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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Auxin

  1. Auxin

    Salvia Splendens

    OK, I'm dumb. They were producing seeds, I just had not seen them. For the record 'they' are dwarf hybrid S. splendens. One hybrid was 'Maestro' and the other is unknown, but looks identical to the Maestros. And yes, I do intend to do a sublingual bioassay on the Maestro hybrid before they freeze to death. Assuming I remember to do it I should be posting the results within a week.
  2. Auxin

    Natural Birth Control

    Yeah, I came across gossypol when I was researching natural anticancer drugs, I stoped researching that compound when I saw the permanent antifertility thing (being an organic chemist half my sperm are probably mutants, but I still want to try!) Anyway heres a little Dr Duke stuff on gossypol: Antifertility; 30 mg/kg (no babies) Anaphrodisiac (no sex) Cytotoxic (bad) Hepatotoxic (=funky liver) Mutagenic (mutants) Paralytic (paralysis) Spermicide; 30 mg/kg rats (kills rat sperm for you freaks out there ) Toxic (toxic:rolleyes Tumorigenic (=tumors) Not good medicine! And heres a Dr Duke list of natural antifertility drugs (most of them ineffective and/or quite toxic): ALOIN 62.5 mg/kg/day ASIATICOSIDE BETA-SITOSTEROL BRAHMINOSIDE CHALEPENSIN CITRANTIN DIALLYL-TRISULFIDE EMBELIN 20-50 mg/kg FRAXINELLONE GENISTEIN GOSSYPOL 30 mg/kg 30 mg/kg rats HIPPADINE KAEMPFEROL 250 mg/kg day/60 days/orl rat MALVIDIN OLEANOLIC-ACID P-COUMARIC-ACID PIPERINE 12.5 mg/kg PLUMBAGIN PODOPHYLLOTOXIN SANTONIN 40 mg/kg/day SOLASODINE SOPHORICOSIDE STIGMAST-5-ENE-3-BETA-7-ALPHA-DIOL STIGMAST-5-ENE-3-BETA-7-BETA-DIOL VASICINOL VASICINONE WOGONIN 10 mg/kg/day ZOAPATANOL
  3. What ever happened to those smells-like-weed perfumes? Those are great, drench a half dozen friends with it and go to town armed only with the phone number of your lawyer and a whole lot of 'No officer, you cant search me or my car without a warrant!' If Australia is anything like the US youd only have to deal with 1 to 3 different cops before finding one that violates your rights and BAM- lawsuit time
  4. Auxin

    harmine bioasseys

    "CaOH reacts with morphine and its salts... it also reacts with the OH groups on the morphine to form calcium morphenate." Ah yes, the key to extraction of morphine from mixed opium alkaloids [note, its Ca(OH)2]. Its only one OH group that reacts with Ca(OH)2, the phenolic one at position 3. Thats why the purification leaves codeine behind (codeine has a alcoholic OH, but no phenolic OH and an alcoholic OH just cant make a Ca salt in aqueous sol'n.) In this extraction only phenolic opiates make Ca salts, and all others are just the freebase so they can be removed from the mix with an organic solvent while leaving behind the Ca salt of morphine in aqueous sol'n. Then you just acidify it enough to free the Ca, but leave morphine as the freebase, extract with organic solvent, and BINGO nearly pure morphine. A classical extraction.
  5. Auxin

    Natural Birth Control

    There are MANY plants containing abortifacients (sp?) that can help you after the fact.
  6. Auxin

    legal to grow 1 plant in NSW ?

    "it's title of hallucenogen scares ppl" So thats why pot is SO illegal over here, we have it listed as a hallucinogen in the law books for some reason (apparently when a non-pot smoker consumes a massive amount it can act as a hallucinogen. But what non-user would consume $500 worth his first time out?) "parents of the rich kids here are fed up with their "perfect little angels" getting criminal records for weed." Over here rich kids usually get busted for cocaine, your rich kids must be smarter than ours.
  7. Auxin

    legal to grow 1 plant in NSW ?

