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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Sallubrious

  1. Sallubrious

    trump minus bannon

    I might be missing something but around 1:32 - 1:34 she seems to have different coloured eyes and changes the side she parts her hair on.
  2. Sallubrious

    Post your track of the day

    Gonna buy me a shotgun and shoot a jew at you
  3. Sallubrious

    The Random Thread.

    I noticed sparrows disappearing when I was around Newcastle in the late 80's - early 90's, by 2000 they were almost completely gone in some areas. The fuckwit responsible for introducing the indian myna's should be drawn, quartered, buggered and then shot. They were like cane toads, they failed to do what they were meant to and became an ecological catastrophe. They are a nasty piece of machinery with a social structure that almost equates to a hive mind. They work together in co-ordinated groups to systematically decimate other species. They push eggs out of nests, kill chicks and use all sorts of dirty tactics to smother nests. They have working patrol parties to guard their turf once they move in and set up shop. The poor little sparrow didn't stand a chance.
  4. Sallubrious

    "Supermoon" on Monday Nov 14th

    I feel for you Manu, my dad is a master of psy ops too. I could really go off on a tangent here.......
  5. Sallubrious

    "Supermoon" on Monday Nov 14th

    One time I lent my telescope to a bloke I knew and he couldn't even find the moon. He accused me of doing something to it as a joke. It turned out the stupid prick set himself up by "fixing" the finder because it looked like it was adjusted wrong. I was lucky he didn't wrap it around a tree, he tried to find it for over an hour and his Mrs reckons he was getting seriously pissed off and cursing and screaming at me & the moon. He was still seriously pissed of when he returned it the next day. When I was into star gazing I came to hate the fucking moon, it drowns out low light objects and gets in the way. If there is a nebula near it, it is much harder to see the nebula properly. I used to sit inside in the dark before using the scope to let my eyes adjust to the low light conditions and then if there was a full moon it would fuck that up as soon as I went outside and looked up.
  6. Sallubrious

    "Supermoon" on Monday Nov 14th

    Was it worth it ? We didn't get a break in the clouds, so I missed it. It seems to happen every time there's something out there worth looking at since I moved into this shit hole. I think you have to see it when it's near the horizon to get the "moon illusion" effect. When it's moved away from the horizon you don't get that over sized effect and there's nothing to put it into scale, so most people just see it as a normal size moon that looks a bit brighter than normal.
  7. Sallubrious

    trump minus bannon

    The cover of today’s issue of Time magazine with it's cryptic message to the world. The article inside is said to be about the election being a battle of the sexes. I haven't read it, so I can't really comment on the quality of that article (it does sound like like a pile of contrived horse shit though).
  8. Sallubrious

    "Supermoon" on Monday Nov 14th

    Bump Just a reminder. If it doesn't rain it should be worth poking your head outside to check it out. Some say that there is no direct correlation between the instance of a supermoon and and earthquakes or extreme weather but NZ just got smashed by a fucking big quake. Japan had their big quake in 2011 in the lead up to a supermoon, although their quake was 8 days before the supermoon, so that was a real stretch to make any connection to that one. It should get the "lunatic" fringe talking.
  9. Sallubrious

    Peru, by myself, tips, guidance

    I've never been there. Maybe the Australian embassy in Chile could give you a few tips on areas that are safe and places to avoid etc.
  10. Sallubrious

