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Kambo gone wrong?


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Currently being spoken about on ABC news. They threw ayuahuasca in there as also dangerous and pointed to the facts that it took a long time for ambulances to be called. I guess that is what happens when you criminalise these things.

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This is what you get with people setting themselves up as healers when they do not have the training and experience to do so - a two week residential program will never teach you anything and you are delusional to think that you have the skills to cope with crisis and the real skill is managing the crises that is certain arrive.


In a culture were expertise and experience is given short thrift in the quest for money, status and influence. Such things are bound to happen.


Such people are playing into the hands of those in power giving them the justification to criminalize all things until a commercially patented product can be sold to the plebeians.


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What was the go with the people doing yoga? I wonder tho maybe they were told to keep doing what they’re doing so that they’re not all crowded around someone being revived… but… some people are super kooky…

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I've just been reading about this (in fact, it's my reason for checking SAB today). In both cases it is clear the organisers decided not to bring in medical assistance when they clearly should have (and were probably hoping these people would just pull through so they could avoid outside scrutiny and some difficult conversations).


This Guardian report on Jarrad Antonovich is saying that after his death, one of the people involved told his partner that he died "beautifully" and that “the koalas were making a special sound known to the Elders when the land accepts a spirit”.



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The etiquette/policy of non-intervention in another's Ayahuasca "journey" seems draconian, under the circumstances. 

Purging seems to have been counter-therapeutic in this case, if the oesophageal tear (from excessive vomiting) was indeed the cause of death. 

I'd probably feel safer if my facilitator were trained in basic first aid, as well as traditional healing practices. 

Is kambo and ayahuasca an inherently dangerous combination? 

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8 hours ago, fyzygy said:

The etiquette/policy of non-intervention in another's Ayahuasca "journey" seems draconian, under the circumstances. 

Purging seems to have been counter-therapeutic in this case, if the oesophageal tear (from excessive vomiting) was indeed the cause of death. 

I'd probably feel safer if my facilitator were trained in basic first aid, as well as traditional healing practices. 

Is kambo and ayahuasca an inherently dangerous combination? 

The problem with a lot of these kinds of people who set themselves up as facilitators is they don't believe in traditional medicine so they thought they knew better than to call an ambulance. Nothing a little guitar playing and chanting can't fix...

Criminally negligent not to be prepared for a medical emergency and act fast.

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