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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Scarecrow

  1. Scarecrow

    Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae)

    another dreaming herb? i'll add it to my list with calea and capensis
  2. Scarecrow

    Lotus plant Nelumbo sp

    i had been thinking about growing some of these myself, but had decided it wouldn't be possible without a pond... but having seen your setup i'm reconsidering! especially seeing how quickly they seem to be growing (how often do they flower...?) so i'm wondering what kind of maintainence this kind of setup needs? do you have to change the water often/at all? need to supply nutrients or some kind of fertilizer?
  3. it's shit like this that makes me wonder exactly how stupid the people in charge of our country the world are
  4. Scarecrow

    3D printer tech, who's interested?

    i figure it'd be wiser to wait for the technology to be a bit more refined before forking out money for it. but that's just me!
  5. Scarecrow

    The Random Thread.

    i never really got into comics as a whole, but i've read a few good ones. watchmen in particular was great. i've actually been meaning to read deadpool for a while... i've got it kicking around but i haven't got around to reading it.
  6. i've found this website to be pretty informative: http://www.drugwarrant.com/articles/why-is-marijuana-illegal/
  7. i don't know how i feel about this :l it's probably good that he's being given the chance to share his opinion, but this: “I asked the judge if I could write a balanced argument for and against cannabis, but he said that since it’s illegal, I should only write about the bad things” makes me sad.
  8. so after reading about the interesting effects of this plant I realized I've been passing one growing casually/carelessly in someone's front yard on the way to the train station nearly every for the past... very long time. i grabbed some pictures today on my way to uni: then i grabbed (what looks to me like) a pod of seeds on the way home so I could try and grow some of my own: however, I soon realized i may have done this a bit prematurely, because I don't really have any idea when these seeds are meant to be harvested. i looked around and couldn't find much information on the subject at all; the only information regarding collecting seeds i was able to dig up kept mentioning spiky flower pods (which makes me think that they were actually talking about leonotis nepetifolia), or calling it "motherwort" (which is a name for some other variety of leonitus)... so: can anybody tell me if these seeds i have will be viable? if not, when should i actually collect seeds? do i need to treat them in any way after harvesting?
  9. hey, cool idea. does it seem to filter as well as the commercial ones?
  10. Scarecrow

    leonotis leonurus (lion's tail) - harvesting seeds?

    i won't, i won't... but i really doubt the owners have any clue what it is. it's been there for years and never once been harvested.
  11. Scarecrow

    Melbourne Gardeners Meet - May 2013

    fungi, eh? sounds like a riot. i'm down!
  12. probably they were the most notable/valuable busts ...meaning the other busts were probably negligible quantities and they're trying to talk themselves up/discourage people from using silk road haha [EDIT] except $8.2 million. i don't know
  13. Scarecrow

    leonotis leonurus (lion's tail) - harvesting seeds?

    ahhh i thought that might be the case. keen eye though, i had totally forgot there were already dry pods there. thanks for the info! i will take a look tomorrow!
  14. Scarecrow

    leonotis leonurus (lion's tail) - harvesting seeds?

    all right, i'll give it a try. for science! the pod i saw (and the one i took) were at the top of one of the "flower towers". having looked more closely at a flower pod also i saw a few bits that looked like my 'seeds' also... so it's also possible that what i have is actually a premature flower or something. hmm... what i have is more of a tan/light brown colour. i'll try endorfinder's suggestion and see if anything happens; if it doesn't, i'll keep an eye on the plant and try and grab some when the flowers start drying up as you described.
  15. Scarecrow

    The Random Thread.

    I could be wrong, but I've heard sleep apnea can be helped by adjusting your pillow positioning to allow easier breathing/better circulation? I might be thinking of something else though. Still, try looking for little adjustments you can make that might help. I'm sure there's a bounty of information on google. ...Just don't make yourself paranoid with medical websites (my girlfriend does this all the time). On a completely unrelated note, I've recently been looking into buying a retort for purifying essential oil tinctures when the time comes. Turns out my dad can provide me one (well, it's several components making up the same device if you want to be technical) for free! He's a geologist/metallurgist so he's got all kinds of science stuff kicking around.
  16. Scarecrow

    meditating through pain - how to do this?

    that sounds like me... i'd tick "all of the above" and "yes i have terrible blood circulation" i find it funny that no GP or physiotherapist or any other health practitioner could give me this information.
  17. Scarecrow

    meditating through pain - how to do this?

    i've got chronic undiagnosed musculoskeletal pain also! i found it actually ended up being helpful to bring my awareness and mindfulness to every moment. if you want to use meditation for dealing with your pain, be aware that that isn't really how it's going to work. you'll become capable of being more tolerant and accepting of your pain, rather than really diminishing the pain itself. in that manner, you'll be able to look instead for the cause of the pain, such that you can really eliminate it from the source (accept the symptom, treat the cause). one of the key things involved in being in a meditative state is unconditional acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment, and transcendence of the idea of past and future. i don't know if you know of Osho, but he has given great guidance on most subjects: once you get to being more "in-the-now" during your daily life, it will be easier to realize the real source of your pain, and then you can do something about it if you feel like it. for me, my pain is caused by inactivity (sitting too long on a computer and not really moving) and exacerbated by certain drugs (pretty much the only other thing i did other than sit on a computer for a very long time), esp. caffeine, alcohol and smokeables. so it's clear now what i need to do if i feel the need to avoid my pain; be more active, and indulge less... so my pain is not really a problem any more because i know what the cause of it is, and can make my own trade-offs. i'm exercising more (because really that's more enjoyable than sitting on my ass all day), but continuing to indulge occasionally (because i enjoy it).
  18. Scarecrow

    Want to buy prints

    oh, i was under the impression that it was legal to get prints for microscopy?
  19. Scarecrow

    Want to buy prints

    you might want to try looking for spore print vendors online? i've seen that there are a few around, if you can find one that will ship to your... hole?
  20. Scarecrow

    Department of Transport fines (yes, again)

    oh god, myki... i can't believe these bastards are getting away with spending 1.5 billion taxpayer dollars on a downgrade to ease of use and reliability of the perfectly good system we already had in place. not to mention how unforgiving the metcops are, despite how clearly flawed and buggy (and prone to overcharging) the new system is... so we're blind to how much we're paying, and getting fined and charged at every opportunity... almost seems like they're doing everything everything they can to suck our wallets dry. as far as i'm concerned, we shouldn't have to pay for service that doesn't meet our expectations; like you'd refuse to pay for a terrible meal at a restaurant. i am pretty sure this is the only logical explanation for all this nonsense i haven't got any experience about dealing with fines like this, but i wish you the best of luck. at least you won't have to worry about this shit in future, living in another state.
  21. holy crap! i just remembered i have blue corn seeds in a baggie in my wallet o___o
  22. Scarecrow

    Book discussion thread!

    yikes... i'm a bit afraid of brugmansia haha. but those photos do look amazing.
  23. Scarecrow

    Book discussion thread!

    this seems like a thread that would be handy to have around, and i didn't see anything similar elsewhere. want to know if something's worth buying, or what you're after? just want to talk about how great something you've read was maybe? use this thread for discussion of books, literature, etc. i'll start: The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications i've been tossing up whether to grab one of these or not, because it looks pretty solid... but i'm curious to know if anybody here has owned a copy of this? what did you think? was it worth the investment? maybe you'd have another suggestion to look into instead or as well?