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psychedelic use found to be protective

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god.. ive said that for more than 25 years pertaining to mushrooms... slow world huh. VERY SLOW

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Lol shrooms are definitely not protective of me :/

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I agree Incognito, with time I usually realise however the arse-kicking at the time was exactly what I needed.

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much "life experience" can be gleaned from a single psychedelic experience (which goes hand in hand ^^^^ with their often challenging nature)

i think this has a lot to do with any findings that they increase resilience or coping skills, and if psychedelic experience can be conflated with life experience (age) then i'm probably right. old age has been shown to grant emotional stability, because we have more heart-warming and amazing memories to think back to, and learn how to better reduce negative thought loops etc. now i've known old-timers to still be quite negative, but i've known very young people who seem to have no concept that one can reduce ones own negativity, that is simply their state and they live it fully.

what else happens between adolescence and early adulthood? brain activity moves from the amygdala to the frontal lobes, and the abundance of fresh grey matter in the frontal lobe (think poor judgement, recklessness, capriciousness. think teenager) refines itself into a mature mind which actually involves some hefty reduction. these processes are "part of growing up" but perhaps on a much much smaller scale these processes can continue towards old age, provided the right circumstances...

so i'm comparing these findings with the overall process of getting older. does this have negative connotations too? do we inadvertantly lose out on some things while we gain others?

the answer, according to my research, is:



i've always been a strange case and i like the way drugs have guided my development down certain avenues but i don't doubt for a second that in other ways they fucked me up. ways i can't even comprehend since those avenues of development were cut off.

Edited by ThunderIdeal
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god.. ive said that for more than 25 years pertaining to mushrooms... slow world huh. VERY SLOW

it must be frustrating that Dr Peter S. Hendricks stole your ideas

Lol shrooms are definitely not protective of me :/

A powerful Shaman shared some wisdom with me that i feel is worth passing on.

Its not the psychedelic drugs that governs how it feel, its the spiritual vibrations that resides within your heart.

If your heart is full of fear then protection is something you will not receive .

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

When your ready to raise the vibrational energy of your heart chakra up to its full potential and purge out all that fear , then and only then will the spirits and there plant allies protect you.

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aye to that prioritise^

but when you come back from a hiatus, it's always fun to look like you stole something from the backyard


delics teach you many things but i love the bit about parrots and green tomatoes.

king parrots 020.jpg

king parrots 020.jpg

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That's one of my homies! ^ the king parrot !

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Change I really need to trip with u!

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Ok, but is there any reason to think that this is causal? That is to say, are psychedelics actually making you mentally-healthier, or is it just that mentally-healthy people are more willing to take psychedelics? Because there aren't too many people who are willing to turn their brain inside out when they're already suicidal. As Change said, if you're starting from a dark place, you're gonna have a bad time, mmkay?* So this correlation could just indicate that people trip less when they're depressed. It doesn't necessarily indicate a "protective" effect.

I find it a bit bizarre that the researchers don't seem to have considered this, they seem to assume a causal mechanism & only discuss fairly weak alternatives such as drug-users having an underlying "spiritual tendency" which might be protective against dark thoughts. The far simpler explanation, to my mind anyway, is that happy people want to trip more. Because hey, when you're starting from a happy place, it's usually fun. When you're starting from suicidal-depression, not so much. I'm not saying that there aren't other factors - some of the neurobiological mechanisms they propose are possible too, I just find it weird that they overlooked this alternative explanation.

*(Actually I think psychedelics are pretty much always a productive thing to do, mentally speaking - you mightn't always get what you want, but I think you do get what you need - even if that's a metaphysical spanking. But that's just me - other people work differently)

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i used to once battle serious depression. and started with mushrooms when id find them when i was around 19yo. I have observed within myself their "protective" effects. I feel this comes more from the aspect of finally understanding your part of something, you matter, no matter how much you think you dont. that life is tough for all here, thus the importance of helping each other out. with this realisation a depressed person feels more connected, part of things, they matter. thus depression for the most part, not an issue anymore. this was my case at least.

Change, "it must be frustrating that Dr Peter S. Hendricks stole your ideas" this was very funny, i enjoyed that =)

I dont think any idea is mine just because i think i thought of it. in this case, was not even "idea" was just noticed. I tend to think of idea's as being everyones. OK, i get up in the morning or take a bath, and bang, this idea hit's me. Is it my idea? or perhaps it's somebody on the other side of the world that thought of it. with that "idea" (thought) now exressed to the mandella, it's a free-for-all. bound to come to those who also have been pondering something about "that idea" and thus, have the same connection to this mandella and are able then to recieve the "idea". it's all about frequency right? Is any idea really mine? I doubt it verry much.

