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Everything posted by sagiXsagi

  1. sagiXsagi

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    and here is equisettina which was started from rooted cutting and that hasnt grown a lot, starting to grow again after the very mild winter we had overall .. I have high hopes for this years growth!
  2. sagiXsagi

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    I am pretty happy to announce that my bigger seed grown sinica, a male that flowered last year for the first time, has done its first suckers / side shoots.. It must be 4-5 years old. Its also starting to get into vegetative growth again, very excited, its very interesting to see the plant at this phase. PS: my other sinica which was started from rooted cutting does sideshoots/suckers regularly every year making it easy to make more plants
  3. sagiXsagi

    Banisteriopsis caapi cultivation notes and discussion

    yep it works - if its not the most warm time of the year, one could use a heat pad which increases the root formation rate a lot...
  4. sagiXsagi

    The death thread

    wow what a wonderful post! I cant help but think that this guilt is totally un-natural, its engraved to minds from christian religion. religions are just that in their most basic form: they take advantage of peoples awe for death, they manipulate it and make it a self-fulfilling prophecy (and propably transform all this into some kind of neurosis) on another note, I recently found this amazing "death activist" mortician, she has a youtube channel which deals with several death matters in a very positive way, with some humour thrown in... all in all, its very true that our societies "death rites" and customs in regards with death has made us more in awe, more fearful and more in embarassment in front of other peoples death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlin_Doughty I am saying others people death, because thats what there is to fear.. Our own death is not that terrifing
  5. sagiXsagi

    creating communities together

    Thats cool. Humanity needs more of such projects.. Political activists should experiment more with this, like anarchists. But lets be honest, such experiments are not easy.
  6. Very cool post, Micromegas... My perception of Kali comes from an awesome book I read when pretty young, I have still very bold visuals from many of the books scenes, including descriptions of Kali sculptures. I remember she and her followers were evil. LOL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mystery_of_the_Black_Jungle I also think that micromegas post strongly relates with greek god pantheon, where we virtually have so many gods, thats there's obviously something for everyone.. This is propably something people are missing since the installation of monotheistic religions almost everywhere, and thats why westerners feel frawn to polytheistic religions, especially the polytheistic hinduism.
  7. sagiXsagi

    Lets talk metaphysics

    Hey, sorry for delay, I come here only from time to time. I have to read your post more thoroughly with more time, but for now here are some fast points: 1) you go all over the concept of consciousness, but you never bother to define it.. consciousness is a pretty "thick" and not so simple concept to grasp.. its seems only natural to think of consciousness like a "grid behind the eyes" but I feel its a very big discussion on its own . 2) there are many interesting patterns, from NDEs to very similar myths across the ancient world among unrelated civilisations. A sceptic / atheist, can only assume we visualise similar things / make up similar stories/myths because we have the same perception systems, or the same faults in our perception. Think of how tropane (datura) trips are typically identical, regardless of age country etc. Does it prove the metaphysical? no 3) "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" of course it does!! and the sound will scare off any birds around. sound is waves traveling through the air. you dont need an observer to have sound - you only need air.. I think you are overfocusing on what you have read about the physics of the microcosmos.. Nothing from quantum physics is true in the real world.. impressive, yeah, but nothing to do with the real world... While in microcosmos the observer affects the experiment, in the real world it doesnt matter if we have an observer or not. quantum physics is about the nature of matter, which is another size of world. its not the "real" world where mammals exist and evolved. In that sense, there's no way to "be the wall" in any real sense. I do see its fascinating, but I cant understand how people justify using scientific data to project on our real life other than theist desires and existential questions.. And I also dont really understand that degree of fascination in the microcosmos of quantum physics, and not f.e. in the much more real but also fascinating microcosmos of microorganisms. 4) needless to say, claims bout magic healings of cancer, telekinisis etc I dont believe. I dont know how to respond. 5) "if you can manipulate a mind to not believe someone that they did something (brainwashing/common beliefs) whos to say you cant make a wall believe youre not there and jump right through it? " well thats easy, people can be either brainwashed / manipulated to believe something crazy, or even make it up themselves.. BUT it doesnt make it true in a physical sense... Its never true - its only true in their minds.. Conspiracy theorists, say flat-earthers really do believe what they propose.. But why?? how?? what are the mechanics of believiing in irrational things??? The base of all this is belief . Just like religion. Just like theism. just like metaphysics. if you truly believe something, then its a true story - but only in your mind.. Even millions of people believing tha same crazy shit doesnt make it true.. 6) "But do you believe earth to be conscious? " No. I said that to me it makes more sense to think of the earth like a conscious thing, than, say the universe, as we know that earth is a magnificent self-regulating system.. But in my eyes, comparing a conscious earth with a non-conscious earth , the non-conscious one seems more fascinating!! And more real.. Of course this is in part becasue I find belief in anything metaphysics philosophically and aesthetically lazy. There's a certain pride in an true atheists point of view : we never believed in non-existent stuff so our point of view is always consistent with reality. PS: you know about that?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge do you really believe that there are people who can actively produce metaphysical events and they are all hiding??
  8. sagiXsagi