    trump minus bannon

    I can't see it ending well, it was all predicted on the Simpsons in 2000. By the time trump's term is over it will all have gone to shit. Seriously though, the election campaign was an interesting slice of history. If the puppet masters planned it to work out the way it has then the media manipulation has moved to a whole new level of sophistication.
  11. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    Obama promised to bring the troops home before he was elected and he sent more almost straight after he was sworn in. I think it's taken for granted that promises made while campaigning are almost always BS. I can't see Trump being too much different. It's the same everywhere, for politicians they are like white lies that don't matter to anyone. I see it as a verbal contract with the electorate and we should be able sue the bastards by class action if they renege on such promises. Trump's been in meetings with richard haas and it seems like he may be the advisor on foreign policy for the trump government. If that happens most of what he said will never eventuate. Haas is a rockerfella installed puppet pushing hard for globalisation through the CFR and the UN. Apparently trump thinks he's a great bloke.
  12. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    I just heard on the radio that the stock market is back up. Now the media whores on the radio seem be indicating that don getting in could be a good thing and they're speaking positively about him. What a backflip, for the entire campaign they've constantly dumped buckets full of shit on him and everything he said. I wonder if the rest of the MSM will fall into line too.
  13. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    Will a blanket of darkness to descend like it did when Biff got the almanac in back to the future? Or did that already happen when they brought the twin towers down and sent the world off an evil tangent. The stock market plunge could pop a few bubbles on the derivative market and break a few hearts. As usual mum and dad investors will suffer and rothschilds and rockerfellas will be waiting to buy up all the cheap recently dumped stocks. If history proves anything it would have been them who started dumping stocks to create that panic situation so they could cash in when it bottoms out.
  14. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    The MSM so called "journo's" are acting like a pack of spoilt brats who've just been told they are not allowed out to play. They are genuinely offended by the loss which really displays how impartial they are. They are dragging out has been politicians to help add to their tantrum like display of bias and loss. It seems the establishment is threatened and offended. Let's all vote for Dick Smith and wipe our national debt too.
  15. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    Today’s forecast Cloudy with a strong chance of rioting.
  16. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    The FIB (that was a GTA joke) has dropped the case against satan, so now we can rest assured the opinion polls will show a decisive swing back to favour her in the next day or so. They'll be rolling the propaganda off the printing presses right now and preparing the fox spiel for the final beat up/mind implant. I'd almost expect hilary to be seen with a U.S flag wrapped around her today or tomorrow.
  17. Sallubrious

    Youtube vids

    Sometimes an idle mind just needs a creative outlet.
  18. Sallubrious

    tech support

    Assuming there is no extra traffic on your network it could be a hardware problem. I'd try a few things before I rush out and buy a new modem/router. Check the logs on the router and look for repeated disconnects from DoS attacks or repeated DEAUTH flooding. If you don't find anything of interest in the logs, change your DNS servers that your network is using to open DNS or Google DNS. Sometimes a compromised router will have had it's DNS server changed so someone can remotely monitor your DNS requests and that can slow things down. Open DNS offers some level of protection against that and it's very fast and reliable. It might be worthwhile changing your WiFi network name and password while you are logged in to the router. You'll have to go through every device and change the connection details if you do though. That last paragraph is assuming telstra hasn't installed some half arsed cut down firmware on your router that prevents you accessing all the settings. You don't need to create an open DNS account to use their servers for DNS resolution, just set your router to use it. https://www.opendns.com/setupguide/ Then go to shieldsup and run their diagnostics on your router. They probe your router from the WAN side & test for any problems. Chances are you will also learn a bit about NAT from the second link while you're there as well. https://www.grc.com/shieldsup https://www.grc.com/nat/nat.htm It seems like it's just an older router not keeping up or starting to fail, but those steps above will give a few avenues to investigate before you ditch it and buy a new one. The shieldsup site could help educate you before you do buy a new router.
  19. Sallubrious

    Principle of Charity

    I suppose it's different for everyone, for some people charity can be reduced to a tax deductible ego boost/publicity stunt. To me charity is just giving without expecting any recognition, publicity or anything in return. It's good will without egotistical attachment - humanity in its simplest form.
  20. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    So now the MSM is telling us the polls have swung to favour trump. Other sources say that the election will be rigged via the states with no accountability in their voting systems, It's going to be close and it could get nasty in the aftermath whatever the outcome. Gun sales are up.
  21. Sallubrious

