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The Corroboree


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About 2Deep2Handle

  • Birthday January 31

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  • Country
    East Coast
  • Interests
    My Family
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    Fruit Trees

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  • Climate or location
    Coffs Harbour

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  1. YAY! And the man is BACK! <3

    1. Psyentist


      Yeewww! Long time no see brother, hope you’re well! :)

  2. Looking for interesting ethno seeds. Brug variety cuts i done have haworthias cacti seed or plants ( especially freaks of monstrose, crested variegate origins) epiphllums i dont have Caapi Ephedra known cultivar variant kratom cuts Interesting fruit plants Will trade small quantities of seed for random bits and pieces too. Will also trade other things if i have them. ( i collect a lot of genus and types of botany) I just love the idea of barter rather than the mighty $ to collectively expand our collections. Thanks community 2Deep
  3. Gimli Id trade my left vesticle for some of these ;)
  4. Joshwaa..hes probably right (as shitty as $80 for a poorly packed plant is), that it will survive and throw new shoots. My rabbit chews the heads off my newly rooted aerial clones, and they always reshoot, provided its not the heart of winter. Looks like a traditional red or maybe a Vienna white. Not likely a green, narrow or PH. I might have something floating around i can send you. Shoot me a pm.
  5. if you had no luck with the pere pm me :D
  6. nosh let me know when your ready mate and im sure ive got some things of interest ;) 2Deep
  7. You only after seeds? or would rooted cuttings / small plants suffice?
  8. lol one of the most evil little buggers out. glochids for days! I got a microdaisy var pallida (yellow) F. cristata i could grab a little pad off. Its only small atm though
  9. looks no different to my L.W texana's when i put them on pere. Well ferted, well watered pere grafts, my tex's seem to plump their ribs up. Zelly what you think?
  10. I can never keep up with the changing names anyway. Once 2Deep...forever 2Deep.....I have always been and will always be! 3K posts or Not.... Anyone care to divulge who they were in previous incarnations of themselves?
  11. Ahhh shit .He was a great person and will be sorely missed by all who knew him. I had the pleasure of meeting him, at the first SAB meet I ever went to, which i held at my own house, and finally got to meet all the great users, who all happened to be better people than those I had known for many years. Up until that day, I only knew them by names such as AndyAmine, Jox, Gollum, Gem etc the list goes on...He was the last to leave Christian was one of the guys (and gals) who cemented my love of this forum, through his love of plants, and shit stirring humour, once you got to know him. Another member (person) gone too soon. I think his constant dedication to his plants and this forum, deserves to be immortalised through the naming of a new clone after him as well. Anyone working with any new genetics? If you are ever down people, make sure you talk about it with people. No one likes to lose a brother or a sister, and im sure everyone on this forum would do all within they're power to cheer up or help a fellow member through a difficult time. Suicide is a permanent fix to a temporary situation, and no point rushing....we all get there eventually. R.I.P Christian.
  12. Ethos PM me mate and Ill get some pere your way. If you could cover postage that would be great. Otherwise all good. GREAT to see you Back :D
  13. Hey gimli I'll take some cuttings in the next week. Ill pm you when there good to go. message me in a month if you havent heard from me. Cover my postage and they're yours ;)
  14. Gimli I could probably get you an 'insignis' spices in the mail. Same as above. No guarantees it will make it, but ill try lol. Also got a few aurea, suavolens and candida cultivars i could take some cuts of.
  15. Hey ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ i can assure you he is still around, but not on the Gold Coast anymore. I'll make sure he sees this. C an you PM me with what name you used to go by? Its so hard to keep up with who is who, as im sure i know so many of these guys/girls with high post counts, but just names I don't recognise anymore. Hes much further North these days. Still has a bit of a cactus collection, but very very limited on the ethno side. I'm going to send him a home welcoming present up north in the next couple of weeks. He went through some tough times but is getting back on his feet, and whilst I still get to talk to him, I miss actually catch up with him in person, as his knowledge is only rivalled by his friendliness. On that note anyone know where Myco or Stillman got too?
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