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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Stinkmeat

  1. Thanks guys It is a bit wierd having that face at the edge of the page. When I draw I don't really plan it out, it just sorta happens. I just started that face and liked it, so rather than possibly ruining it buy moving it, I just did the rest of the stuff around it. My style always changes, but there seems to be a few core elements that stay the same. That core seems to come through in most of my works. Stink
  2. Stinkmeat

    ID Please

    The Eileen that I have does possess the V shape that you are talking about (that's assuming you mean the V just above each areole?). Standard Bridgesii do seem to have it as well, not quite as pronounced though. It does not seem as prominent as T. Peruvianus As for a link on the qualities of "Eileen." I don't know of any and couldn't find any with a quick search. I'm sure there has been old discussions on here about Eileen so if you do a search you may find something. A few of the main characteristics that I have noticed are - - She grows much bulkier and fatter than a normal T. Bridge. - She has hybrid vigor, which means that she is a bit tougher than most. She also produces more biomass/flesh per growing season - She seems to have a lot of variation in her visual appearance, as you can tell in my photos. There are no stupid questions mutant ;) I've only been growing for a year, so I'm still learning. If anyone else has any points to add about the characteristics, or if anything I said was wrong (quite likely), extra info would be appreciated. Stink
  3. Stinkmeat

    msn thread

    I'm in, anyone that wants mine can PM me ;) Peaceful, I added you already. Stink
  4. Again, thanks for the replies. It's cool that everyone has chosen different drawings as their favourites. I'm making a Deviant Art account as we speak. I'll only be putting the ones I have on here for now. I'll let you's know when I add any extras. Some extra feedback is always a good thing. I have only looked through one issue of Juxtapoz AA. It has some really cool stuff in it. The hardcover Tattoo and Illistration books look worthy of purchase too. Ima get to work on some more and post them here ASAP. Stink
  5. Nah, I don't have an account anywhere thunder. Probably should make one aye The guy with the plants behind him is one of my favourites too, it was one of the first that I tried using comic book-style shading on. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. Stink
  6. Stinkmeat

    Heavy Metal

    Yeah Boy! I've got my tickets to the Brisbane show, with 3 or 4 other people. The tickets were only $60 with postage and everything, pretty good deal. Less than a month away, I'm soooooooo fuckin excited. I hope you get some cash together Son, I'm betting they will be well worth it. Anyone else going to the Brisbane show? Stink
  7. Stinkmeat

    The Kava Fiasco

    Thanks for posting Sina. Nice corrolation of articles. I always thought the ban was stupid, but didn't realise how much the government had contradicted themselves. It's farked that they have left not only the Australian indigenous community, but also the Melanesian with issues that they both don't need. And like t st tantra said touched on, what's the go with the raids and illegality of kava back in 2003? Stink
  8. Stinkmeat


    Haha, sorry AA. I've been more wrapped up in my Wii. Super Smash Bros and Metroid Prime 3 FTW! I need to get the new COD4 maps, then I'll be back in business The same goes for me too, anyone who has COD4, Halo 3, UMK3 or The Orange Box, PM me you gamertag if you wanna play. Stink
  9. Stinkmeat

    Wipe the fuck out

    Hahaha, Gold! Probably the most entertaining thing on TV late at night/Early morning. Stink
  10. Thanks for the replies! It makes me want to put my mind to this a bit more than I have been. My favourite one is the one that MORG mentioned. The far left on the bottom row of 3. Reptyle - With that beard pattern, I think I just started with the section directly below his chin. I tried to get it somewhat symetrical, but went a bit AWOL. Then I went on the the 4 main spirals on each side. I usually don't do it all at once, just the significant designs at first, then go back and fill the gaps with smaller ones. I don't know if that will make any sense at all Hopefully it does. Thanks again Stink
  11. Stinkmeat


    It's on the list of games that I want. Looks really cool. What sort of hardware specs do you need to run it? High end or mid range? Also interested to hear what you think of it. Stink
  12. Stinkmeat

    Chill out.

