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Final Board Call For- Entheogenesis Australis- Pre-sale only

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Conference Details



DATE: June 24-26, 2005

DURATION: Friday Night - Sunday Evening

TICKET PRICE: $55 (visit http://www.entheo.net/ to buy tickets)

Tickets are available by pre-sale only.

VENUE: This year's conference will be held at Gumnut Camp, at the foot of the beautiful Grampians.

Conference Program:


1. Des Tramacchi - Talk -1 ‘DMT in Australia: are we shamanising yet?’

Talk – 2 'Drugs and demonisation’

2. Michael Bock - Talk -1 'Native Australian Tobbacco Species'

Talk – 2 'Mushrooms in OZ’

3. Carl Turney - "Lagochilus, the intoxicating mint of Central Asia".

4. Thomas Munro – ‘Two hundred years of opioids: from morphine to salvinorin A’

5. David Cameron – ‘Victorian Floral Database’

6. Tim – ‘PsychologyBiology and Sociobiology in of phenethylamines in the 21 Centaury’.

7. Shane Huebener & Margaret - Traditional Structure in Modern Circles: A Fusion of Mountain and Jungle Wisdom Dynamic Evolution at it's Best...

8. Santillan de Pinto – ‘Relationships between psychedelics and archetypes in western art’

9. Krusty - "Trance Dance, Rave Culture & the Psychadelic Shamanic Experience"

10. Martin Williams – ‘R-C’

11. Julian - "human <----> plant orientations"

12.Matt Soltau – ‘Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism and the Doof Phenomena’

13. Darren Smith – ‘Secrets from the Dancefloor’

14. Adrian - (unconfirmed) ‘Status of Victorian Acacias’ - (A.phlebophylla - A.madenii - A.obtusifolia)


1. Michael Bock TBA

2. Carl Turney "practical cultivation, a grower's roundtable".

3. Martin Williams Acid/Base extractions

4. Shane Huebener & Margaret - Liberation and Warrior Training *

5. Night Time – Shamanic Group Consciousness Exercises


Time Becomes a loop presents

Triptaminds – Green Beets


Paul_Abad (QLD)/ http://www.zonar.net/abad/

Siaqua / http://www.siaqua.com/

Krusty Vs kundalini / Green Ant - http://www.greenant.com/

Chiba bros / 3Ear - http://3rd-ear.tinpot.org/ - http://www.giiwa.com/

Dale / Oztrance - www.oztrance.com/

Dakini / Submerge - http://www.resonant-temple.com/

Morphogen / Wild Card productions

GroovyBoots / Time Becomes A Loop- http://triptamind.earthpod.org/

Oli (Adelaide)


Rainbow Architect - the Original chill/dub/atmospheric tunes , Sonic Sound Scape Music to stimulate the senses and nourish the consciousness...


Rainbow Architect

Dr Zaius



Spontaneous Jamming Space (Bring all the instruments, drums, didgeridoos, etc you can)

Binary beat , Brain wave sound therapy.

Orgone Therapy (Orgone Accumulator)

Oxygen Therapy - * Get High * naturally !

Stalls with eclectic range of products and information...

Alternative Health , Alternative/New Science , Ezoteric disscussions...

ORMUS / White Powder Gold / Philosopher's Stone - Discussion.

Agnihotra performances at Sunset to setup a positive biosphere , enriched with pranic life-force of the Sun.

a Moonlight Cinema - private screening of some very special , rare , amazing and enlightening films , including:

- The Legend of ATLANTIS - the history of time.

part1-The Dawn of the Gods : The ancient legend of Atlantis tells of a civilization started by gods from distant stars. After human civilization reached its peak, the angry gods destroyed Atlantis, allowing only a few escapees of the Atlantean Brotherhood to spread the legend in Egypt and elsewhere. This brotherhood has continued to influence the workings of our political systems since ancient times. Filmed in Tasmania.

part3- The Secret Prophecies of the Apocalypse : The ancient Mayan calender, the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the exiled Atlantean Brotherhood all speak of the last times, which we may be approaching now. Elia the returned prophet confirms these, using examples such as climatic changes and political turmoil to illustrate the nearness of the end. Learn about his offering of a return to Christ Consciousness and our membership in the universal Space Brotherhood.

part4- The Return of the Light Masters : The corrupt scientists who mishandled the awesome power allotted the ancient culture of Atlantis caused the great catastrophe which we now know through legend as the sinking of the Atlantean continent. This documentary reveals how the light-workers of the extinguished civilization are being reborn today, as environmentalists, therapists, artists and teachers of the esoteric.

part5- The Battle of Armageddon (The Truth) : This incredibly revealing documentary exposes what is really happening in the world as we traverse these "end times." Secret societies and brotherhoods are losing the enormous power which they have possessed for generations, and new information is coming to light regarding the secrets of the pyramids, the Nazis, the Hollow Earth and its alien civilizations, and the great changes to expect in the New Times.