    You lucky buggers, 4.6% of my country is currently in jail and a third of them are there for innocent pot offences (I guess thats about 4,000,000 people.) But how, I ask you, is it possible that S. divinorum is illegal in your country but they are becoming lenient about pot with all its international media propoganda as being "the devils weed", the downfall of modern society, corruptor of the young, and starting point of heroin addiction?
  8. Auxin

    Salvia divinorum to be scheduled in the US

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I never got around to buying it, but always intended to and now my freedom is being sucked away by those dastardly repugnant greedy war criminal BASTARDS!!! Son of a bi#%* God Dam^ Funky ^^%$%%& ^&^^% %^%#$#$ #@^%$$%$& ^#$#&^% $*$&^%%$!!!!! REVOLUTION!! CIVIL UPRISING!!! POLITICIANOCIDE!!!! If it werent for all those ancient texts teaching loving comapssion I've read over the years I'd friggin go postal on their putrid, fetid asses! Why'd they do such a thing? ??? I guess mine is not to wonder why, mine is but to BITCH AND CRY
  9. Auxin

    possible jail for importing entheogen

    Mrbumpy, do you have to 'LOOK' like a christian to go to church and get holy communion? Same thing. But please remember that as far as I know the UN human rights defense has not been tested with entheogen convictions, and I'm not a lawyer.
  10. Auxin

    harmine bioasseys

    "slightly magical creation of a strong acid from a weaker acid and a salt" I told you that acid formation is NOT what is happening here. No HCl formed! You are converting one chloride into an acetate and another acetate into a chloride. No HCl formed! Your combining harmine acetate and sodium chloride to get sodium acetate and harmine hydrochloride. No HCl formed! Its like if you take silver acetate, dissolve it in water and add a salt solution. Silver chloride will pecipitate and the salt is converted to sodium acetate. Again, no HCl formed! Oh.. and your right, chemists will swear that hydriodic acid (HI) is a much stronger acid than the first (most acidic) proton in ortho-phosphoric acid and because of that H3PO4 + KI = KH2PO4 + HI SHOULD NOT WORK I'll look into this in the next day or two (I know I want to know if/why it works. It shure could prove handy if you need to make HI in situ without adding a stronger acid, like H2SO4.) [This message has been edited by Auxin (edited 23 October 2002).]
  11. Auxin

    AQIS trouble

    You mean in your country there are actually people who have NEVER known a drug user? Wow, I thought that only happened in the movies!
  12. Auxin

    AQIS trouble

    30-50%, Holy Shit!!!!! Is that just for packages, or does the same percentage apply to person to person letters with a buldge in them? Its no wonder they charge you SOOOOO much for violations, your country must spend at least as much on searching mail as it does on national defense! Thats insane, I always thought Australia was supposed to be one of the more free countries in the world.
  13. Auxin

    harmine bioasseys

    "Anyone got an explanation of how this reaction works?" Yeah, I've had problems getting my head around that too. What I've decided to believe is that with excess salt a equilibria is set up where a percentage exists as the hydrochloride, that then crystalizes out and the equilibria in the liquid medium is reestablished, more hydrochloride crystalizes out, etc. until almost all has been converted to the crystaline hydrochloride. Of course I could be overthinking it, maby the anions just switch places- sodium chloride to sodium acetate and harmine acetate to harmaline hydrochloride (this would not involve formation of acetic, or hydrochloric acids so its not really unreasonable.) Anyway, it probably one of those two mechanisms.
  14. Auxin

    AQIS trouble

    Hey wait a second, how do they know if a package has seeds in it? Do they open them all? Some randomly? X rays? Open anything that rattles? With all the trouble y'all have with importing seeds it cant just be random inspections of 1 in every 1000 packages!
  15. Auxin


    I seriously dont think it was a micro nuke, not only are those are REALLY expensive, but if it had been a micro nuke there would have been fallout that the politicians would have INSTANTLY exploited to get international support for attacking Iraq. Probably just a shaped charge aimed the wrong direction. Why use a multi million dollar micro nuke when you could build a bomb of equal yield with paint thinner, a car battery, a few road flares, and a squirt of urine? (yes, you can really do that!)
  16. Yeah, and before much of the archives got wiped didnt someone mention that the elusive 'holy grail' of entheogens Lagochilus inebrians turned out to be toxic? reville, was it you that said that?
  17. Yeah, and before much of the archives got wiped didnt someone mention that the elusive 'holy grail' of entheogens Lagochilus inebrians turned out to be toxic? reville, was it you that said that?
  18. Auxin

    How invasive is Datura s.

