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Everything posted by synchromesh

  1. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    It simply isn't stupid or unique enough to be up for a Darwin Award. Please try again.
  2. synchromesh

    Machine Elves have an agenda...

    I take it that Joe Rogan is no longer a friend of his?
  3. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    Natural Selection, eh? Guess it waited a long time then.
  4. synchromesh

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Humanity > Science Sorry, I should have said that it was a tit instead.
  5. synchromesh

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Science is an ass.
  6. synchromesh

    Telstra, Optus to start censoring the web next month

    “The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly' meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.” - Larry Hardiman Wanna stop getting eaten by parasites, Australia? Then stop feeding them!
  7. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    Well, no offense, but Facebook sucks donkey nuts! I could care less what goes on in there.
  8. synchromesh

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Civil war and homelessness for the win! I will never support the taxation of dog farts. It just doesn't sit right with me.
  9. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    What emotion? Besides the short "R.I.P." messages, what have you seen that I haven't?
  10. synchromesh

    Climate evidence is in.

    You need alternatives though. (HEMP, etc) Otherwise you're just stealing people's money.
  11. synchromesh

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Cost of living to rise by $3000 in next year That's without the Carbon Tax mind you...
  12. synchromesh

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    The Carbon Tax is going to be the final nail in Australia's coffin. Enjoy!
  13. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    Sheather summed it up pretty well I thought... Dunn had a Hollywood profile? Anyway, I see your point. What else should we expect from this society though? What's wrong with saying something as simple as "R.I.P." for somebody who has brought you hours of enjoyment?
  14. synchromesh

    'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dies In Car Crash

    How is it all of Ryan's fault that Zachary died? If Zachary didn't want to die, then he shouldn't have traveled with a drunk driver. Simple.
  15. synchromesh

    Youtube vids

    You'll get some more tomorrow.
  16. synchromesh


    Do you think that anarchy is only about destruction?
  17. synchromesh

    Psychadelic music recs?

  18. synchromesh

    The legality of JWH in australia in the past

    Such as hemp seed oil? The only reason those labels exist is because the FDA doesn't want to do its job properly. That's all.
  19. synchromesh

    The People Cull

    Over flooded with lies and debt by officials, we pressed on with the official assurance that conspiracies don't exist...
  20. synchromesh

    The People Cull

  21. synchromesh

    The Corroboree top 100

  22. synchromesh


    The worst fear of every government... New Orleans anybody? Divided and Conquered
  23. synchromesh


    Anarchy 4 Life