    Caapi response to cold

    not sure whats the question.. they are pretty hardy plants if you dont have too low temps.
  9. sagiXsagi

    Ephedra gerardiana in Nepal

    Again, amazing pictures.. How are you sure that they are gerardiana, and not some of the more miniature species, like regalis, which you had shown in a previous trip from Pakistan I think (?). From what I remember from their descriptions they are not small like this, even though I havent read the literature for some time.. There's also a SAB memeber growing them, and again they dont look similar. On the other hand the presence of the animal grazing shows that the animals propably affect the shape of plants.. Hey tripsis, are you a mountaineer?? I have read and seen lots of docus about mountaineering accidents, you guys are NUTS! the best species to grow is distachya, but you wont read anywhere about that.. everyone obsesses over sinica, equisetina and gerardiana.
  10. sagiXsagi

    B caapi variegation?

    my plants that had it have grown huge, it doesnt seem to be an issue at all. only a small part of the plant does it, and mostly in the begining of each year..
  11. sagiXsagi

    Variegated Caapi?

    I have 2 of them in the ground, I think they are both from the same original plant.. Both of them keep doing some variegated parts, mostly in the begining of the year, like Alice said and like the pictures show, but most of it is green.
  12. sagiXsagi

    Gumbi Gumbi Diaries

    oh, thats sad to hear, I had no idea.. I have had his "small peruvianus crest" he bred and named endorfinder for some years now.. even though I now think that's a pachanoi. RIP
  13. sagiXsagi

