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diet food

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Is it true that followinig list of food conatin no net calories. I searched and found that they all seem to come form one source. I was wondering if anyone had an experince with this?



anyone know the true validity of this?

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ive lived off apples, pineapples, mangoes prunes, berries and i would say igot energy from them. I guess it depends how much you chew them and break up cell walls cos then nutrients would easily be transported.

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Na, some of those fruits are 10% sugar or more and the rest basically water

ie in 1KG of pineapple there is about 100gms of sugar and about 500 calories worth of energy

To burn 500 calories it will take about an hour of intense cardio, you'd think you would notice if your body was expending that sort of energy to digest a meal. After eating three meals you'd be nackered!

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it doesn't realy matter if it's true or not, i guess they give you some energie, even cucumbers...

as a boy i would sometimes exhaust myselfe walking the country side and than eat what ever berries or fruits i found on the way and they always gave you lot's of energie.

my gf partakes on foodprograms, so i researched and learned a bit about loosing weight.

1, measure/weight your food.

2, reduce the carbs. but lot's of vegies. protin in the morning, carb's at night so you have plenty of serotonin.

3, tryptophan or sceletium might have a positive effect on your impulse control, so you don't crave food as much.

some diets cut out all the carbs, but cutting out all the carbs, seems to make you burn your food far less efficent, according to my own silly theory.

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I think lettuce requires more energy to process than the energy it provides.

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i've heard it's celery.

I have heard celery also, although I hate the stuff :puke:

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it doesn't realy matter if it's true or not, i guess they give you some energie, even cucumbers...

as a boy i would sometimes exhaust myselfe walking the country side and than eat what ever berries or fruits i found on the way and they always gave you lot's of energie.

my gf partakes on foodprograms, so i researched and learned a bit about loosing weight.

1, measure/weight your food.

2, reduce the carbs. but lot's of vegies. protin in the morning, carb's at night so you have plenty of serotonin.

3, tryptophan or sceletium might have a positive effect on your impulse control, so you don't crave food as much.

some diets cut out all the carbs, but cutting out all the carbs, seems to make you burn your food far less efficent, according to my own silly theory.

i heard carbs in morning to promote good brain function during day.

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the thing about the brain is that it needs carbs. the rest of your body can use protein as energy if it has to but for some reason the brain must have carbs to function properly.

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the thing about the brain is that it needs carbs. the rest of your body can use protein as energy if it has to but for some reason the brain must have carbs to function properly.

Actually I’m inclined to disagree. Proteins are made of amino acids. Amino acids can be glutogenic or ketogenic. The brain and heart can you use ketone bodies as energy as well as glucose. Carbs are just glucose molecules joint together.

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I saw a doco of a proper scientific study 2 years ago using atkins type diets compared to other low cal (1200 a day) diets to find that there is no proof that the whole dietiary ketosis weight loss theory is actually real - they worked out from food journals that instead people who were eating the high protein\<100g daily carb diets were really just eating a lower calorie diet due to protein filling them up more. Dr Atkins is a fuckn cardiologist, not a dietician and has no real experience in dietetics or nutritional science whatsoever - he came up with the diet just to help his patients loose weight easier and although it works I don't regard it as the healthiest of diets and it is notorious for people rebounding and putting more weight afterwards as it fuxx your metabolism proper.

In regards to the theorised 'neg. calorie' foods - other good choices are strawberries, rasberries, asparagus etc.... regardless of the validity of the theory, they are still good choices for diet snacks.

I know far too much about weight loss for my own good.

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instead people who were eating the high protein\<100g daily carb diets were really just eating a lower calorie diet due to protein filling them up more

The answer is not protein making you feel full, they tested that, it was debunked. The largest study took two test groups, and gave them access to a free 'supermarket'. Half the people had access to the usual low-fat type diet foods, and the rest had access to Atkins type diet. People could take as much as they felt they needed. When they worked out the calorie intake between the two groups it was virtually even.

The problem the medical profession had with the Atkins diet is that Atkins himself didnt even understand why it worked, but worse still, used poor science to flog it, much to the ire of many educated people. The whole notion that one could just keep on eating and not get fat violated the laws of energy conservation.

How does it fuck your metabolism? You sure those people are not just hopeless with self control and cream pies?

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if weight loss is your goal, these quotes i got off the nook a while bacc may help...

...the Michael Thurman extreme makeover diet...

