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The poison garden


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I wonder why cannabis is planted here?


Duchess' opium garden is unveiled


The Duchess of Northumberland's controversial poison garden has been officially opened.

Cannabis, opium poppies, magic mushrooms and coca - the source of cocaine - all feature at the centuries-old Alnwick Garden.

The Home Office granted the Alnwick Garden Trust permission to grow the plants late last year.

Poisonous foxglove, tobacco and wild lettuce, which can be used as a tranquilliser, will also be grown.

The site has been designed by Belgian Peter Virtz. More than 50 dangerous plants are included in the collection.

'Emotive issue'

To highlight its hazardous nature the garden's beds are laid in the shape of flickering flames.

Members of the public will be escorted around the walled garden by marshals.

The Duchess of Northumberland officially opened the garden with Northumbria Police chief constable Crispian Strachan.

She said: "Drugs are a major concern across the country and an emotive issue.

"The garden will offer a new avenue, outside the classroom, to get people talking about the misuse of drugs - most of which grow in nature."

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2005/02/28 12:47:38 GMT

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marijuana, magic mushrooms, and wild lettuce?

Does 'poison' have a different definition in england? In the US it refers to toxins that may be fatal or notably harmful if ingested.

... and a second <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_huh.png @ Lactuca virosa, think its on their hit-list of things they want to prohibit?

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The garden will offer a new avenue, outside the classroom, to get people talking about the misuse of drugs - most of which grow in nature.

Coca, opium and to a lesser extent marijuana (due to its inability to kill things), these plants are powerful, medicinal even but not poisonous, they only become poisonous when their essence is concentrated.

Besides, i think its unnatural, having a garden thats walled off from people who will naturally want to touch the plants. Subconsciously its separating man from nature. Almost like telling people watch out for plants they are DANGEROUS FEAR THEM !!!!!

*Sigh* we all need to show them more love

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wild lettuce? i mean seriously!

yeah it works as a mild buzz - but poison?

Its safe enough that herbalists recommend giving it to children as a mild sedative alongside chamomile (in place of the more adult herbs like Valerian or kava)

If that is the definition of poison then you should have every medicinal plant in the world in there

Remember what Paracelsus said over 400 years ago: "All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy."

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  • 8 years later...

I am going to bring a necro thread back to life as I keep seeing this book on ebay.

The Duchess of Northumberland's Little Book of Poisons, Potions and Aphrodisiacs.

""Apparently The Poison Garden remains one of the few places to have obtained permission from the Home Office to grow cannabis, opium poppies and catha edulis for display.""

Has anyone read or seen this book, not expensive $16.50 delivered from Fishpond.

Just wondering how informative/interesting it is, or if if is only useful to line the trays of my worm farm. More from a perspective of growing plants rather than creating random concoctions.

Thanks again all have a nice day!

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Singapore has a similar setup in their Botanical garden (Toxic Plants section) , they also escort you and it is locked-up during off hours.

I can understand this tho because all it takes is one stupid visitor to mess it up for everyone.

Couldn't you imagine a silly teenager deciding to try and get a sample of Khat or Dope?

Still interested to see if someone has read or viewed the book tho.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Crazy that they call that a poison garden. When I read the title I was thinking they'd be growing poison ivy, manchineel trees, sandbox trees, and other things like that. Plants that you would want to keep people from touching because they might actually cause physical harm.

I guess if I was legally growing a bunch of weed, opium, coca, and some khat I wouldn't want tourists putting their dirty hands all over them. Wonder how often they "prune" their plants.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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