    Some psychedelic memes I made

    I saw a really bad meme about bad trips on some other media and was inspired to create some "right' ones . feel free to comment, after all these are only memes portraying my opinions and objections with the psychedelic scope
  14. ****this is propably gonna be an experimental and drunkey way to blow some steam - I have done it before, to open up in a psychoanalytical way in SAB crowd. cheers to all the old- timers here. ****** I am not sure where exactly this starts for me. But I suppose that it begins when I realise the world is full of shit. For example I remember me praying to god, lol, honestly, cool stuff.. I am amazed I remember. a hardline atheist would not tell you - he would supress and forget. not me. I cant cheat. If you become an atheist in ~12 like me, you have to make up a different system of thought.. Like Bukowski said, us atheists - and I say especially us early bloom atheists - we have to answer the "big questions" outselves, as there is none metaphysical reality except the individual reality for the radical atheist.. Yeah It propably started with atheism- or something aroung there.. My lawyer dad said I should become a lawer and he had various tricks to escape when I argued passionately aboutr a subject. Also in the same time, or a bit later , I was regarded a raver in my school. I had by then made a scheme to create an image to project to the school enviroment.. I was the kid that drew rave symbols with modelist paint on his Doc Martens and had a generally cool but awkward presence... I realise now I realised from early on that if you act in a strange way but support it, or in some way, justify it, then you have got your audience, peoples attention... atheism was propably a full time job for me back at some point .. I was a shy boy. especially around girls and even more if I liked them... my debating skills that I never stopped developing was the ever present path of what it was for me to become such a character... ~13 then... when all of your friends in the neibourhood are christian believers and you are a great rhetor, then I think I only did the obvious, used my skills to challenge the existence of god and by that I grew my first bit of social confidence . And I did a fucking good job right there 13 year old with kids of the same age with me - without ever reading a debunking-encyclopedia of stupid scientifists.. me and simple logic arguements.. so there I am realising that I can be the center of attention, even with lots of girls present, when I took on a debate about the presence of god! This forms a base of how you can provoke reactions from somebody if you challenge some soft spot of his. I realised people had soft spots. Religion was on of them... Later still a teenager I made an "old looking voodoo box" and planted it in a spot in the neibourhood so the religious grannies found it and be freeked.. it happened.. lots of gossip - the materials ended up to the local priest supposedly to exorcise them !! All these hapen while I have no fucking idea of what dada, surrealism, situationists are, I am 14 year old but I have developed a style which changes as I am teenager. Through rave music I have developed a taste for dark and the weird even back there. I had also developed an interest in psychoactive substances and mainly ecstacy, as the rave songs I was listening to were refering to this kind of shit. So I am at a point where I am more interested in ecstasy at 14 than pot and nowhere near to really try and find or get to it.. It was later at 17 y.o. when I first smoked pot. I never realised how this controlled burst offensive manipulation system is a life long work, and how it developed as a defense to my social shyness... I am 39 now and only the recent years I came to untwirl it. It was never a conscious decision to be cynic and badass rhetor and to debate people so as they let up their defences... But it fucking happened.. So gradually I am becoming the most perfect trolling machine long before it was an internet term. after 15 I am startin having the first complaints I was too much sarcastic -from my friends. This never stopped. I talked a lot with my friends but as some points I was harsh and cynic bastard.. Maybe I was starting to get tired of bitching about how unfair life was to people that didnt do anything to try to change it.... I never paid really attention to the people arround me telling me about me being sometimes very rude offensive. I knew I was - I suppose I thought I was mostly right to be like that... I was a person people - my friends- knew they could come to me and talk... A couple years ago a long time friend , told me "man, watch it , you might get beaten by some random guy you argue" and I told him " its lots more possible to get beaten by someone I know" .. the same guy, my friend, some years ago, in a gathering, in a drunk mode, he said to me: you know whats cool about you ?? you might be nuts and weird yourself, but you're the dude that anyone can come and start a serious conversation about anything... I have propably lost this over the years.. I am so fiercefully agressive, that people are scared of me. A couple years ago I made some jokes about it - but in the present I am not finding this very funny: people being scared of you because of what might come out of your mouth... It might be 'funny' because this kind of behaviour is causing situations to happen, and I knew I am a humanist and only argued about stuff, so I did not think it was such a big of a problem - especially when it was the characteristic that was a sceleton of my growing character... and, why hide it, it was one of the main internal powers that made me "cool" . it was real , I owned it, and it made an impact on people so why the heck would I think it is a bad thing ? fast forward to present, I have interpreted this shis in many ways, including my natal astrological chart - I always missed the long time friends that slowly were becoming more distant to me due to this behaviour and my whole behvariour - but I was well awere I knew about it , some had warned, I was aware that friends can become more distant for no particular reason - so there you go I had none to blame from my self for my friends gradually getting away.. I was not particularly bitter though - because I knew they all had a point! I didnt think I was right in the harsh behaviour. I just developed a thing for completely rejecting the notion of "remorse".. its propably a radical atheist thing. I never believed in it and I still think like that. remorse is a theological term and a radical atheist cannot pay attention to this shit. the whole context of remorse never made sense and it doesnt make sense for a hard atheist. you cannot turn the time back except from these awesome timeline-shift sci-fi movies, hehehe... I guess I had a notion for getting things to the extreme - my parents were always mild people, my mom very critical of her mom, a strange suicide hidden also in the mom part of the family that only one seemed to care about when I learnt it was a suicide... A good, suburban lets say home from southern greece... my father is a romantic and very sensitive guy.. later - ratehr recently I learnt we have a cultivation thing in the family tree... cant imaging why my parents didnt tell me earlier, not even when I started to try to become a plant grower part- time. Things is - I am soon becoming 40, this sagittarius x sagitarius , I am still the same deal. Its not really important when I had my psychedelic awakening and epiphanies but the start was done in around 20 y.o. I will always remember when I returned home after the first blotter trip I had .. It had gone bad for 3/5 of the company, half a blotter each, that