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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rabaelthazar

  1. Rabaelthazar

    Kids or No Kids

    Not for a little while now, mate, and probably not on the near horizon either. Ditto: Goddamn you people having sex!!!
  2. Rabaelthazar


    It's that time of year coming up and I was thinking today about the Christmas/Amanita relationship, ie: reindeers, red + white, coniferous trees... This was probably the most interesting of the vids I found on youtube.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChL9YY1v0h0 Amanita lore has to be taken with a grain of salt, I think, as there are as many disagreeing views as there are with such topics as the meaning of DMT elves. Anyone got any other ethno Christmas links?
  3. Rabaelthazar


    As far as I'm aware, Easter is (or was before adopted by Christians) a celebration of fertility, ie: eggs, rabbits and coinciding with the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere), although these days Easter is celebrated on the first full moon after the equinox, for some reason I'm not sure of. My understanding is that Easter was originally celebrated at the time of the equinox, the time we all start getting horny. The dying/resurrection theme is the winter solstice (again in the northern hemisphere)... sun reaches lowest point/shortest day around 22 Dec and the days begin to get longer again from about the 25th. The Christian Easter themes are misplaced... people seem to not understand why we have symbols of eggs and rabbits on the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, when really the question should be why bring Jesus into the Easter/Fertility celebration at all? Perhaps we should start celebrating Christmas on the 25th June and Easter on the 22nd September here in Australia, cut out some of that damn confusion. Dates are sort of arbitrary whereas the procession of the equinoxes is very real and something we could all do with being a bit more familiar with.
  4. Rabaelthazar

    Kids or No Kids

    Congrats man. Shitting yourself is the only sensible option at this point, but it'll come naturally once Feb rolls around. There'll almost certainly be times when you could reverse your decision to have kids, but weighed up against all the positives of helping to raise a human being and seeing the result of your efforts, I can't imagine that you'll be anything but happier for having a child in your life. All the best, and yeah... enjoy your sleep while you can. For the record, we've got number 2 due in March and I'm shitting myself too.
  5. Rabaelthazar


    So, what are the other 2 top movies in your book?
  6. Rabaelthazar

    Post a random picture thread

    You guys are fucked!!! LOL Where can I see more of those?
  7. Rabaelthazar

    wa frog

    OK, I concede. There's nothing cool about drinking dog turds, even if all the other kids are doing it. Aussijwerta, my suggestion to drink dog turds came from me first of all suggesting a genuine bufo alternative to frogs and your response that you couldn't find any of that. Here is what I got when I typed "cebil" into the search engine. http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 Here's what I got when I typed in "bufo". You'll see a good thread about psychoactive animals in this second link. http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=search&fromsearch=1 You've started seven threads since you joined a week ago, mostly asking questions that could have been answered by doing a simple search. This has been pointed out in each of these threads by various members and a lot of members have also answered your un-researched questions. It was starting to frustrate me already, but when you responded to my answer with even more "I can't be bothered researching myself", it really got my goat. I thought it would be an interesting social experiment to see if I could actually convince you to drink the filth from a canine's bowel... I figured that if you were too lazy to research things you might just take it at face value and give it a whirl. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't follow my recipe, because I'm sure it wouldn't be pleasant but, seriously, try to use the search engine, google and erowid before starting any more threads along the lines of "What plant/animal could I extract illegal substance x from". Also, tell us a bit about yourself. And welcome aboard.
  8. Rabaelthazar

    Swarm intelligence in plants

    Very interesting. I like this thread.
  9. Rabaelthazar

    Swarm intelligence in plants

    Now this is more along the lines of swarm intelligence, IMO (not plants, obviously)
  10. Rabaelthazar


    Good stuff, PD.
  11. Rabaelthazar

    Swarm intelligence in plants

    Yeah, I agree. I don't think this is particularly amazing. The fingers on our hands aren't separate entities, the tentacles on an octopus aren't separate entities, the roots of a plant aren't separate entities. Surely someone who read a proposal of this research pointed that out to the scientists!?! ...or am I missing something?
  12. Rabaelthazar

    wa frog

    and spread the word.
  13. Rabaelthazar

    wa frog

    No, it's for real, man. If you're not feeling the effects you're just not drinking enough. Whenever I've huffed cebil I've ended up profusely sweating with my head in the toilet bowl with nausea coursing through my entire being and I felt exactly the same way after drinking dog turds. Therefore, they must both contain the same active ingredient. My experience with dog turds was so life-changing and spiritually fulfilling... to this day, I can't pass a dog in the street without getting the urge to lift his tail and kiss him on the rectum. I urge you all to try this and report back your experiences in this thread.
  14. LOL... what are my glasses doing in the fridge?
  15. Rabaelthazar

