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Flat earth debate

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17 hours ago, waterboy 2.0 said:

Fuck I am laughing:lol:

Lol if what I write makes you laugh than I am happy I produced some positive entertainment, can't take things to seriously especially your self : ) 

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bardo i appreciate your goodwill man, i'm sorry that i can be a dismissive rude cunt.  i personally can't make sense of much thats going on in the world right now.  it's an unprecedented time of profound weirdness. basically every human on earth is a global publishing company & it's profoundly easy for 'bad' ideas to gain a huge amount of traction extremely quickly on the internet. 


I also think there is a global education epidemic..  partly to do with the fact that genuinely well educated people are not good for consumerism..  so it's in the interests of our modern global economic systems that this be the case.

another problem i see is that people are not so stupid that they don't know they are being hugely mis-educated, manipulated, lied to & controlled like livestock & so people are very rightly mistrusting of a lot of accepted knowledge (also a lot of accepted knowledge is actually complete bullshit)..  unfortunately we are also often not in the best position to accurately determine which ideas are horseshit & how best to go about liberating ourselves because we have spent our lives being mis-educated & manipulated & there is masses of ridiculous shit out there masquerading as good information.  it's a truly weird time to be alive.

but i applaud anyone who tries to see between the lines, question supposed realities & liberate themselves from the 'facts' of an untrustworthy system.  it's disheartening when that process gets so misled.

i want to say that i'm not saying that you personally are badly educated or anything like that, i'm not remotely qualified to judge you as a person.  unfortunately the fact is we all suffer from that disease. 

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1 minute ago, paradox said:


another problem i see is that people are not so stupid that they don't know they are being hugely mis-educated, manipulated, lied to & controlled like livestock & so people are very rightly mistrusting of a lot of accepted knowledge (also a lot of accepted knowledge is actually complete bullshit)..  unfortunately we are also often not in the best position to accurately determine which ideas are horseshit & how best to go about liberating ourselves because we have spent our lives being mis-educated & manipulated & there is masses of ridiculous shit out there masquerading as good information.  it's a truly weird time to be alive.


aww man you beat me to it , but heck i couldn't have put it nearly as well 

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17 hours ago, paradox said:

bardo i appreciate your goodwill man, i'm sorry that i can be a dismissive rude cunt.  i personally can't make sense of much thats going on in the world right now.  it's an unprecedented time of profound weirdness. basically every human on earth is a global publishing company & it's profoundly easy for 'bad' ideas to gain a huge amount of traction extremely quickly on the internet. 


I also think there is a global education epidemic..  partly to do with the fact that genuinely well educated people are not good for consumerism..  so it's in the interests of our modern global economic systems that this be the case.


another problem i see is that people are not so stupid that they don't know they are being hugely mis-educated, manipulated, lied to & controlled like livestock & so people are very rightly mistrusting of a lot of accepted knowledge (also a lot of accepted knowledge is actually complete bullshit)..  unfortunately we are also often not in the best position to accurately determine which ideas are horseshit & how best to go about liberating ourselves because we have spent our lives being mis-educated & manipulated & there is masses of ridiculous shit out there masquerading as good information.  it's a truly weird time to be alive.


but i applaud anyone who tries to see between the lines, question supposed realities & liberate themselves from the 'facts' of an untrustworthy system.  it's disheartening when that process gets so misled.


i want to say that i'm not saying that you personally are badly educated or anything like that, i'm not remotely qualified to judge you as a person.  unfortunately the fact is we all suffer from that disease. 

Bravo man, a great assessment of modern times, it is a weird time but I don't know what makes it weird because I have nothing to compare it to but dam it gives me so much stimulation, life fills me with awe, unfocused unadulterated wonderment. No need to worry about offending my level of education, I am a high school drop out but I have an IQ of 145 lol well at least according to mensa.  

I still say and do some real dumb shit but I don't really care as long as I have an effect on this realm, I love  interacting with this shit : )

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You can't push flat earth theory onto people  it hurts to much realise you are being deceived.


Ask yourself questions and try to find answers.


like this one.

How is it possible for the non vacuume of earth to meat the vacuume of space.


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The solar system isnt a complete vacuum but how is possible for any two regions to interface is what youre asking.  In the case of our atmosphere gravity holds it down but then solar wind is still able to drag bits of it from the earth's clutch, see Mars or Titan for significant atmospheric losses.  Luckily earth has a magnetic sheath which guides the solar wind away and into the poles, but we still lose tiny amounts of atmosohere.