- Alternative-3 / science report - docudrama about a secret international collaboration in space to colonize the Moon and Mars - very rare and amazing film that might answer many questions...

Plus more amazing stuff...


Workshop: Liberation and Warrior Training.

This workshop has been designed to give you a 'taste' of a unique Shamanic Movement that is stirring all over the world. It combines a number of very different modalities to produce a very specific effect.

This de-progam has been designed by Armando Antonio Muñoz, a 7th generation Sayre Tupac Wirichoca Shaman from The Sacred Valley In Peru. He has skilfully woven the ancient wisdom of both South American and Buddist Philosophies to produce an amazing transformative de-program...which encompasses both mountain and jungle wisdoms and medicines.

The aim of the program is to equip individuals to over come long standing programs and limitations by awakening to the connection of cause and effect. It is warrior training which includes martial arts, traditional healing circles, singing ( the Ikaros) and ancient knowledge downloads contained in both wisdom plants and traditional weavings from the mountains.

At a time when fear rules, this work is seen by Armando and other members of this rapidly growing global circle, as a necessary remedy.

People need inner strength, concious awareness and full spirit if we are to bring change to the chaos around us. We find our centers... become aware...this is the path of delightenment...and enlightenment..(for an over view please checkout this website... http://www.mysticdetours.com/ )

The cost of this workshop will be $50.00 per person to cover the cost of the essential materials. (Normally the cost of a similar circle is much higher).

Love And Light



[ 24. June 2005, 00:24: Message edited by: Entheogenesis Australis ]

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If anybody has video footage of doof dancefloors, or interesting photos of dancers please let me know...Full credit will be given... [/QB]

Doof pics, go to out doof page – follow link


then click on Ronny’s Photos, if you need more links I can suggest some other people pics to.


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this sounds freakin wicked,though wont know anyone!!!but hell im gonna go anyways!!!!!

lookin 4ward to it!!

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Someone contact CS and ask him if he's going.

He has a nice DV-cam...tell him we'll hijack the worlds supply of ketamine if he doesn't record it <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png


Seriously though, I have a large hard drive on a fast computer on a 155mbit link in San Jose. It ain't doing much, I'm sure a bittorrent type solution could be implemented to serve the files. All I need is the files to host

[ 28. April 2005, 07:37: Message edited by: apothecary ]

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It'd be great to have this conference available to people who can't attend. (any volunteers?)

Firstly, we have to get our priorities favouring the actual before the virtual.

It is the 21st century; we'll keep an open mind for this possibility.

We have some great new additions to the whole shebang.

> Rainbow Architect will be bringing us some great 'mind candy' (will add details now)

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Seriously though, I have a large hard drive on a fast computer

Mmmmm love a man with a large hard drive

[ 29. April 2005, 00:17: Message edited by: 2b ]

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I took a DV camera to Ethnobotanica 01 but put it away before the conference started because Torsten wouldn't let me film anything

That camera was eventually stolen by a junkie friend of mine.

I just got a new DV camera a few months ago and thats what i've been using to make all my movies with lately. I fucken dropped it on sunday getting ready for Ronnys party. Fucken shit, no more camera.

Ronnys got a good DV camera, if he'll let me use it i'd love to film the conference and edit it and make it available as a download or even as a DVD. it wouldn't be too hard at all.

I suppose the good thing about Torsten not running this conference is i'll be able to take AS MANY PICTURES AND VIDEOS AS I LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

-Chemical Shaman

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Originally posted by Chemical Shaman:

I suppose the good thing about Torsten not running this conference is i'll be able to take AS MANY PICTURES AND VIDEOS AS I LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

A lot of people are sensitive about having their picture taken at such event. I remember at EB1 more than 3/4 of the speakers refused to have their picture taken.

