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The Corroboree

free cacti for newbies!!!


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  • 4 months later...

As a tribute to jono, i should put some photos of the tricho he kindly sent...


This is just when it arrived....


and this is now, after some 9 months...... I am not really sure what I should do with it, since the upper columns {see the tiny pup in the upper photo] have grown quite wide and heavy...

Thanks to jono and to this wonderfull community for all the help to my questions https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Keep it up!

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  • 1 year later...

YONKS AGO now here are sum pix of the kk339 pachanoi jono's baby

still not that big about 25 cms tall is yours heaps bigger mutant? i have moved house about 3 times and all my cacti have had dormant times but shes healthy and happy i like how stocky she is. i dont have many pachs but i would def put down some more of this seed. (if i had it!) once again big thanks for the generous offer :rolleyes:

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looks nice mate. im gonna put a pic of my best one in my cactus garden soon. its a nice pach i reckon, and is definately from seed knize HAD labelled accurately. Very handsome pach i reckon.

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yeah guys this was a year ago i think. sorry no more available.

Edited by incognito
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Hey, flora, yours is cool and fatty alright, too, it looks happy ;)


Ok there it is, it is the most beautiful of them all... In the back, corner the one with the most branches... Yeah it's a beautiful cactus....

The fat scop=like trich is newly rooted. The mostrosa and cristata are also pachanoi...

Edited by mutant
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  • 2 weeks later...

holey crap!

i didn't know people on here were so giving and generous! you stun me with your brilliance!

thank you.

i have only just been able to post here after what feels like about a 4 month wait for my account to be accepted.

but you are more than welcome to my first post!

i would love some san pedro or l. williamsii if there is still some around and available...?

are you sure you want nothing more than postage? for this nice thing you are doing you are welcome to anything i have to offer, i dont have much bein such a newb n all but you need only simply ask

anything i can do for you i will.

im not yet sure of how to use this site and how to send you a personal message so if you could get in touch though my email that would be awesome!

[email protected].

thank you very much! you have given me a great impression of this message board and its community. i will surely stay if im welcome

shine on you crazy diamonds!

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I'm new and young, been lurking this forum for 2 years now and have finally joined the community. I've finally let mum give me a section of our back yard so I can start up a cacti garden! I'm not sure if I should start from seeds or from cuttings, but if anyone has any freebies to spare i'd be greatly appreciated!

I'm in northern suburbs of melbourne

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  • 3 weeks later...

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