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Everything posted by XipeTotec

  1. XipeTotec

    Salvia dorrii

    id never heard of this before... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_dorrii I didnt look any further into it... ofcourse, being wiki, the whole relevant section lacks references.
  2. XipeTotec

    Salvia dorrii

    yeah, i didnt see that ref until i went back and had another look
  3. XipeTotec

    A sad site (image heavy)

    no, but my black current bush did....he raved about it, but I told him he was full of shit.
  4. XipeTotec

    human v2.0

    science fiction has always been on the frontier of science.
  5. XipeTotec

    enriching the enrichers

    you sound like a pirate.
  6. XipeTotec

    My sexual fantasy

    you are funny... are you drunk?
  7. XipeTotec

    cacti porn and ID

    I have an old book titled, "grow cactus", within it, the definition given for trichocereus is, "hairy cereus, referring to the areoles"
  8. XipeTotec

    Why I love shelving

    may I put my foot up your arse?
  9. XipeTotec

    attack of the scales?

    depends... i have gotten black spots on scops during summer... they tend to just dry and scab over to no detriment. If they look like the shit in a recent post, then that may be more serious.
  10. XipeTotec

    the Logos

    i usually dont watch them... but I did see a bit of them last year. They are shit, and I hate that rove c*nt.
  11. XipeTotec

    EGA pics

    careful.. you may cause one to explode!
  12. XipeTotec

    'Nurofen Plus - the hidden drug scourge'

    yes, with my fist
  13. XipeTotec

    'Nurofen Plus - the hidden drug scourge'

    i dont think it is. I think we are a society of, "solution in a pill", and generally, we have a low acceptance/tolerance of pain (amongst other things), and will more than happily take a pain relief tablet than have a lie down. Im not talking about chronic pain sufferers here, Im talking about, "healthy" 18-50 year olds... who may actually only be experiencing headaches etc as a result of poor diet, and low water intake, or lack of physical activity. In regards to being a pill popping society, I doubt many would dispute this, particularly when we look at how many people are on anti depressants, and adha medication, in my opinion, unnecessarily (im not saying that some shouldn't be on them, but there does seem be be a disturbing trend.). The fact is the medical profession are more likely to prescribe a pharmaceutical than a change in diet, or lifestyle.
  14. XipeTotec

    EGA pics

    thats why I am so good at cryptic crosswords!!
  15. XipeTotec

    Lewana grade kava from herbalistics

    ok, thanks for that pete, pete, repeat
  16. XipeTotec

    EGA pics

    so its..... young tripper?
  17. XipeTotec

    secrets of lilly and lotus

    someone who doesnt drink alcohol. If you are having a go at the spelling... i just double checked, and apparently it is spelt, " TEE totaler".
  18. XipeTotec

    'Nurofen Plus - the hidden drug scourge'

    this appears to be a case of obvious heavy abuse... you would have to be pretty thick to be using nurofen plus in this way. . It is probably more of an issue that this pain killer has become one of choice for many people... whom will pop a pill at the slightest sign of discomfort.
  19. XipeTotec

    Lewana grade kava from herbalistics

    your not allowed to quote me on that one I appreciate the information though, as now I know not to make the same un-quotable quote
  20. XipeTotec

    EGA pics

    yeah, but who is the other guy??
  21. XipeTotec

    Growing "Peyote" and "False Peyotes" from Seed

    these are difficult classifications, as psychoactive cacti ie. loph williamsii also have established medicinal used which are unrelated to their psychoactive effects. should Selenicereus grandiflorus be added to the medicinal list, as it has shown some medical effectiveness in treatment of heart conditions?
  22. XipeTotec

    Lewana grade kava from herbalistics

    sina, sina, sina... a. i wasnt being a smartarse, i was contributing to a discussion....I believe thats what this place is for.. b. You didnt catch me out... the information, in the form that I presented it (without misrepresentation mind you) was correct. c. The thread that you linked did not show me being called out, infact, I just stated the kava extract (alcohol was implied, as most, if not all therapeutic use, fluid extracts are alcohol based) was... to quote myself, "thought to cause liver damage". If the reason for this is due to aerial material within the COMMERCIAL product, then, what I stated was still correct. I admit i was not informed on whether root only was not hepatotoxic, but, as each reference I have made has been in reference to off the shelf commercial extracts, then some amount of hepatotoxicity can be assumed (as you reference that they contain aerial material.) mind you, if I recall the correctly, it was isolated incidences with people that may have already had less than perfect liver function (dont quote me on that one though), but we all know that it doesnt take much for the TGA to take a natural remedy of the market... compared to a pharmaceutical. as for your references... you have obviously done some research on this, and I am happy to take your word for it. goodnight sina
  23. XipeTotec

    Lewana grade kava from herbalistics

  24. XipeTotec

    Lewana grade kava from herbalistics

    they published findings a few years back when kava products were taken of the market, I say TGA, but my actual reference is my partner who was involved in the industry at the time, who was informed by suppliers of these products (whom i may not be able to reference for possible legal reasons), she does inform me that this information would have been published by the the tga for obvious reasons. Whether the TGA or one of these companys did the initial research, I am unsure. regardless, it resulted in the alcoholic extracts being removed from the market.... again, i couldnt tell you whether the extracts were root only or not... which I believe is the issue at hand... which no amount of referencing will enable me do so.