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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rev

  1. ive got this book but i also have the one you need and that is the 2003 reprint and update sacramental and medicinal cacti try rainbow gardens bookshop i def use this book as a reference frequently its a necessity to get up to 2003 speed on dead leads and new leads then go to the nook to see how far its gone since
  2. they are tiny fragile seedlings but once they are up they can be transplanted, decapitated, n rustica even grows from cuttings! they are after all a solanaceous plant virii and nematodes aside they are all tough as
  3. dont freak the graft will work or not worth and most times if it doesnt work teh scion just forms roots anyway better to leave them semi-attached till this happens sometomes when just the parenchymal tissues fuse its enough to slow dehydration while roots form
  4. well i do have a few of those as good a reason as any to keep the collecting net wide
  5. if its degenerated to name calling on both side can you guys take it outside please? or do i have to be a tool and start reporting posts to mods?
  6. nice one i have lophs and turb lophophoroides grafted ive been hoping to make the same well done. they look great also you can make mammilaria loph hybrids as well and there are unsanswered quiestions about x fertility of Lophs and obregonias, strombocactus and ariocarpus youll never fall short of work in this field :D
  7. Rev

    what the F???

    reliably so whn ive had plates or jars or bags of susbtarte about and the autumn changes comes through they all automatically go to fruiting mode a warm weather shiitake strain is something i dont have. all mine are cool weather ones
  8. and faslimys plant could well be scop x pach there is variation very much like that in those progeny pics soon
  9. my current idea of pachanoi is the ecuadorian KK 339 and planst like it also vouchered as being collected in ecaudor /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.cactusknize.com/images/trichocereus/KK_339_pachanoi.jpg&key=07456c8461f898f966cf9f4a2515fa70efd66909cb039a6e22d166969d07590b
  10. id say gerbils is the Knuthianus , the same as in the Hobart botanic gardens and a kk242/gnosis - trichocereus 'whatever'? Tripitakas is the same 2 pronged one i have sources via HHH in nimbin. chasing sources, i got to 'north of brisbane' see http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...mp;hl=two+prong
  11. NNSW FSR seedring.org i just put some up
  12. no several do this its a topic ill attack one fine day but if you know its a bridge you know they point down
  13. its also a cure for constipation ;) high muscarine content better to feed to ur chooks ive bought hempseed from tcm suppliers huge seed! germinates and dies. must be irradiated
  14. 666 = Bunnings bout $50-60 weigh it up against the savings in time and 'free' bamboo stakes
  15. i agree but the cold reality is money is tight for so many people i live 'outa town' so i get the benefit of SFA mortgage, but downside of lower pay I just cant imagine how id posibly be able to rent these day. i met somebody recntly in my position - single income family with younguns - paying 300 a week for a crappy semirural house in NNSW if we are going to save the world then those who made the money out of ruining it need to chip back in. 'just a little bit more' can really lead those on the edge to a long term or acute and real decline into poverty. The govt subsidises all kinds of bullshit enterprises. surely it can take some of its 'future fund' and offset it by reducing the fuel levy on biofuels or cutting taxes for the sustainable energy income component of energy companies we have to make Dirty coal and fossil fuels energy show their true cost, then market forces will drive investment in clean energy look at teh horrific power of managed investmnet funds in australia. why not channel that into renewable energy targets? tax write offs for the rich, affordable clean energy for the poor, good internationa standing for the govt? i like capitalism but you have to keep it on a choker chain and use baits
  16. nice work what a dry autumn it is ionly thing recently to fruit is pleurotus tuber-regium under my tangelo tree
  17. /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.gardeners.com/on/demandware.static/Sites-Gardeners-Site/Sites-Gardeners/default/Products/31-328.jpg&key=8d8dbe0d5d03b59cd4cd3294f83bf602044f8d4ea95edafeeff028a7eb6833ca cuts like butter through bamboo i love my Bahco pruning saw but ill never love anyone ore than my hoe /uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png
  18. i realise that its a real problem weve all gone down to tiny blocks the main reason for the large space is that the rotational garden bed thing works OK but when you end up getting clubroot (stays in the soil for YEARS) or bad nematodes as you will eventually you can abandon it/sow it to pasture to fallow a few years this gets rid of the pathogens and also rejuvenates humus. permanent pasture is an excellent carbon sink after reading it i remmeber how my grandparesnt used to get huge crops they had 3/4 acre and would rotary hoe up a patch in the large lawn and plant veggies. the first year was a bumper crop and declines the year after, then theyd abandon it to the kikuyu again and do a new area, and rotate. the yield was perpetual. doen the back was a large chook run and this provided waste disposal and fertliser for the veg patch like slash and burn, or ley farming in a low energy world this is the way to go if you cant then i guess u have to make do and accept lower yields due to pathogen buildup my veg gardens measure maybe 6 x 20m but 25% of that is currently a shadehouse and cactus and a chook run too i can easily see its not enough but anything is better than nothing
  19. doesnt kill it though but it can be useful if you want to like blady grass the new growth is soft and palatable so you can graze it out (blady grass = poor mans oats) or give it a weak spray
  20. i could go to the shroomery dont make me go in there mama please! its not so easy to sift through all the shite. and if you search you have to search the threads not the main site or you get very little info on anything they are, if its a cube, hardened growths that are like sclerotia in this effect but have no known function unlike real sclerotia they dont cope with adverse conditions then fruit if its blue its good there was also talk bout over incubation bein good its a known phenomenom in biotechnology that usually once sugar is used up the secondary metabolites increase significantly did it fruit?
  21. so wahts wrong with "sodium laurel sulphate!" ive heard rumours but usually alongside other conspiracy theories anyone done their homework? new thread?
  22. Or Jade perch http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/fishweb/14076.html http://www.ausyfish.com/jade_perch.htm or if you have to even kissing gourami from the petshop get to 20cm and are raised in indonesia for eating where admitedly they prefer smaller fish
  23. Weve just bought in some woolens from NZ http://www.nznature.co.nz/ a few different things but the quality is good also good i think to support southern hemisphere manufacturing and especially the use of Fine Merino and feral possum wool from NZ they have a few chinese items (with silk in it) but most in made in NZ ive only just started doing my winter shopping id rather spend the $ there than on heating bills i reckon i can get away without turning on the heater till mid june, and stop using it by end august if we rug up right that'll take a chunk out of last years $600 plus winter electricity bill the possum wool thing seems to be catching. our local post office guy sports a possum beanie too i figured the topics relevant here dressing right is the start of energy conservation yeah? and darn the feral possums <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  24. LOl heres my aquaculture effort atm i collect water in drums all over the garden in each i put fish to eat mozzies air breathing ones like gourami or just hardy ones like guppies now they are overwintering in the greenhouse with some late test germinated lotus one day ill do better
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