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I am fascinated by the doof scene, i love the idea of people, nature, music, good times and *maybe* ( :D ) a little bit of psychedelic use.

But i must admit, i am more into music made by a band. I am not one of those bastards who think along the lines of - "If its not made by an instrument, its not music", it's just where my preference lies.

Now i would absolutely love to see a doof type set up, with some bands playing, just to add a new feeling to the doof scene for some people, they might really like it.

Do any of these currently exist, or do i have to get off my ass and make one myself :D

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Happened a lot in the 70's apparently.

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I think there are lots of doof where 1 or to bands play.

lots of indoor doof start with bands :D

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This kind of thing was going on a lot in the U.K. in the '90's where there was quite a big underground scene of crusty/rave cross-over.

Members of one of the biggest retro/psychedelic bands, Ozric Tentacles, formed one of the better known ambient-techno groups, Eat Static.

I was always disappointed that the same kind of thing wasn't happening here, not that I liked a lot of the music, but it would have been fun.

The market's too small and the county's too big to make it viable.

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But it would be cool if you could find some good bands.

Go your hardest R'n'L! :D

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i love live psy that incorporats musical instruments and so forth... i think sometimes there is a huge cross over between electronic music and the live musical experience...

I also believe that there is a few smaller private parties that often have local or 'crew' bands play prior to dj sets.

I definately am not 'disappointed' by the live scene in the doof phenomena, however i admit it is not somethign that happens nearly frequently enough..

im all for it, bring out the double bass, electrified violin, live drums and so forth...

and live psy is about 100 times better to listen to dance to and feel then even the best dj set...



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did i mention didjeridoo??

My dream doof would open with bands/musicians such as Xavier Rudd, JBT, moving onto hybrid stuff such as M.G.F, Toydeath, Dogbouy lover, then into live hip hop with acts such as combat wombat, the herd, hermitude, then experimental electronica, into DNB and then into some nice dark night time psy, into morning/sun rise psy, into hard daytime, into chunky prog and then xperimental ambient in the arvo and chill in the evening....

oh yeah, and hammocks! plenty of em

lol, id do it if i was a millionaire, or someone decided to pay for it


[ 08. May 2005, 15:02: Message edited by: min(E)rval ]

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i saw a bit of the prince movie "purple rain" at a mates place.

was cool to see everyone grooving to band but had elements of club culture too.

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I can tell minerval listens to Triple J :P

The one thing that would be totally awesome and doesnt happen nearly enough, is people dancing to rock music, it's all moshing, which can be fun, but people need to dance more.

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Anyone heard The Shed play at Mardi Grass, back of a truck in the main street? Fucken excellent, we catch up with them occasionally at the local hall nights. Truly splendid didge and beats, dunno what you'd call the music, we just dance. They'd be the perfect apertif to any doof :cool:

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Yeha i think the aussie doof scene is a little behind on these kinda aspects. Over in the UK they do all sorts of obscure things.

One cool event my mate went to incorporated a full armenian orchestra into a two hour hardtrance set - apparently it worked wonderfully.

Its actually quite easy to cross over between electronic and other styles of music - just take imagnination.

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Live music needs a lid on it to keep the sound in (IMO) , out door gigs have a great vibe , just look at the sucess of the festivals around the country but acoustics get lost and sound quality suffers out side (IMO).

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there are plenty of naturally occurring ampitheatres and 'accoustic spots'..Although i admit the whole sound engineering gets a bit tricky if ur trying to mix natural and amplified sounds....id say most of the 'live' stuff is all amplified, although im sure accoustic could work if it was a goal...

and btw, how many of you guys who comment on aus doof scene 'lacking' specific elements actually go doofing.

i.e are u inferring without having experienced???

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