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vacuum refers to any space in which the pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure.


How does a vacuume become incomplete in the solar system and defy what we class as a vacuume here on earth.

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Or you can draw lines



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humanity is lucky to have an intellectual powerhouse like siks3 that is able to rewrite hundreds of years of physics & awaken the sleeping masses.  thank you for all your hard work siks3

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The mainstream media mouthpieces for the establishment peddle false narratives, disingenuous storylines, and outright propaganda to keep the ignorant masses confused, oblivious to reality, misinformed, and passively submissive to the opinions of highly paid “experts” and captured fiscal authorities. The existing social order likes things just as they are.

They reap ill-gotten riches, wield unchecked power, and control the minds of the masses. They are the invisible government consciously manipulating the minds, habits and opinions of the multitudes in order to dominate society, control the levers of government, and accumulate obscene levels of wealth through manipulation of the currency and domination of the banking and corporate interests.  Jim Quinn, Hard Times And False Narratives


Man that is great, brilliant, why is it brilliant ? because it speaks a truth that prob should resonate with everyone on some level, if presented truths from "experts" where looked at a little deeper they prob would see Jim Quinn's observation/opinion in just about everything in varying degrees, connect dots and a bigger picture forms, the "elite"  don't even hide much anymore they have become lazy and quite blatant, They think they have already won but i hold hope for humanity as a whole to reconnect to spirit and dare i say God (i say dare say because many people hear god and become reactive and judgemental and often shut off or have little value of ones opinion after expressing such things ). Maybe the t.v and the chemicals in the food etc. are working well, they want us separate from spirit and to be consumed in material (the temporary).





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19 hours ago, siks3 said:

The only way you can seperate two zones of pressure is with a solid space e.g the firmament aka the dome. Like a light bulb.



Man don't stop questioning, i say listen to what others say to learn what you can but don't believe in no man they are mostly corrupt and deceived (knowingly or not), don't let the "academic" folk get you down, you are a brave and courageous bloke to go against the grain, those who question and express such things earn respect from me,

Don't let anyone or anything impact your spirit, this is all temporary and all those that are invested to here are in for a rude shock soon. Everybody here right now is likely dead within 125 years so don't let them get ya down : ) those in the spirit know what i am talking about : )

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Hey i said a lot of don't in that reply and not a lot of do, i try focus on can, do, will, etc and not the don't or don't want's, our use and way of use of the language has an impact on energy and perceptions i believe. 


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Yeah that was good.  Thats why I posted it.


FWIW What is outside of the planet has always been a special interest of mine, and I used to grasp for the spiritual implications of what science teaches us about the universe and map out parallels between the two.


Eventually I found a dissenting outlook which renders most of those ideas into fiction, including:


The big bang

Dark energy/matter

Expanding universe

(red shift as Doppler effect)

Black holes

Neutron stars

Nuclear powered stars

Hertzprung-russel evolution of stars

Acretion disc star system formation



So, for what its worth, I believe in an explanation for scientific observations that disregards accepted explanations.


I do believe in the observations though, missions to other regions of the solar system by NASA and others, observations from land and space based instruments, professional and amateur astronomers, etc.  


I dont know if man walked on the moon but I dont question that we have sent instruments there.


Officially I am "far out" man :)  


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2 hours ago, bardo said:

 don't let the "academic" folk get you down


not sure if this is somehow in reference to my comments but hey man!  i'm a high school dropout too!  i dropped out because staying in that ridiculous dump was a really bad idea that was not worth pursuing. just like the flat earth! 

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for the record i also applaud anyone who is trying to see beyond the veil.  conspiracy is a normal primate behavior & large scale conspiring is par for the course in any civilization.

it is not an easy thing to do, to broaden your awareness & intelligence to give yourself a better chance to determine when you're being bullshitted to & to pursue deeper ideas..  but that is precisely why dumb shit like the flat earth idea become so popular.

also google and faceboooks algorithms do not help at all.  it sux how easy it is to google your way into a universe of confirmation bias as you fall into a vortex of 'suggestions' which only relate to whatever it is you were searching to begin with.  i think this is a huge problem with the world today & probably accounts for a lot of the silly fads that are happening on the internet right now

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22 hours ago, paradox said:


not sure if this is somehow in reference to my comments but hey man!  i'm a high school dropout too!  i dropped out because staying in that ridiculous dump was a really bad idea that was not worth pursuing. just like the flat earth! 