    Melbourne cup beat the bookies

    Yeah, any winner from the ones you select should pay roughly the same. You have to allow some margin for error as you can only bet in 50 cent units or $1 units in some places. You could add another column for a bet rounded to the units ($1 or 50c) used by the agency you bet through. Then the total bet would be skewed a bit either way. A last minute betting plunge by a syndicate could be problematic too. It's not a magic system like the B.S. some people sell on the web, it's just a way to maximise your chances of success in a corrupt fixed sport. You can still lose if you haven't selected the right horses. Most pro punters rely on inside information & betting formulas like this. Nothing beats inside information.
  22. Sallubrious

    Melbourne cup beat the bookies

    Here's a little toy I knocked up this morning as proof of concept. It allows you to back multiple horses in one race for a win and still turn a profit if any of them win (depending on the starting odds). The first few tabs have odds entered as examples. The latter tabs need their relevant fields filled. If you don't fill in the odds required for all the horses the sheet/tab will show an error -#DIV0! . You can change your total bet by changing the amount entered into the total bet field. The individual bet is the amount to bet on each horse and you have to round that figure off and bet that individual amount on every horse listed. I'll make a little java app to do the same thing when I get a chance. It will be a lot more user friendly that way. It's written on libre office but it may work on excell as well. Gamble responsibly, or get really drunk and bet the house, your choice. There are a few rare occasions (if the bookie gets his dutch book calculations wrong) where it's possible to back every horse in the race and turn a profit. Normally it's best to find a race with no short priced favourite and back three to five runners. It's not called Dutch book master because it enables mastery of Dutch book theory, the master file is meant be saved and any changes are done to a copy to keep the master in tact. Dutch Book Calc master.ods Dutch Book Calc master excell.xlsx
  23. Sallubrious

    Melbourne cup beat the bookies

    Yeah I made a few bucks yesterday. I could have made a lot more if I had more play money to start with but it worked. I tweaked the spreadsheet a bit today to get rid of the errors and simplify it a bit. Now it just has one working page and the calculations are done behind the scenes. The original one would be better if you wanted to run some statistics analysis to find a sweet spot for the ideal number of horses to bet on etc, but the new one is a lot less cumbersome. In all reality it could be cut down to just show fields for 5 horses, it would fit better on a phone that way. Feel free to chop it down if you need to. I don't use excell, so I can't say if the excell version works. If someone could test it and let me know I'd appreciate it. Dutch Book 2.0.ods Dutch Book 2.0.xlsx
  24. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    I think they can only impeach someone who holds a position in government. It would just be a waste of time and money like it was last time when bill was impeached. There has to be a two thirds majority in the senate vote to have a president removed and that will never happen. In the last impeachment there was a debacle over what the meaning of the word "is" is. Lawyers made millions out of it and no good came from it. The impeachment process is just a charade to make sheeple think there is still a functional democracy,
  25. Sallubrious

    American election, what's your call

    My Mrs watched the 60 minutes beat up last night, I had headphones on but unfortunately I could still hear some of the bullshit. It was like they were selling clinton to us, her shit doesn't stink and she will be infinitely more suitable to run the country than don because of the simple fact that she is a woman. The logic is woman= not misogynistic = better president. All the young girls that offered their opinion were convinced of just how solid that logic is. Why they have to sell that bullshit to Aussies is a bit perplexing, we aren't voting and we aren't the ones who are expected to accept the fraudulent polls. Maybe it's to keep the propaganda machine oiled up for when they pull the same crap here again. There was nothing about the leaked emails, insiders inciting violence at trump rallies, her public & private persona and associated opinions or the fact she's funneling enormous wads of US currency out the side door. Then they started selling michelle obama as a possible candidate. Apparently she's as popular as a rock star and everybody loves her. They made out that she doesn't want the job but it seems like the MSM are pre selling a contingency plan if the shit does hit the fan for hillary. The next few days should be interesting.