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Found 16 results

  1. Hey guys looking for some of the sort after clones, hoping to trade for lophs or some of my other intresting plants, of which there are many. Otherwise happy to pay cash. los gentiles rosei 1 rosei 2 landfill four winds tbm long form And straight: terscheckii Also looking for a small Wollemia nobilis, maybe even a cutting might not be the right forum though. Thanks!
  2. I went to another local nursery today and was surprised by the amount freaks they sold, had a bunch of grafted crests and variegated columnars as well as some massive TBMs... I searched around online to try and find some answers but everything seems pretty confusing and people seem to mix A and B up. I was told A is the long type and B is the short multiple branching TBM, correct me if I'm wrong. My question is this, does a TBM 'obese' version exist or are they just selling very fat clone B pups as this? They were larger than any I have ever seen personally, small football sized almost.... I held off on picking one up since I was a bit suspicious and they were a bit pricey, I wish I had snagged a picture. Going back next week to see some larger cacti they get in Monday so I'll take some pictures then. I did happen to snag a nice sized TBM clone B for $5 that had 5 segments just because a couple of blemishes There were also 2 massive TBMs (clone A I think?) for $100 each that had between 3-5 large segments, I thought they were well worth it for the size but didn't have $ so I'll get a picture of those too and see what type everyone thinks they are.
  3. Hey guys was just hoping for some help identifying these trichocereus cacti. I believe they are all t.pachanoi but I was also hoping if someone can help me determine whether they are the PC (predominant cultivar) clone. I have heard that PC clones have upward facing areoles but it seems that many trichocereus share this characteristic. I have uploaded both side and top views of the cacti in question to help with identification. Sorry I am quite new to this but if anyone could share any tips on identifying PC clones it would be very much appreciated. Much love <3
  4. I have some 5 year old trichocereus bridgesii that I sadly haven't repotted in 4 years. The tallest ones in the picture are about 53cm. This year will be a good year for them because not only will they get a new large pot (or pots) but they get to leave the 4 year old store-bought cactus soil mix I used at the time! I'm thinking 1 part garden soil, 1 part pearlite (or pumace) and a small amount of sand for the new soil mix. My question is this: I was thinking about burying them about 10cm deeper than they are now, which would put the thin 1st year of growth under the soil and hopefully make them more stable (see picture with drawn lines and text). Not only is the bottom of the cactus thinner than the top but a few of them are also leaning at the bottom then they curve up to vertical at the top. Is this a bad idea? Will I rot out the bottom? I live in the cold north of the US so they've been grown indoors and have a pretty controlled environment. I'm also hoping by mixing my own soil this time it will be better draining and not rot out the newly buried portion.
  5. Hey guys, here are a few of this year´s photos. I´ll post some more very soon. Just preparing the printing of the new book and I´m mostly browsing photos all day long. Enjoy guys!
  6. Hi guys, no longer living in Australia but my scop x tig I left with a mate is looking like its going to flower (of course it waits till I leave). Looking to source some pollen so we can get some seeds for me to take back to the states. Happy to pay for the pollen or trade for some of the seeds we produce when we eventually do. <3
  7. Hey guys selling seeds of my echinopsis pachanoi (San Pedro) x echinopsis peruviana (Peruvian torch) coming in packs of 100. only have 4 packs left
  8. From the album: MeanGreen's Ethnobotanical Garden

    This is the first time it ever flowered, there was literally hundreds of pups in a pot, choking each other out. I separated and transplanted them a couple months ago (my fingers still remember it haha) and bingo, flower buds everywhere! Got pups for trade if anyone is interested.

    © MeanGreen

  9. Hey guys, So I want to get into growing cacti but I'm overwhelmed by all the trichocereus strains and what not. Could someone make my life easy and recommend what they consider to be the 'classic' or 'essential' varieties/strains to begin with? Cheers! EG
  10. I just harvested seed from a cross I made of a red-flowered clumping SS Echinopsis hybrid (forget which one exactly, but one of the parents was T. andagalensis) with Trichocereus arboricola. I have some seed available for trade and for people who will definitely grow them out.
  11. Sol


    Big mumma Scop late flowering
  12. One of my mates is getting rid of a large portion of their ornamental cacti collection, many trichocereus sp. and a few others. For local pickup, cacti come with their pots and soil. For interstate, cacti will be sent bare rooted without pots or soil and postage is unfortunately not available to Tasmania due to quarantine. [Edit: all sold]
  13. Hi all, I've recently come by a few plants that look like they may need a little help, health wise... Hoping for some advice from those that have experience with whatever illness(es) these recent acquisitions may be suffering from....(rot/scale??) Best form of care/treatment I should be providing for these plants. Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks SlB Gallery here.... http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=gallery&album=601
  14. From the album: Corpus Illuminata

    Axis Mundi - The Axis of the World

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