Not exactly but the comment did inspire it, I respect a lot of your views and ideas and I think they carry some weight but when someone is questioning and or looking for answers and when asking or presenting ideas it is easy to feel a sense of insecurity and disdain when met with sarcasm and mockery.  siks3 has not hurt anybody here and I feel he deserves respect as most anyone does, I believe or feel we should be able to express ourselves here and remain civil. When someone receives mockery for simply expressing a thought or idea it can discourages them and others from expressing ideas or thoughts, basically it can quash free speech and may hinder human liberation, personal growth, and human advancement etc.

I like to think this is a forum where we can share and be respectful and considerate to one another, if not then is this place I thought was a haven for free thinkers and beautiful souls just another contaminated pit of ego?

In saying that you and I both know you have the right to say and act how you please but I find it hard to respect such approaches that I feel is an impediment to harmony and peace.


I am not saying this to put you down, far from it I am saying this with hopes of lifting siks3 up and liberating those who hide there voice in fear of ridicule.




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Part of free speech is that its met with free speech.  The makers of the above video are ridiculed but give it a watch.  Apparently in his time Carl Sagan acknowledged Halton Arps findings which defy redshift as a measure of distance.  Nonetheless the astronomical community saw fit to end his career and bury his work and he died an outcast.


Its tough but there are wicked-smart people around and if you raise your voice there is a danger somebody will seek to cut you down.


So with that in mind, barometers measure air pressure, and they show different readings around the world because the atmosphere is dynamic.  you dont need a membrane to have different levels of pressure.  Between two extremes, say the ground and Interplanetary space (or just a high and low pressure system) you will find a GRADIENT.


To have a very low and very high pressure situated a millimetre apart, sure, you need something separating them (like a light bulb)



Edited by ThunderIdeal
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18 hours ago, ThunderIdeal said:


Part of free speech is that its met with free speech.  The makers of the above video are ridiculed but give it a watch.  Apparently in his time Carl Sagan acknowledged Halton Arps findings which defy redshift as a measure of distance.  Nonetheless the astronomical community saw fit to end his career and bury his work and he died an outcast.


Its tough but there are wicked-smart people around and if you raise your voice there is a danger somebody will seek to cut you down.


So with that in mind, barometers measure air pressure, and they show different readings around the world because the atmosphere is dynamic.  you dont need a membrane to have different levels of pressure.  Between two extremes, say the ground and Interplanetary space (or just a high and low pressure system) you will find a GRADIENT.


To have a very low and very high pressure situated a millimetre apart, sure, you need something separating them (like a light bulb)



Ok this all sounds very interesting and honestly I don't what it all means and need some time to process it all.

I am tired, not from the thread but from lack of sleep, I should be back online Monday or Tuesday, I will look more into this soon, I haven't spent much time in this area, I don't want to get consumed with it all but am curious to look a little further, thanks for the fresh info, I feel humbled by it : )


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i get your sentiment bardo & respect you for it.  i agree people should be treated with respect but ideas are not people.  some ideas should be ousted for what they are.

i don't personally think i was being disrespectful to siks3, he is probably a lovely guy, i was just teasing him for stating that people who don't believe in a flat earth are hurting because they have been deceived.  then demonstrate that the reason he believes in a flat earth is because he doesn't understand physics. 

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9 hours ago, bardo said:

Ok this all sounds very interesting and honestly I don't what it all means and need some time to process it all.

I am tired, not from the thread but from lack of sleep, I should be back online Monday or Tuesday, I will look more into this soon, I haven't spent much time in this area, I don't want to get consumed with it all but am curious to look a little further, thanks for the fresh info, I feel humbled by it : )



If youre talking about the video, thats great, its just the tip of the rabbit hole but if you arent thoroughly familiar with astro/Cosmo basic ideas perhaps there is no need to delve into opposing ideas.


If you are talking about my explanation of air pressure, have you never watched a weather report?  My comment about drawing lines was sarcastic.  The lines are of course imaginary, called isobars, but they let us "see" different regions of air pressure (as measured by barometers) which are of course always moving as high pressure attempts to flow into low pressure (wind) while different parts of the earth become hotter colder moister drier etc.  Thats why I called it a dynamic system.


The temptation is strong for me to springboard into electric universe, because for instance flat earth describes a clockwork earthcentric scenario, while scientists describe a clockwork solar system unchanging for billions of years.  electric universe describes dynamic solar system and galaxies and happens to sidestep major problems with existing models (eg model predictions badly mismatch observations).  