I guess times are changing and poeple are reelaxing a bit more about this, but I would guess you will still get quite a few people being unhappy about you running around with a camera.

Given the spanking you got from darklight for posting video of her in a public space you better watch your ass at entheogenesis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please bear the following information in mind

The ‘Early Bird’ ticket offer is valid for the first 60 tickets sold or until two weeks before the event staring date.

Please keep in mind Remember that all tickets are purchased in advance of the conference date, so buying them now cheaper is your best option.

In regards to Accommodation, camping for the event is free. But there is also very limited bedding available in cabins. A bed in a cabin is available for $30 for the duration of the conference, which includes two days and two nights.

So jump in early people, for what will truly be an informative and magical weekend.

To book tickets or accommodation or see the latest updates visit,


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dammit i wish i could go...

keep your fingers crossed and you never know what'll happen.

I found out that I was actually going to go to the EB03 conference a couple of days before the fact, no money no vehicle.

The best road trip of my life began when a notorious 'Certain Shazwingler' I'd never met before (apart from the web) rocks up to my house, sitting in his road cruiser & holding up a syringe (tipless) with words to the effect of "only one rule stands, whatever I down you must down too...are you f#kin ready bitch?"

Okay, you say bump, I say how high

Being that I wasn't overly objectionable when it came to peer pressure, I threw my few belongings/ briefcase into the back of the 'road tripster' less than 20hrs later we were Nibifyed & Byroneyezd... & well the rest is on the wall of Ronnie’s toilet.

Money & transport are only minor details when one chooses in their heart that they are going for a journey.

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve

it." The Alchemist. Paulo Coehlo

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There will be a talk on oz mushrooms at the conference as well; we just have not worked out if it will be by Michael Bock or Bruce Furher, either would be fantastic.


[ 20. May 2005, 01:43: Message edited by: RonnySimulacrum ]

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There is only one month to go now people, so I thought I should post a rough draft of how the weekend will be set out… so you get a good feel for how weekend will go.

Conference Draft Time Table

Friday Night 24-06-05

8:00 - Matt Soltau - Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism and the Doof Phenomena

9:00 - Michael Bock Talk - 1 -Mushrooms in OZ

10:00 - Darren Smith - Secrets from the Dancefloor


9:30 – Introduction

10:00 - Julian - Human <----> plant orientations -----

11:00 - Tim PsychologyBiology and Sociobiology in of phenethylamines in the 21 Centaury.

12:00 - Shane Huebener & Margaret - Traditional Structure in Modern Circles: A Fusion of Mountain & Jungle Wisdom Dynamic Evolution at it's Best...

12:00-1:00----------------Lunch time

1:00 - Santillan de Pinto Relationships between psychedelics and archetypes in western art

2:00 - Martin Williams R-C

3:00 - Des Tramacchi Talk - 1 - ‘DMT in Australia: are we shamanising yet?’

3:15 Workshop Session 1

Carl Turney "practical cultivation, a grower's roundtable".


Martin Williams Acid/Base extractions

4:00 - Krusty "Trance Dance, Rave Culture & the Psychadelic Shamanic Experience"

5:00 - Carl Turney ]"Lagochilus, the intoxicating mint of Central Asia".

5:30 ----------------Party Commences-----


9:00 Market stalls and swap meet time

12:00-1:00----------------Lunch time

1:00 - Michael Bock Talk - 2 -Native Australian Tobbacco Species

2:00 - Thomas Munro Two hundred years of opioids: from morphine to salvinorin A

3:15 Workshop Session 2

Shane Huebener & Margaret - Experiential Medicine Workshop


Michael Bock TBA


David Cameron - Victorian Floral Database

4:00 - Des Tramacchi Talk - 2 - 'Drugs and demonisation’

5:30 Raffle draw and conference conclusion

[ 26. May 2005, 08:26: Message edited by: RonnySimulacrum ]

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There are only 2 bed left, so the first 2 people to pop there hand up and email [email protected] will get them.

Remeber y have to have the $$$ ready to go. for the ticket and the beds.

Also remember there is free camping, and we have plenty of room for that :D

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That's a piss weak excuse apo , if we all needed a grey hound no one would be there just take the train from Sydney to Spencer st , change trains and travel to Arrat , then hook up with the bus. Or fly down friday , sky bus to Spencer street , then train to Arrarat.Get some one to take you back to Melb on Sunday and fly home ready for work Monday morning :D

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