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Not to mention he plajorised yoda!! :0

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it must be frustrating that Dr Peter S. Hendricks stole your ideas

A powerful Shaman shared some wisdom with me that i feel is worth passing on.

Its not the psychedelic drugs that governs how it feel, its the spiritual vibrations that resides within your heart.

If your heart is full of fear then protection is something you will not receive .

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

When your ready to raise the vibrational energy of your heart chakra up to its full potential and purge out all that fear , then and only then will the spirits and there plant allies protect you.

"it must be frustrating that Dr Peter S. Hendricks stole your ideas " :) LOL..... plagiarism is a bummer....though is it even possible to have a unique thought?

As for Fear (just as a side note the psychedelic can only reveal the mind state (your baggage) at the time)...Fear is not something to be feared/suppressed...exiled....its what makes us us...its part of our formula...we can't exist without it...make fear your friend ...embrace it...just don't be dominated/lead by it.........my cents worth.....

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Ok, but is there any reason to think that this is causal? That is to say, are psychedelics actually making you mentally-healthier, or is it just that ...................

some really good points...research is typically like that ...often missing in perspective...

It seems to be there are so many factors/variables......if a suicidal individual uses a psychedelic...say shoom's for a 1 off trip in a safe & beautiful place...like next to a pool in the woods...etc...nature...then it may open their minds/perspective beyond some petty/mundane issue that's got them in suicide mode...lost relationship/career/pointlessness of life?

But if they are using psychedelic's habitually...then they may only see banality... themselves, but with more intensity of emotion...which may or may not be a good thing if your suicidal ...although heighten fear of morality may bring you back slightly from the abyss.

Edited by Dreamwalker.
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So i honestly cant advocate for or against the use of psychedelics for a psychologically distress or suicidal person.

Psychologically distressed individuals need love, support, and understanding.

Edited by Change
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"So i honestly cant advocate for or against the use of psychedelics for a psychologically distress or suicidal person.

Psychologically distressed individuals need love, support, and understanding."

yeah i agree with this, and it leads to what i feel is the biggest problem pertaining to these forms of mental illness. A lack of culture. We now live in, for the greater part, an ignorant world. with many for a few reasons demonizing these natural helpers, without understanding that that they too are the helper. mushrooms are "drugs" (i dont believe that rubbish) and therefore are bad mmmkay. with most of these ignorant people around, how does another ignorant person appear smart? by reciting the same old incorrect data over and over again. never mind its more than 20 years out of date. thus we see a community that's lost its culture, with that the support we would all have if we still used these mushrooms together in a socialy acceptable manner. With a community seperated by twisted perception and out-dated "facts" that were never really facts to begin with (just fears dressed up) its no wonder we have many people in need of help. a help they would have if we could live more in touch with our nature. also, in such a setting im sure you'd find less people "abusing" anything and getting themself in a troubled place. without culture, truth, support of community and the guidence it bring's, is it any wonder these powerfull natural materials could still be perceived as potentially dangerous?

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on a related note, i once did much experiments with stropharia cubensis and found what i have heard others note. with subeffective dosages each day for 1 month (fresh) i noticed a slight lack of motivation to mundane tasks. they didnt offer me any help with aspergers, the reason i looked into them this way. I didnt find them to be of any help what-so-ever. however, when used in ver high dosages (5-7 gr dry) on vary rare occasion (once in 2-4 years) they had huge benefit to me. they keep me on track, show me that no-matter how much it costs and hurts to be an honest, caring and helpfull person in this current world, it's still and will always be the right way to be. thus makes me happy with myself and keeps me true to myself, others, and my path in life. Though it is always a "oh, what have i done?!" when the effects of ass-kicking comes into play. without the support of others but with the support of my own education and self respect, i make them work for me. when do i feel i need to take them again? when i cant recall much of the last time, and when nature provides them.

how can we remove most of the possible "dangers" of their use? by learning as a community to accept them and their use once again. to be supportive of one another's use and lessons, to talk about things more openly. etc. etc. i think we can all see where the changes need to start... my 2 cents

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