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The Corroboree

Christians Against Dinosaurs... You can't handle the truth!


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God create cock? i thnk i met god tonite he says hi 

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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That test cacked me out! :lol:


I would've given them a C at least: apart from the initial missing capital letter on dinosaur it is on the money for spelling, and grammatically correct to boot, save for the excessive exclamations (which may or may not have signified considerable rage). :unsure:


**Dang! Just read the inverted commas around the word dinosaur in the question. Young one just got a B. Hilarious shit. :)

Edited by Responsible Choice
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Just to play devils advocate here, this group actually believes dinosaurs did exist and were on board the Ark with Noah. They also debunk evolution of man as you can see at minute 5 or so of this short film. With it costing nearly $300 dollars for a family just to visit this Ark, it isn't exactly a cheap learning experience, but by the end of it one learns how all religions came to be as one learns Christianity was the one true world religion and then all the other religions sprang up. 



Edited by Inyan
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Using Bigreds super shaman abilities I am using the force to redirect a asteroid from deep space .The Asteroid named Banjo is 40 light years away and travelling and great speed (will become one with it when gets closer in case i need to ditch it into the sun ) but  will hit the ark with the power of a small atomic bomb and will leave a big crater .I know it not very shaman of me but sir Darwin contacted me and said I need to help with evolution a little bit .We might experience a nuclear type winter but may be for the best with current climate trends .This is the best idea i came up with any other ideas will be taken into consideration 

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