    wa frog

    Another interesting, but little known, fact is that bufotenine occurs naturally in dog droppings along with trace amounts of other desirable tryptamines. Very simple to get what you're after. You need to wait until the dog turds are hard and dry, because this is when the tryptamine content will be at its greatest. Simply take a few good handfuls of the stuff and powder into a bowl. Mix in water a little bit at a time, stirring constantly, because you want the consistency to be just right. You're aiming for milkshake, rather than thickshake consistency. Once you've reached the desired consistency, simply take about a coffee mugs worth and drink. The taste may be a little funny at first, but you'll get used to it. I personally find that if I swish it around in my mouth and through my teeth the tryptamines are absorbed more easily (you don't even need an MAOI with this stuff). If you don't feel the effects within fifteen minutes, simply repeat with another coffee mug's worth.
  16. Rabaelthazar

    wa frog

    bufotenine? Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil Roast seeds, crush, mix with lime, fill your sinuses and enjoy. The most psychedelic toilet bowl you'll ever have your head in. <edit - lime = powdered limestone, not citrus>
  17. New forum definitely looks to be an improvement, especially when viewing from an iPhone. Nice. Is there a way to customize colours though? The blue on my computer is a little harder on the eyes than the old beige.
  18. Rabaelthazar

    Post a random picture thread

  19. Rabaelthazar

    Floating in a flood, help required enquire within :P

    Good luck, mate and congrats on you engagement. Sorry I can't help in the way of work or accom, but best thoughts with you.
  20. Rabaelthazar

    EGA 10

    he he... yeah, not very vegan friendly at all. We'll go with your suggestion for next year. Really interesting day, although I only got to meet one person from the forums and that was very brief. Some really interesting presentations. Worth every cent of the ticket price.
  21. Rabaelthazar

    EGA 10

    It is hereby decreed that all Sabbers attending EGA shall wear a three foot tall hat made from collected birds nests, held together by honey and encrusted with flowers from their gardens, just to make recognition of each other a little easier. I'll look out for your fairy mushrooms tomorrow, Amazonian. You'll recognize me because I look exactly the same as my sig, all two dimensions of me. I'll even be riding the contraption. Hope to catch up with some others tomorrow too.
  22. Rabaelthazar


    Damn... missed out on all the fun. He now has a disclaimer on each page stating something along the lines of: "It's come to my attention that some of my auctions were for prohibited items. They have been removed and destroyed."
  23. Rabaelthazar

    What do you wish you knew when you were 18?

    I shoulda put a smiley in my last post, cos I was trying to be a bit flippant. Maybe this one... When I was 18, I felt like this too. I still think love is sacred and I have an enormous amount for respect for females. I'm happily married to a woman that I adore and have no intention straying from... and.... if I look back on the last 13 years, I recognize many occasions where I turned down the opportunity for sex because of my ideas of what love and sex mean. If I could have my time again, I'd still have turned down some of the opportunities but there are a lot that I could have very much enjoyed, that the girl could have very much enjoyed, that would have been mutually respectful and that would have been a hell of a lot of fun. This thread is "what do you wish you knew when you were 18?" and, frankly, this is one of those things (for me at least) I'd be interested to know how you'll see this situation when you're 30 something. You might feel exactly the same, you might not. As someone else posted, you have to learn through your own experience so I'm not really expecting you to take the advice of "Shag anyone you can". Realistically, if I could go back in time and have a heart-to-heart with myself aged 18, I'd probably not take advice from my older self. You've gotta live your life and learn your own set of morals, your own rules of living. Really good thread, by the way.
  24. Rabaelthazar

    dj Amon Tobin

    I had a friend put on an Amon Tobin CD one night about five years ago when we were lounging around on her bed googing off our nuts. I still remember how absolutely amazing his music sounded in that state. I wish I could remember what album it was... Beautiful music.
  25. Rabaelthazar

    Yo Gabba Gabba

    This is for anyone with kids. Check this show out.... it's all about singing, dancing and listening to music, but the twist is the music is actually really freakin' awesome. Guests such as Weird Al, Devo, Shiny Toy Guns and Jack Black. Man, my childhood was wasted on Patsy Cline and Romper Room. My little boy loves this show and I gotta say, so do I. I think it's on ABC2 on a Sunday morning, but not sure exact time. Here's the youtube channel link. http://www.youtube.com/user/yogabbagabba#p/u/14/fvtwTi_oC78 and apologies to anyone who thought I was talking about old skool hardcore.