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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ramon

  1. ramon

    Save the world... with beer

    brewing at home cuts down on fossil fuel consumption in that homebrew doesn’t rely on gas for delivery I would imagine that not having to transport 22 litres of beer interstate would also save fossils fuels.
  2. ramon

    Love and girls and messy feelings...

    Whilst it is hard to know of course, I think you are being foolish. It sounds like what you are describing as Love is the infatuation stage. Whilst this is great it doesn't last. It is designed to keep a couple together until they can develop the type of relationship you describe. It sounds like because you wanted to keep it casual at the start, you avoided allowing yourself to fall head over heels for her at the start. You mention that you would rather suffer what you are suffering now then put her through pain again. That to me is Love.
  3. ramon

    Rootbinding Lophophora

    I used to havefour individuals all about the same age. The two specimens in larger pots where noticably largers (25 to 30 % + ). I don't attribute it to less root space but instead that the larger pots will hold more water from the same watering. Give them less water but plenty of root space so they can fully develop their carrot like root , if you want them to grow slowly.
  4. ramon

    Sceletium emarcidum seed

    Definately interested.
  5. ramon

    Terminal weirdness

    I had a similar thing happen to one of my plants. I think I posted a picture of it in a thread discussing how long it takes for fruit to develop after flowers. it continued to grow at a normal rate until it was ready to flower. It then split down the middle and grew out from there and these days it is hard to tell there was anything unusual about it becasue of the way it sits on the mother plant couldn't get a link to the picture to work but the thread was small loph flowering out of outter aeriols not centre, anyone seen this before?
  6. ramon


    link to where it is being discussed at AE http://www.australianethnobotany.com/viewt...967&start=0
  7. ramon

    Bris Meet

    Overnight camping trip being organised for the 8th of March. details http://www.australianethnobotany.com/viewt...&highlight=
  8. ramon

    Cool Inventions.

    I'd be concerned about being near such a strong electric field
  9. ramon

    Introducing a New Friend

    Count me in, please
  10. smoked it many years ago. mainly sedating. not that great that I would risk any damage to my lungs for it.
  11. ramon

    heroic doses

    I know of someone who used to not respond to big doses for some reason. He once took 6 grams and 300 grams of moclobomide. Definately responded but not able to bring anything back and he remembers essentially being unable to move for many hours.
  12. ramon

    Loph genetic problems

    I think age is a big factor. I have only four individuals to form a opinion on but it seemed to me that as they got older they produced more seed. That is still the case but instead of producing more seed per fruit, now they seem to be fruiting more often these days
  13. ramon

    Pre-dating the love of chocolate

    Have tried chocolate beer. Even though I like both chocolate and beer, chocolate beer was just wrong.
  14. 'The Tao which can be spoken of is not the eternal tao' There is a place where reality is experienced 'as it is', and from this seeing, Zen or the Tao is seen. completely true but only by discussing the undiscussable. Do we have a chance of approaching close enough to experiencing it. ( generally)
  15. ramon

    How to live a happy life...

    this previous discussion on happiness is worth looking at http://www.australianethnobotany.com/viewt...&highlight=
  16. ramon

    How to live a happy life...

    From books on happiness I read about 1 year ago. Optimism. This stood out as being the biggest single factor in many different aspects of Happiness. Keep your body healthy and well fed. Have interests that challenge you. Having a significant other.
  17. ramon

    Bring down the Government!!!

    Because I fear that Rudd will turn out to be exactly like Howard but just slightly less severe in his policies. If that is the case, I imagine that my greatest priority at following election would be to get Rudd out. Hence maybe needing to vote liberal to accomplish this. But I hope I am wrong about him and he doesn't turn into a Howard clone after the election.
  18. ramon

    Bring down the Government!!!

    Kevin Rudd seems to be a spineless little shit who's abondoned all principle to get power just as Tony Blair did. unfortunately I have to agree. Still I will be voting for him this election ( after directing my vote to favoured minor parties first ) But I think there is a very real chance that the if Labor win the next election I will vote liberal fot the first time in my life in the elction afterwards.
  19. It is interesting that the feeling manifests as a sensed presence and not a sense of union with reality.
  20. ramon

    room with a view

    Share accomodation offer. A room with a totally natural views. It would really suit anybody who wanted to grow plants as it is acreage. non smoker prefered 10 km from Ipswich CBD 25 Km from Brisbane CBD Expressions of interest via PM
  21. ramon

    Favorit Novels

    The Dice Man Luke Rheinhardt ( I think ) funny book
  22. ramon

    Cancer fears raised over chip implants

    If I could get the same functionality as say my laptop computer from a implant I would go for it. I often spend time where I am required to be present but not much else. It would be good to run spreadsheets or read ebooksor even play a game.
  23. ramon

    Cancer fears raised over chip implants

    Even at 1% risk of cancer I would have chip implanted. Once the technology was refined.
  24. ramon

    PSYCHOTRIA VIRIDIS, diagnosis thread part 1

    In my case the tips die back due to small infestation holding them together instead of allowing to open. I use a fine jet from spraybottle to knock as many of as possible.
  25. Here's how some scientists think some eyes may have evolved: The simple light-sensitive spot on the skin of some ancestral creature gave it some tiny survival advantage, perhaps allowing it to evade a predator. Random changes then created a depression in the light-sensitive patch, a deepening pit that made "vision" a little sharper. At the same time, the pit's opening gradually narrowed, so light entered through a small aperture, like a pinhole camera. Every change had to confer a survival advantage, no matter how slight. Eventually, the light-sensitive spot evolved into a retina, the layer of cells and pigment at the back of the human eye. Over time a lens formed at the front of the eye. It could have arisen as a double-layered transparent tissue containing increasing amounts of liquid that gave it the convex curvature of the human eye. In fact, eyes corresponding to every stage in this sequence have been found in existing living species. The existence of this range of less complex light-sensitive structures supports scientists' hypotheses about how complex eyes like ours could evolve. The first animals with anything resembling an eye lived about 550 million years ago. And, according to one scientist's calculations, only 364,000 years would have been needed for a camera-like eye to evolve from a light-sensitive patch. Cut and paste from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/1/l_011_01.html