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The Corroboree

Why No Eileen?

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I was having my usual day dream earlier and realised that there seem to be alot of hybrids with clone names such as psyco0 and a few others but no Eileen crosses?

I was told that Eileen does not flower often at all..

Does anyone have any photo's of her flowering?


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I think there is a photo somewhere on the forums of the mother plant flowering but I believe this was an isolated incident.

Jump to summer '02 (when the pics in the link were taken) and Eileen's now a good 10' tall with multiple limbs. So many that the ribs were "meshing" like gears as four or five columns grew touching each other. I decided pruning was in order , and removed several 3-4' branches. This seemed to initiate multiple pupping all over plant (mostly in the bottom 3' of larger branches, but also up to half way along limbs to 2' long) and buds started to form and she flowered for the first time.

Summer '03 and last year's pups are from 1-2' and she flowers again. Attempted cross-pollination with pachanoi, echinopsis, and a few unknown pollens (some seed produced, but viability as yet uncertain ).

Flowering has occurred twice, with pups growing from the crown and top 16" of the larger columns. The buds appear to grow from the cactus as opposed to bursting out fully formed as the pups do but haven't checked this out. Last year (perhaps due to weather ?) two flowers turned to pups. All flowers white/yellow approx 10" dia by 10-12" long with very heady aroma.

As for seed, there were only a few seed-bearing fruit and they'll be split between the pollen donors.

So, it appears she flowers and sets fruit.

In 2012 I came very close in coaxing a flower out of her....maybe she'll perform for me this year...

link to pictures of eileen & others

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I thought this was a more serious discussion about why Eileen is so slow to flower, because it is true she does not flower as prolifically as other brigessiis which is curious. I'm not that interested in having my contribution/photo mixed in with a whole lot of youtube clips in which I have very little interest.

Not trying to be cranky the thread degenerated is all.

Edited by Micromegas
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The Australian/Nth American "connection" LOL

It's a beautiful thing <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

the rainbow connection?


*i really just wanted to join in posting tangentially related youtube clips

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