    HAHA! Gold! I enjoy the odd game or two to help me relax, but if I lose, I get pissed off and start to get all jittery. Trying not to think is a good one too. Doing some sort of stretching or yoga puts me in a really good frame of mind. Then I usually make a nice cup of tea and sit on the back steps or lawn and just watch the plants and animals. Whenever I'm feeling a bit more energetic, a walk in the botanical gardens or local wilderness reserve does me well. The beach is probably one of my favourites, but not always accessible. Stink
  13. Stinkmeat

    What happens when you die?

    heh i know what that's like. I'd say the same thing. I have no one belief, just a mixture of many. I have pretty much no idea what is going to happen. I don't really fear death, but that could change when I am on it's doorstep. Some things have lead me to believe that there is more after death though. Possibly eternal bliss, maybe reincarnation, maybe in some alternate universe I'll live on, who knows. But, if worst comes to worst, you can still rely on what Undergrounder said, leaving behind your genes, morals and spirit. And I have always liked the idea that when I die, the nutrients and energy from my body will go back into the earth. If there's nothing after death, then I will be dead, so it won't really matter anyway. I recently went on a Uni medical lab tour for an Anatomy course I was studying. We were shown a variety of whole and disected bodies/parts. The bodies that were whole had a really calming peaceful expression. Whenever I think about death, I feel a weird sense of peace. That leads me to believe that death won't be a bad or traumatic thing (unless I get hit by a car or something). Stink
  14. Stinkmeat

    ID Please

    It was on swap and sell about a year ago, but I can't actually remember who it was from. I'll try to find out and PM you. Stink
  15. Stinkmeat

    what are these funky looking fungi?

    I went for a walk today and came across what I believed to be a Stinkhorn. It didn't have the black in the centre like the one above, but was the same vivid red, star-shaped looking fungi. I immediately thought of this thread and how ThunderIdeal commented on how much they stink. I thought I should give it a sniff, but to my confusion, there was no stink. There were a lot of bugs around it to suggest that it should stink, but nothing.... Do they only give off their stench as certain times of day? A certain period of their life cycle? Do all Stinkhorns stink? Thanks Stink
  16. Getting back to the initial question...... I voted no and run and hide. I don't think that I would physically or mentally be able to kill someone, and as MORG said I don't think I would be knowingly able to support it either. So I would ideally run and hide in some remote part of the world where things would not effect me. That's only a theoretical response though. I don't think I would be able to survive on my own, let alone with a family, with the small amount of survival knowledge that I have. I still think I would rather die this way than in a war. I agree with half of what you are saying baphomet. I believe that dying for a cause that you strongly believe in is a noble act. But when it comes to killing for a cause, it's a whole different ball game. And I totally agree with shruman on this. The "psychological turmoil" would be far too much for me to handle. Then the suffering of the soldier/s that you killed, and his family all come into play. So it gets way too complicated. I'd just rather disappear from it all. Stink
  17. Stinkmeat

    ID Please

    Ace, that's pretty much what my thoughts were They are all cuttings from the same plant. Its an "Eileen" apparently. The first and third do look a lot like a standard Echinopsis/Trichocereus Bridgesii. But the second one is an interesting variant. It's definitely not despined. That's the main trunk growth from this year. It was the only section to lose it's spines. Hopefully it continues to grow that way. ;) Very similar looking to a Scopulicola that I have. Is that sort of variation common in "Eileen"? Thanks Stink
  18. Stinkmeat

    Heavy Metal

    Some more metal news - Australian progressive metal band, Alchemist, have been anounced as the national support for Meshuggah's tour in October. I haven't heard much of them, but there seemed to be a few people on here that had an interest. Stink
  19. Hey (Dunno who this should be addressed to) This may be a stupid question, just wanted to check if it was a typo or just me being dumb. In the "You have a new personal message" emails, it says "Regards, The The Corroboree team." Just wondering why there are two "The"s? I checked some old emails from a few months ago and they were the same. Thanks Stink
  20. Haha, Yeah I think I can live with it. I was just curious. Thanks Torsten Stink
  21. Stinkmeat

    Public dissection of giant squid

    Thanks for the info Tassiejd. And Thanks for the link Legba. Interesting stuff
  22. Stinkmeat

    give throat-singing a go

    Throat singing rocks! I saw a documentary a few years ago with tibetan monks doing it, except they seem to focus moreso on the lower notes. I've been practicing on and off for the last 2 years or so. The higher notes are really hard for me to reach though. I just stick to the bassy tones. Stink
  23. Stinkmeat

    See what I see

    More awesome additions Ronny. The colours in the shopping trolly photo are really cool. The second one, of the little plant sprouting, is really moving. Beautiful work yet again Stink.
  24. Nice work Holymountain! I can understand why the person who marked it commented on the lack of negatives when talking about hallucinogens. Overall I think it is pretty well written though, and points are put forward in a logical manner. The fact that you only had 1500 words to do it in makes it a bit hard to go into too much detail. Good job though. Stink
  25. Stinkmeat

    Heavy Metal

    Haha, remind me to stay away from you at any metal concerts. I personally don't get into the whole "smashing myself into large metalheads" thing. I purposely steer clear of that actually I'd much rather just chill and appreciate the music and the show. Then leave with a feeling of contentment. Stink