rose through it on a winter solstice is a time when man's soul can make the journey to... something.

it reminds me of the elves steering their ships on some celestial path to get to the lately hidden valinor.

this question always comes up, i'm not sure why people guess. even though my belief system is rather solid, it is full of half-baked comprehension, and enormous possibilities. i will throw out a guess, and one guess is all it is. perhaps the mayans had some grasp of finer dimensions, perhaps they predicted that during this occurrence the angles are right for our dimensions to glance another, or for all of these fine dimensions intersect in such a way that reality is warped. here is where i continue to speculate for the next three and a half years on what that might mean to us.


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Here's the fallacy of the new age 2012 interpretation: if an apocalypse occurs, it's gonna snap everyone be they peasants in India living organically in touch with nature as well as high powered cocaine snorting executives and SUV driving burger munching red voting Americans.

That's a good point, and hadn't occurred to me, I think because I always assumed what was more likely to happen in some kind of apocalyptic scenario was people killing other people, rather than natural disasters and the like... but yeah, I suppose the enlightened crowd don't really think of it in those terms, so I'm not sure how they imagine the winnowing will take place... maybe the burgeoning global blackbox working hand in hand with good old fashioned early morning raids?

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The orion star complex system is a astrological important observed symbol.

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Like a spiral we keep on coming back around again, this could be a refreshing restart. Like a spiral, each time we come back around is an evolution on the last time.

Now... as far as i recall, it is not the "end of the world" or the "end of an age" but rather the "end of time" This I think is key to understanding the change post 2012... that being that after that there is no before/after. It is the end of time or chronology or maya.. illusion. I dunno.

It may as well just be preperation for another big bang where the physical universe dematerialises into pure consciouness, which itself fragments into subjective perspectives and a community or pantheon discusses it's desires/wants for the journey of the next life.. and blamo initial conditions are set again into a maze of predeterminism that we are Free to explore. Kinda like right now, just that we can't remember that far back.

Alternatively we may remain in a higher dimensional existence... like archangels or memetic matrices dictating physical realities below. Or we could become a single celled organism, and ask the big questions about the meaning of life and free-will. And through those few crucial steps of novelty kickstart evolution in another totally new direction (that's all happened before anyway)

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