must have been super potency, 3 of us had a bad trip and us 2 that were into it thought it was pretty strong, (of course the bad trip and mood of the other 3 affected us when were were all 5 together in the tali of the experience) ... I returned to my hometown and was somewhat uptight- I remember how we ate with bg apetite, and talked with my parents that day, this hadnt happened ever before, to talk for so long in the mature way...before we had much conflict , we could not make a decent dialogue - maybe I was too much of a punk in the mentality??? my first acid use then is a bookmark for the type of communication I had with my parents, I reguarly shared almost all kinds of stuff, except the overly obcsene... I can say that other things might play a role in such a thing, but that 1st one time, yeah, it had one definate good result: it made me wanna communicate with my parents.. perhaps other people as well.. Some people talk about large doses - some people have told me in past - in this forum that I am a pussy that I didnt take enough. well I nver believed in "if in doubt double the dose" because it depends on the type of doubt.. I really believe in the "if you get the message , hang up" thing, though ... I think I have reached the end of this ramble... but I will end it aboslutely egocentric. WIth the danger of being taken as a manic shcizophrenic I really thing I am a unique individual in a series of ways I will try to express it.. please remember that my natal chart is full of fire signs, aries, leo, and of course sagittarius... also scorpio, pisces, virgo, carpicorn... 0. I was born mid/low class, and my life had been quite fine. Contrary to lots or most of my friends to want to try psychoactives, I was not en escapist. It did not ever feel that I took drugs to cope with reality.. it was mosty curiocity. when we did start to smoke pot, their escapism both annoyed me and affected me negatively. When we had a wonderful experience last day, all friends smoking, the next they they were bitching "we dont have any pot today, damn, etc" . I was not like that . But it gets to you after some time... that how laws fuck up the intake of a perfectly safe plant compound. .. by making illegal and a myth... 1. its unique I think, I at 40 tend to be the same strange- the same kind of strange you were younger only more experienced - I dont seem to have changed - it seems I am still a punk, in the "punk - being yrself" vain of course, as I was never a 'proper' dressed punk. its not really usual to have such a strong sense of honesty and cynicism above all , and then delve in philosophical subjects even in the most extreme examples of huma behaviour. I am not the same kid that first watched Hellraiser II at 14 with the volume almost at 0 because because I was fucking blown by what I was seeing - but I had to watch it! Remember my parents were the types that talked polite and shyed away from most controversy - my dad was more a people's guy though , I copied - I think several phrases he said to people in restaurants and cafes. what I am trying to say is that I am the same kid I was in 15, the dude at 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, and now yeah... only now I know a lot of stuff I didnt know before... stuff have happened.... but I am the exact continuity of what I was before.. A fucking curious kid that ecentually wanted to learn about it all. yeah yeah... I dont have a girlfriend these days nor a kid. so I am relatively free. 2. I had it in my mind for years , that becoming a homo universalis, that is a person with a greater encyclopedian knowledge that is not limited to a single gnostic clade.. I didnt really tried to become that , I only thought that indeed this is the most awesome thing to be, to make an all-around worldview. There's an an awesome saying "careful where you look to, because you are going to go where you look" or something like that.. Well it seems that becoming a homo- universalis was not an easy thing to do - if you try to do it in philosophy, I mean to find the core of it all, it is so fucking diffucult- especially if you have not a lot of life experience! but I tried it and was fierceful... So I was always bold about stuff I was into , and I am really thinking I am really fucking close to what you would call a H.u. - and I am only 39, huh?? heheh man, lots of egoism in my personallity, so glad I am super sagittarius so I can be as sarcastic I want to my own egoism. I dont think I am great. I think I am a great philosopher! thats my philosophical motto - because most people think that philosophy is knowing history of philosophy - philosophy for me is loving to getting to know. being curious about stuff.. really wanting to know... and - to me- philosophy is not something you read, but its something you do so yeah, I think being or tending to be a homo universalis means you really want to know about how things work. all around. not only a single field 3. I am so fucking honest - pathologically honest. There must be something into it. I mean biological.. I mean body giving me chemical gifts because I persue knowledge - or maybe its just egotistical make belief that flows the chimical - point is, honesty is something I believe... I dont believe in much else... Most people dont care about truth, but some of us rare ones might be truth fetischists . You might think -again - I am a schizo, but I quite believe I am one of the most fucking objective people on earth... the most objective you would ever get to know in an average life.... too fucking objective... so there it goes - where's the line?? and whats the score with those that still dont understand and promote big doses with classic psychedelics... ? it cant be done with psychedelics... psychs dont say shit - unfortunately, the people that should take it dont, so we are not doing much in the "cause" psychedelics - and life itself- is about an equilibrium. you dont take psychs for simple thrills, not if you're wise.. I have thought about all of these shit so much, and now I am interested and knowledgable about a bunch of other things thing is I am just an idiot and life is a path its the only one!! and the point is you must be able to hold to moments. life is moments lucidity, consciousness, etc, big deal... what do you want? you want big enlightment?? start with your selves . dont be afraid to get to the thing that hurt you. things that hurt us shape us not everyone is ready to come up to the big debate about existence! then again I am a lucky one who speaks on the safe side. humanity is a circus. I am just a clown follow what is within and develop it build on what you're good at, then reflect ciao and peace
  15. acashia> I dont know if its really relevant but reading your post made remember my point about how us humans , to realise a concept, to understand, to process, to function while conceptualising stuff, so that we can "decide" what to do, we always do this by comparing.. Our intellect (and maybe physiology) is made like that. Also I have yet to reply , but a small bit about QM QM for me is all about better electronics, smaller electronics and developments in the science of materials.. I get why its important . And of course without QM technology we will never be able to leave this planet when it will be expiring.. I get why its important and fascinating... but up to there, where the practical inventions we have as a result... i completely refuse to link the physics of the microcosmos with philosophy... the way I see it, QM philosophy is really mumbo jumbo... but I will read Micromegas post properly and come back to reply at some point, had forgotten this thread for a while... but I doubt theres anything to change my mind about this..
  16. sagiXsagi

