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The Corroboree

my reishi rocket


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12 months trying to get this culture.

now that I have its blown me out at how fast this fungi is.

I received the culture on the 11 June and drop on agar

plates that night.

on the 19 June onto grain.

on the 30 June onto the substrate.

on the 7 July I open them up to fruit.

now here is some pics from today.

I sort of, expected colonisation to be quick and fruiting to take
up to 8 weeks because, this is what I have read.
I hope to see them keep growing at this rate for 8 weeks or
am I dreaming. do they slow down now that they are into
the conk forming stage? anyone know?
anyway I am excited 39 days from start till now.
Edited by lindsay
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yep Zen there be a lot reishi.

got real sick of buying from china, had to do something about it.

have another 10 blocks to go in tomorrow not far behind, in growth.

the grow chamber is 190cm x 125cm (base) mini greenhouse. it

was a single shelf greenhouse but I converted it to 3.

lighting are led's mounted on 12mm alum tubes for easy remove

when at end of grow. humidity is from a 3 head ultra-sonic mister,

controlled by a TH70 series temp and humidity controller.

heat comes from one of those wall hanging heat blanket thingy.

it sort of, looks like a car rear demister, but with wider strips.

air is pushed in the top by fan that has a hepa filter from a

vacuum cleaner and the air exits out the bottom then out the window.

well that's the basics of it.

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I was growing a reishi that absolutely terrified blocks of euc sawdust. colonisation is most rapid.... bur all in all reishi is quick.

Any contams that appeared I've found never stood a chance of taking off.

looks like your going to get a more antler form more looking at the top pic than the conk, increase FAE if your chasing a conk form. Makes no difference to the end product though.

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any idea or reason, Shrooman, why they are not fruiting for you?

yep I have up the FAE Waterboy. I had the blocks in another smaller

grow chamber that does not have the FAE that this one has.

I had another crop to finish first so I could start with a clean room again.

so hopefully I can get them to conk up a bit.

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any idea or reason, Shrooman, why they are not fruiting for you?

Not sure, could be the strain, or, could be up until now my lackadaisical attitude to setting up my fruiting chamber

Hopefully if it's the second issue I'll have that in hand soon! I mounted LED lights strips and micro misters on the weekend (all done with cable ties at the moment).

Might order some of those LED strips you were posting about too.

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the cost? NSF you ask. well it scares me to think. at a ruff estimate, about $800.

a shit load. but saying this, its given me a shiit load of mushrooms. oysters of all

sorts, shiitake, lions mane, milky mushrooms and others. sold, and swapped some

for fruit and vegies. I have eaten mushrooms almost every day for the last

12 months either fresh or dried.

Yep I am trying justify why I have spent so much. "Here I go again" Its almost set

and forget, apart from checking water in the humidifier and giving the walls a wash

down now and then. I get through most grows relative free of contams.

48 blocks fit easily into it. I could get 60 if I wanted, but I like having a gap between

blocks so air can move around easier.

culture swap NSF could be possible,. here is what I am still on the hunt for

nemeco- pholiota nameco

black poplar- agocybe aegerita

turkey tail- trametes versicour

hypsizygus ulmarius

any cordyceps

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culture swap NSF could be possible,. here is what I am still on the hunt for

nemeco- pholiota nameco

black poplar- agocybe aegerita

turkey tail- trametes versicour

hypsizygus ulmarius

any cordyceps

That's an amazing set up, well, it's superb that for the money you have so little to do. Although you certainly would be busy producing enough blocks to go into it.

Culture swap, I've got a couple of strains of Ag. a, I have T.v and a Hyp.t - not an Hyp.u though. Are you sure you want Hyp u though? Are you wanting to plant it in the garden? True Hyp.u won't grow in soil, Stamet's incorrectly IDed Hyp.u is really an oyster (note the decurrent gills). Tessulatus has adnexed or sinuate gills, closer to free.

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ulmarius is what I am after. I just finished growing out, a handful of isolated sectors,

from print. ended up with a pleurotus. yep the gills are the big give away.

tessulatus (shimeji) I have on slant and its the only one in the fridge I have not grown

out. Thank for the reminder.

Agrocybe would be a good trade I recon.

you have 2 strains of these?. I have seen fat stems a thin stems in some pictures.

I like the look of the fat ones. either way, happy to trade.

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time to harvest a few bags, spores are starting to appear on the blocks.

this one showing the most.

here, is how the shelves are looking at the moment.

this if my favourite block.

harvested 7 blocks, filled my dryer, wow house smells sweet.
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I am so envious. That setup is looking amazing. The fruiting looks incredible. Good work

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Good work Lindsay, I wouldn't stress about the cost of your investment.....its going to pay for itself , and you'll

know what has been used as the substrate.

EDIT - Reishi will pump out a shitload of spores if you let it, the downfall of the conk form...lol

Edited by waterboy
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thanks for all the thumbs up here everyone.

it makes learning and growing even more enjoyable.

Zen, that interesting about the fat stem AAs.

be nice to compare.

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The fattie still hasn't fruited for me, but my strain fruits year round here in Tassie.

Where did your Reishi come from Lindsay?

If you're keen to trade, I've got cordyceps militaris, and the amazing yanagi-matsutake.

How did the Calocybes go?

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thanks Worowa.

really enjoyed growing the calocybe indica, they really took some heat last summer

and they just keep growing. building a large shade house over the next month.

hope to have crack at a outdoor grow of these. maybe a kiddys pool and some

silver perch will be a good combo.

well I owe you one Worowa free. You know, Karma always finds it home.

pm you addy and I will send out when ready

done few plates last night and they were a real bitch to get out of the slant. tough

stuff reishi mycelium. think I will put in larger mouth viles when I reslant down the

track, instead of thin tubes.

the culture came from WA

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