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The Corroboree

The looming season of le'sub


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Hey all!

A little random obsevation over the weekend has got me a tad pumped for the months to come.

Over the weekend i in the Jenolan area enjoying my dirtbike with some close mates and one could not help

to notice that tha argarics are coming up thick and fast.with all the rain over the non eventfull summer..reckon

we could be in for an early season?..hope so.

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Hey all!

A little random obsevation over the weekend has got me a tad pumped for the months to come.

Over the weekend i in the Jenolan area enjoying my dirtbike with some close mates and one could not help

to notice that tha argarics are coming up thick and fast.with all the rain over the non eventfull summer..reckon

we could be in for an early season?..hope so.

The agarics were popping up? Do you think the edible mushroom season has started up there? I really want to go up this autumn just to go hunting the edibles, i've never done that before.

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Yep, judging from the last two seasons I am expecting either a nice early April surprise or a standard mid-April first flush for this area.

I definitely feel it is wet enough, probably all that's required is an adequately cold cold snap.

Hell excited here too. We should make this the official thread for the season so it doesn't get too messy.

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I can't wait for this years season to begin. Already it's beginning to get wet and cold with rain predicted everyday over the next week. Hopefully that will mean i good season ahead. I finally have a digital camera so i can take photos of what i find..woo hoo. Anyway, i think i'll be posting quite a bit on this thread over the next few months. Happy hunting!


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*A* good season, no i good season god damn it lol. Very nice photos Daemon, very nice!! I can only hope my photos will be that clear.


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Nice work Passive!!!

I tried a similar thing a while ago (posted here in a thread called SubSculpture) but botched the painting.

What did you make these out of? And what paint did you use?

You've inspired me to have another crack.

(Thread here: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...=12041&hl=)

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Made em out of FIMO Morg. You just shape it into the required form and then harden it in the oven for half an hour. I painted them with Guache, prolly not the best paint to use as it takes weeks to dry fully but i get the closest colouring with it. Then i just glue them onto a lil piece of perspex along with the wood, moss etc.

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FIMO rocks, and you can bake it at home. Don't shelve it til its cooled down though, unless you want an edge at the next irish dancing contest you go to.

Nice work with the fakies, they look a much more real than the fibreglass ones locals parks headquarters has on display... you should knock out a dozen clumps of the most common useful and dangerous species, and sell em as 3d ID kits, ornaments... I'd love to get my hands on something like that, just for looks value alone... much nicer than plastic flowers

Bloody southerners and ya cold weather bounty... only mexicans would come up with a mushy that not only seems to be wearing a beanie, but you need one yourself or you'll die of hypothermia hunting them.

Bring on the global cooling...


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Finally some decent rain down in Melbourne after weeks of dryness. I'm still thinking it'll be abit later than the last few years because of it. I'm a gardener and Ive never seen the property's I work on as dry as it was the last few weeks.

Even so, believe it not I found this dryed up sub about a couple of weeks ago.

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They look great mate. What tools do you use to get such an even texture? The colours are spot on!

Nah nuthin Morg, just shape em and cook em in the oven <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png.Once they are cooked you can shape the Fimo even more with sandpaper but i didnt bother doing that, i just painted them up. I might try an A. muscaria later on tonite and see how it turns out.

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So good! :wub:

Made em out of FIMO

FIMO's amazing stuff, i used to do all sorts of crazy things with it, pity it's so expensive. What base colour did you use? Also, did you use more than one colour or did you just paint?

passive shelves things for the texture


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So those are fake ey...god dammit i should have known. Spot the newbie...>ME<


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Don't worry peaceful_son, I fell for it too, then again I was at work and could only check the thumbnails.

It's a complement to mr passive that we both got suckered! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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hey nice one shroomeup, so the season has started :D

Thanks mate but yeah I think that loner sub was just a freak? It was growing from the pot which I was throwing all of my stem buts into last year and covered with pine needles. It was getting watered frequently but its still bizare in that heat. I went out and had a look at some patches and even some rainforest yesterday and nothing! no fungi at all. Gunna be atleast a few weeks off I reckon. Its been so dry.

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