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The Corroboree
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first experiences

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I got busted being drunk at age 10. Like, VERY drunk. Mind you, I'd been sneaking drinks from my parents for a couple of years by then. They were real wine snobs and every other week they'd open an expensive bottle of wine and have half of it with dinner. Over the next few days I'd have a sip here or there and just top it up with water. As the rest was used for cooking it was never noticed. When I started doing it to the liqueurs in the bar things got a bit more complicated :innocent_n: I think my sister got the blame.

The day I got busted being blotto I had sneaked several bottles of expensive champagne and drank them with my buddy in the attick. We would have probably gotten away with it if I hadn't decided to turf the bottles from the roof hatch onto the road where dad always parks. I wasn't very bright that day :blush:

With 11 I got put under for an operation with nitrous. I'd had it before when I was about 6, but I just went from 10,9,8 to total darkness. This time however I tripped pretty hard. It freaked me out pretty bad, but not as bad as what was to come a few minutes later. I had been given ketamine for my appendix operation and next thing I was watching the surgeon concentrating on what he was doing to my abdomen. When he saw I was watching him he freaked and said something sternly to the anaethetist and next thing I was gone again. Whatever they gave me, I was tripping pretty bad in post op.

That same year my dad insisted I smoke a cigarette. I'd been pretend smoking with unlit ciggies for a while and my parents wanted to show me just how yucky they were. It worked. I puked for ages and had the worst head spins. Cigs lost any attraction they may have had until I was 18, which is when I smoked while being really drunk and.... :puke:

Probably the best psychoactive effect I had when I was about 9. The docs don't know what was wrong with me, but the symptoms matched meningitis (which it turned out not to be). I spent a week at 41-42 degC fever in hospital. I was so delirious that I only remembered a total of about 2 hours of that week. But as my fever was going up at the beginning I was having pretty intense visuals. Mind you it probably wasn't from the fever alone, but rather whatever was messing with my brain at the time. Migraines can produce some nice visuals and this was very much like that.

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age:14 yo

Dose:1 1/2 smilies.

Effects:Absolutely awesome.

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Tooth removed at dentist when I was 9, given Nitrous Oxide, I was floating through the air laughing, gosh that was fun, my mum was telling the dentist that I had had enough of the gas and to turn it off :ana:

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Spinning, I was always into spinning. I remember we used to lie on the roundabout in the local park, and spin eachother till we were sick. heheh

besides that, my bro and I used to get into the liquor cabinet, at first purely for the taste. I loved liquer chocolates, and a splash of whisky on my choccy icecream was a pretty good approximation. mmm. The first time I got drunk it was an accident...

but there's only so much tea you can put in the johnny walker until somebody notices

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Ah docs n dentists love to make us whacked. I had my wisdom teeth out while awake. I was 45kg and they gave me a large dose of valium, so large I couldnt walk or swallow and was in the waiting room with a stupid grin drooling before being dragged into the room by nurses who I kept saying "I love you" to. It was great till I could feel my face again :wacko:

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