    I'm gonna get some Datura stramonium seeds so I can grow more seeds as trading stock (and I heard it attracts butterflies) and I want to know just how paranoid I should be about its invasive nature. Like how much warning do you have before the seed pods bust open, do its roots run rampant starting babies all over (ie. should I grow it in a elevated pot or in the ground), if it does get out of hand how hard is it to stop? That kind of stuff. Amazingly my state does not have it listed as a noxious weed, so even if it gets out of hand at least they cant fine me 1000 USD. It would however make me VERY unpopular with my neighbors! People in my area are really defensive of the native plant life (even though we are right next to a series of massive high level nuclear waste spills and everything within 100 miles will probably be dead in 50 years!) Thanks.
  19. Auxin

    Salvia Splendens

    Ok, are the dwarf S. splendens sterile or do I just have bad luck? Mine were flowering most of the summer and all of the fall, and not one seed was produced as far as I saw. I took some cuts and the plants/seeds are easy to find in stores, so thats not the problem, but I wanted to see what the F2 would look like damn it!
  20. Auxin

    possible jail for importing entheogen

    I'VE GOT IT!!! Laws that SUPERSEDE the laws of any country belonging to the UN: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. This allows people to use any entheogens that their religion allows. Article 29. (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. This means that people cannot be arrested for a victimless crime such as importing entheogens and/or using entheogens in private. I think a person just might be able to use this defense in court! You can read the entire declaration here: http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html
  21. Auxin

    possible jail for importing entheogen

    "What would happen if I said: G.W.Bush, YOU TOTALLY SUCK!" You would be arrested as a terrorist, put in a cuban prison, and held without being charged or allowed access to a lawyer while the government harasses anyone you have ever met and the mass media searches for ANYONE that they could pay $250,000 to say you might be a muslim terrorist. If you did get out you couldnt get a job in the US or any country where the US has appointed the leader, you would be hounded by the media, and your house would be routinely firebombed and otherwise vandalized by idiots that think you didnt suffer enough. The american way!
  22. Auxin

    anandenanthera leaves?

    "why isnt the indigious way the POD way instead of the seeds????" Maby it is! People (especially ancient indiginous cultures) tend to be very secretive about their entheogens. If they were gonna tell a white guy about anything it would probably be the lower potency, lower quality stuff. The lowest rung on the entheogen ladder. A possible bonus is that after the shaman told a ethnobotanist about the seeds the ethnobotanist would make a big pile of pods from his seed collecting expoditions, and after the ethnobotanist left the shaman would just pick up the seed pod piles instead of climbing trees to get them. Sneaky shaman!
  23. Auxin

    How invasive is Datura s.

    Dont worry, these posts are not being emailed to me. Chat on.
  24. Auxin

    anandenanthera leaves?

    "Given the presence of bufotenine in th eseeds and more pleasant tryptamines in the other parts"- reville Nobody mentioned more pleasant tryptamines in the other parts. Are you sitting on some juicy info? Hand it over, wheres your data from? So far i've just seen people mention tryptamines in a general sense and bufotenine as a specific tryptamine.
  25. 4.When alive humans are eaten by viruses, insects, parasites, and bacteria. When dead we are eaten by animals, insects, and bacteria 6.The big bang theory has been distorted. The tiny little "observable" bit of the universe exploded out of a super-massive blob of matter which was formed by the collapse of millions of galaxies which was formed when a super-massive blob exploded, which was formed by collapsing galaxies, etc. to infinity. We dont live in a universe that is finite in regards to space and time, rather we live in a tiny little corner of what we call the "observable" universe. This observable universe does not have a beginning, but is a pulsing galactic cluster. For all anyone knows both time and space are truly infinite. I've reviewed all 'credible' alternative theories and all theories that say either time or space are finite are stem from religious dogma (not science), clearly erronious assumptions (not science), or mathematical models that were intentionally given some error to simplify things on the small scale but when you expand those models to the entire universe without correcting the introduced errors (something we cant even do yet) the error gets so extreme it ends up saying crasy things like the volume of the universe, the beginning and end of time, or even circular time! (not good science).