...Ya eat six times a day 4oz. carbs/4oz. protein your body doesn't hold on to anything because it survival trigger has not been triggered. eat every 2.5-3hrs. No sugar (spikes insulin) and no salt (retains water). This is a very healthy diet unlike Dr. A's and is scientifically proven AND it worked awesome for me so if you didn't take my advice then you already wasted a week which BTW you would have already dropped 5lbs.! Fruits and veggies are free food meaning you can eat all you want BUT stay away from sweet fruits and fruit juices as they will also spike your insulin. Fish turkey and chicken are all lean sources of protein use them. One key point here the protein slow down the rate at which the carbs are utilized making for a very well balanced metabolism...

...No milk/ dairy products, slows metabolism. Make sure to take suppliments calcium, D as well as all the rest. Biggest secret is to eat consistantly the smaller portions regularly. pototoes are cool source of carbs too sweet tater fries are real good when sprinkled with cardamon (sp?), ginger and whatever. Splenda is also a very good thing when the sweet tooth hits. Real oatmeal, etc; ...

...Suppliments are necessary man or woman but dairy products (fat) are in of themselves not. This diet totally gets your metabolism back to where it was as a youth. Also oils (any oils) will slow the weight loss process down noticably this includes olive oil...

...You body when hungry instinctively stores the fats for the future and thats a fact right doc? Now listen up by eating more smaller meals your body after a short while starts burning this fat rather quickly even with little extra exercise/movement. One other beautiful side benefit is your stomach shrinks a bit making you feel fuller sooner. I say why ever feel hungry when it's totally unnecessary. I've tried every diet in the book just about just to lose 20 god damn pounds! The cabbage diet worked I lost the 20lbs. but gained it back rather quickly and my appetite was huge as far as eating what I wasn't suppose to. Now this diet I can eat just about anything less the salt/sugar/fat but believe me meat and potatoes are in the diet as well as alot more and the best thing is I haven't gained any weight back since and I've been cheating for the last four months...

...Thats the great thing with this diet you target your body type and blueprint your body, there are four different body types along with a combination of the four. The Extreme Makeover Diet is like no other diet ever and it didn't come cheap. Your body does not give up fat easily it's your bodies survival instinct. Most diets if not all others fail because they are setup to fail through misimformation. Basic fact metabolism in most cases is whats responsible for gaining weight and this diet simply takes advantage of this doc. Spiking insulin levels also has alot to do with your metabolism. This diet is based on proven scientific knowledge of the bodies workings and without experiencing it and understanding it no one will understand how easy it is to actually lose weight and keep it off...

the basics of weight loss are 'reduction in caloric intake - increase in exercise.' imho, increased exercise is the major factor. it doesnt matter what or how much a ballerina eats (often juck food from what ive heard, because of time constraints from practicing all the time) they dont get fat. of course, ballet aint for every1 so...

introducing a morning walk of at least 45 min. duration into your daily routine would increase your total daily exercise and get your metabolism up and running. increasing the distance covered in the 45 min.s over time would increase the benefits. from what is quoted above, lots of little meals will keep ur metabolism pumping during the day.


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The answer is not protein making you feel full, they tested that, it was debunked. The largest study took two test groups, and gave them access to a free 'supermarket'. Half the people had access to the usual low-fat type diet foods, and the rest had access to Atkins type diet. People could take as much as they felt they needed. When they worked out the calorie intake between the two groups it was virtually even.

The problem the medical profession had with the Atkins diet is that Atkins himself didnt even understand why it worked, but worse still, used poor science to flog it, much to the ire of many educated people. The whole notion that one could just keep on eating and not get fat violated the laws of energy conservation.

How does it fuck your metabolism? You sure those people are not just hopeless with self control and cream pies?

Yes - the study I was talking about is the same one you are. I was thinking that the reason why people eating the high fat atkins type diet foods ate less because protein absorbs more water than carbs and thus creates a feeling of fullness easier.

I'm not sure the reason why it fucks your metabolism, but I do know that part of the atkins style diets is the final phase where you are supposed to slowly intergrate carbs back into your diet - failure to do so properly is supposed to result in weight gain because you need to get your body used to processing carbs again.... apparantly this stage is quite difficult to do properly. Eating carbs after periods of starvation in ketosis is like drinking water after dancing for 8 hours straight - you cram the shit down.

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