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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by toby

  1. toby

    free bridge seed

    5 x lots of 50 or so sab clones con and tig, crossed either way, Haven't germ tested yet but seed looks good! Pm an address and i'll send out next week
  2. toby

    free bridge seed

    Ok.. all packed, will send 2moro definitely, Enjoy
  3. toby

    free bridge seed

    Ok, I got 7 pms .. haven't read them but will send to those people .. Also pls send me your address interbeing and that 'll be last.. happy growing all
  4. toby

    Oberon sub zero camp

    G spot is good enough for me. I'd prefer to be near car too.
  5. toby

    Oberon sub zero camp

    Ok. I remember that spot. About 1km walk from last years site. Some of it is quite steep so would have to rely on finding fire wood down there. Also would mean no sleeping in cars.
  6. toby

    Oberon sub zero camp

    I'm leaving syd friday night, camping somewhere on bells line of road, and hopefully arriving somewhere oberon round 8am on the Saturday.. I've only been 2 oberon once and really have only very subjective memories of the whole thing.. I am definitely no help for xcampsites! Looking forward to it though
  7. toby

    Oberon sub zero camp

    No to first 3 Yes to last 3
  8. Rivers, things on vynil (esp from Detroit), plants, honesty, empathy
  9. might sound alright http://www.deepspace.net.au/
  10. toby


    best!! have a good one
  11. toby

    Oberon sub zero camp

    Yay! Looking forward to it.. i could do an airport pick up I suppose? Pm me about it..
  12. toby

    Happy Birthday Hillbilly!

    Hope you're having a good one
  13. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    Not going to make it.. hope it all goes well!
  14. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    fires should be fine, there are no other facilities .. the weather looks a bit grim from here though, not sure i'm even willing to make an attempt in the rain! little while left for some change to occur i suppose?
  15. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    i have spare tent too.. hasn't been used for a while but pretty sure all the bits are there..
  16. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    iI have a spare sleeping bag..
  17. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    I'm in.. i'm looking after a dog, so i'll skip the pub and just do the camp. Or actually I'll aim for pub round 5.
  18. toby

    Amazing movie

    before sunrise is another Linklater film that's pretty good for what it is.. where the julie delphy and ethan ?, scene about timothy leary comes from
  19. toby

    DO I owe anything to any1?

    A grafted loph.. been a long time, not really worried about it.
  20. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    don't know many places up that way.. definitely find somewhere to camp though, i know the main beach at newcastle is heavily developed and everything is banned there, are there any quiet type beaches we could use?
  21. toby

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    Yea most likely be settled by then.. should work for me.
  22. toby

    give away

    5 x lots of 20 seeds to give away.. from sydneyish area can give more to people if they have a project in mind.. please ask. just post and pm me an address thank you!
  23. toby

    give away

    Pm your address if you've posted above and I'll send seeds in the week ..
  24. toby

    Happy Birthday Chiral

    happy birthday!!, that would be a pretty heavy load to carry for a few dollars.. hope you can make peace with your gods when you need to.. i'm sorry..
  25. toby

    Looking for pure scopulicola seed

    From what I understand a lot of the collectors corner scops are from seed.. I know I have at least a couple of distinct plants none flowering this yr though..