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    there are few nurseries in usa that offer some plants , usually nevadensis and few nurseries in europe usually offering distachya. but australia?? maybe you should try your luck in the trade section, make a thread asking for a plant. otherwise, you should get good seed. I usually have some seed. PM me all in all distachya is the easiest to grow and propagate because fast and grow suckers all the time.. sinica is much slower
  17. sagiXsagi

    Lets talk metaphysics

    dont take it personally mate.. talking to a strong atheist about your theism is pretty brave so kudos to you. its just an arguement between our belief systems. ok let me try to get into your thing conscious universe: the concept of the universe, lets take the standard expanding model is definately impressive. the physics in it are different, the sizes are different... how ever we tend to know more about it, it doesnt get less mysterious.. but its another scale. and another timeline. our REAL world here on earth is not less impressive! but its directly linked to us, our evolution, our scale, our timeline from where I am looking it would be much easier to accept that the earth is a conscious organism, than with the universe.. Earth has tons of magic things about it.. carbon circle, water circle, earth crust, crystals, minerals, its fucking wild! and the whole timeline, and direct or indircet relations are tangible. PS: that must not what you were talking about, but cave prints plus I am not sure if you know about the so called fermi paradox.. I personally dont find it that paradox that we havent met aliens, and I tend to believe that the notion of us being the only that much evolved beings in the conceivable universe is not that wild. you might find interesting the several theories about parallel universes proposed in cosmology. and then we have , quantum physics and microcosmos... this is the new trend in neo-theism... I get it.. you see the physics on microcosmos and you are like what??? but again different scale, different bahaviour, different time-line, when matter becomes waves . Sure if you take quantum physics and you project them to real life, you can image someone passing through a wall.. but the physics of microcosmos apply only to the microcosmos.. To sum up, I am a strong atheist, but if I were into a belief system where some higher being or conscious entity would be, man that would definately be earth... the rest of the universe seems cold and uninhabited. the microcosmos, well its not all that interesting to me.. but how this 4 billion year old planet has such a self sutaining system to the point we evolved, thats wow, thats the magic for me ... in that sense I feel closer to pagans and what not than to any other religious system. PS: say more about the kid in chine that could pass through a wall.. lets say he did it.. what does this prove? how did he do it?? and why no camera has ever recorded something like that without experts of videoediting debunk it?? by the way, this is an awesome youtube channel of a dude creating awesome entertaining videos debunking supernatural vides
  18. sagiXsagi