(disclaimer:  of course scientists also describe a dynamic scenario, dont get me wrong, but im illustrating how the difference between flat earth and modern models is approximately equal to the difference between modern models and acknowledging electric currents in space)

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12 hours ago, ThunderIdeal said:

To have a very low and very high pressure situated a millimetre apart, sure, you need something separating them (like a light bulb)

Thanks TI. You've just explained something which was said to me (about my head being vacuous) many years ago by my 6th grade teacher...:P


Flat earth, curved earth, simulation or something else, I've no clue. I've not bothered to consider it before, having accepted what I was taught, but I've found both "sides of the debate/conversation/expression of thoughts" stimulate my interest.  Perhaps our different perspectives may be generated in part due to our current understanding of the laws of physics. These do seem to have a tendency to undergo paradigm shifts every so often. Our understanding of our home and the Cosmos might become clearer with the reconciliation between Relativity and Quantum Theory, for example. 


Maybe we could ask The Shroom?


What I can comment on is the refreshing way most people conduct themselves during debate on these threads. The respect you all accord each other, I find liberating because it is something not often seen. Whether or not we're all on the same path, there's bound to be those who see the same things in a different light. Maybe that's what is meant by it being the journey rather than the destination which is important.

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21 hours ago, ThunderIdeal said:


If youre talking about the video, thats great, its just the tip of the rabbit hole but if you arent thoroughly familiar with astro/Cosmo basic ideas perhaps there is no need to delve into opposing ideas.


If you are talking about my explanation of air pressure, have you never watched a weather report?  My comment about drawing lines was sarcastic.  The lines are of course imaginary, called isobars, but they let us "see" different regions of air pressure (as measured by barometers) which are of course always moving as high pressure attempts to flow into low pressure (wind) while different parts of the earth become hotter colder moister drier etc.  Thats why I called it a dynamic system.


The temptation is strong for me to springboard into electric universe, because for instance flat earth describes a clockwork earthcentric scenario, while scientists describe a clockwork solar system unchanging for billions of years.  electric universe describes dynamic solar system and galaxies and happens to sidestep major problems with existing models (eg model predictions badly mismatch observations).  


(disclaimer:  of course scientists also describe a dynamic scenario, dont get me wrong, but im illustrating how the difference between flat earth and modern models is approximately equal to the difference between modern models and acknowledging electric currents in space)

Lol yeh I was talking about the video, didn't understand the half of it lol, not sure if I want to overly invest into it, i don't really want/need another distraction from my psyche, it is all very interesting but complicated. I wouldn't present any opposing ideas because I know to little about main stream and alternate cosmology. 

I am interested in your hypothesis or theorem, so i know the flat earth model that is widely accepted from the flat earth society has some major holes, i have doubts (or misconceptions) about the spheroid model, Is there a way to summarize your views about electric universe in a way that is easily understood? like how you would speak to a child lol.


What scientist claim a clockwork solar system that is unchanging for billions of years? it is always changing isn't it? or do you mean stays consistent over billions of years?

Everything is thought to made of atoms yeh?  so it all is electric/ energy ? i really don't know much about the study of sub atomic particles, the double split experiment had me for a bit but i never went into the physics, it seems ever changing. So you don't believe in the idea of expansion ? do you think we may be in a simulator of some sort?

Everything is energy, there is no true solids just differing density, crystal lattice, is this in line with what you think?


Most of my theories admittedly are derived from intuition and are difficult to explain in any real coherent manner, mainly a spiritual perspective where i think/feel this is all illusion, in existence here i feel we exist like phantasm from source, i feel there can be many truths coexist simultaneously but each one is as if it where sand in the mind of the beholder, i feel we see what we perceive but never what is really there because what is there?

What is there is what you are conscious of and perceive, we can expand conscious to perceive more visa versa but it is only perception not what is really there. I feel my core truths are found with an inward eye and what i see with the outward eye is just stimuli to help make the experience and its duration more engulfing, like a good quality 2 tab acid trip without any tolerance lol I think lots of people freak out and make up narratives to feel in control and stable in this fluid like reality, that is prob what i am doing now as well lol, i just hope you/we have a strong awesome trip of awesomeness, it is all so very breathtaking.

If you don't get vertigo from time to time then your not getting the most out of it and wasting it lol, what ever it is i just hope its awesome for everyone, embraced all the emotions and experiences, try not to be to afraid, love drives out all fear, blessed we are for all and everything : )


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