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The Corroboree


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About Dozer

  • Birthday June 14

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    SE QLD

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  1. I'm keen, where and when? I'm not working so I'm pretty flexible.
  2. Dozer


    Everyone needs purple dye and lye in there life ;)
  3. People have looked after me here so now its my turn.
  4. I have some trimming to do, send me an address and I'll send you some.
  5. I have rustica @Stillman if you're interested. You don't have to pay.
  6. Dozer


    But there does seem to be a lack of mentors and moderators for some reason. I love this place.
  7. Dozer


    It's borderline, but I think it may pass according to legalities and self incrimination, but at the end of the day you could always just say Oh I read some literature that said this or said that. I dunno.
  8. Its like holding your phone while looking for it
  9. Hell yes, looking amazing brother glauk
  10. I absolutely love pasacana crosses. I've got a couple cross tersh and can't wait to see yours big!
  11. Add mods names here with an @ symbol. Is @ZooL People are busy, have lives and children.
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