    Harvesting caapi?

  19. sagiXsagi

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    ^^ looks like distachya, but dont take my word for it. in any case, seems like a super strong plant.
  20. My father is such a great and sweet guy. My mom was always more dominant I am 41 btw , lol so doctor has been saying he going well, despite the tremor he saiod he was not worrying about my father has started to seem hesitant to go to swim, he seems to be having a harder time to navigate and move his limpbs in water... I might seem like an idiot to be asking but I have thought about it a long time what would khat or ephedra do for a person like my dad?? would they hit and then deplicit the dopamine? could they both enhance and slow the circle???? my gut says this might imporove my dad, but then again, will this be good long term??
  21. sagiXsagi

    Lets talk metaphysics

    maybe it went fast to nowehere because your theism is so specific! if reality is a concept, lets see people walking though a wall PS: "physicists now believe everything in this physical universe is actually consciousness " NO THEY DONT!
  22. oh boy! I am not shying away, I will definately do this another time. one point only: I meant "wrong" in the sense that all this is a "no -argument" for me. logical fallacy or whatever they call these things... I mean that this whole arguement is totally irational and incosistent with scientific thought. which is to be expected as its a theistic arguement.. thats why theists love QM .. because as their old gods seemed to slowly die, there comes QM which seems to bring new arguements about god TBC
  23. sorry to ask for a 2nd time. for what stages of the disease are you talking about??? sounds as if you are talking about the last stages , 4 and 5, where there's little movement.
  24. Hey thanks for all the comments . Its going to be helpful to consider all these now, since my father is only now getting worse (maybe well into stage 2 now) . I have read up a bit more on the subject. Stimulants at recreational doses seem to cause deficit afterwards.. There's no evidence I could find this could work long term. In any case I was not thinking about stimulant doses, but rather smaller , tonic doses... But I have left that way of thought for now, since I have not been at all convinced that could really help and also not convinced there is not danger involved. I think the most helping aid should be CBT.. yep its legal in greece now (since recently) . I think it would be the easiest and safest to use.. read many nice things about that. then you got henbane, which should be tricky to normalise and use but has a LONG history of helping relieving symptoms and I feel really great with those plants, I can try first etc... the easiest and safest way would be to smoke joints, and my dad doesnt smoke, so there's that.. also there is banisteriopsis material, which is also supposed to be able to help, was supposed to replace tropane alkaloids back in the day, but didnt raise to the promise... Supposedly lots better than Peganum, but then again, the MAOI in there should make it pretty complicated, and also there doesnt seem to be lots of modern use and reports.. Iboga was proposed to me by some cool cat, but I am still hesitant, I was under the impression that iboga is a pretty toxic and hard to dose material, but I really dont know much. There is a good chance I will get to speak with a neurologist / psychiatrist friend of my father before he sees his regular neurologist doc, so I intend to talk about all these.. he is a nice dude, but I dont think he likes psychoactives very much... both his kids had drug induced mental problems in the past , so...... we will see.... But I have talked to my mother about supplementary action like CBT and she is positive... But as you say, Darklight, maybe the harder part would be to find a sympathetic doc for anything more complicated than CBT... Also pride is a thing, yeah.. and also the denial (on my mothers part) of the whole thing... I think that soon (well I hope not so soon) we are going to be worrying about falls so sooner or later we should be taking a walking stick.. the floatation device thing is a good suggestion... Again, thanks a lot