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The Corroboree

Crested Pereskiopsis Spathulata


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Hello my friends. I recently ran into some pictures of crested pereskiopsis plants, but there are only like 2 plants that I can find posted on the internet.

I wanted to ask any of you if you've ever gotten crested or monstrose pereskiopsis and if you have, do you have any picture? I would LOVE to see some mutant pereskiopsis.



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Here are some of the pictures that I found on google. They aren't mine just to reiterate.

post-12824-0-16502100-1387919099_thumb.j post-12824-0-54342400-1387919100_thumb.j post-12824-0-60208600-1387919101_thumb.j










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What do you mean by giant? You mean just a really old plant, or a really wide one?

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Porteri is synonymous with spathulata as far as I know.

I have 2 different types of pereskiopsis: the two different clones or species that that seller has right now. They do seem pretty different (one is hairy as hell and one has no hair at all) But they're both sold as spathulata here in the states.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They might be the same, they might be different. It depends on if you have the hairy clone or the bald clone (or species, IDK) I'll take some pictures tomorrow to show you the difference when it's light, I'm not sure whether they're different species or just different clones. But I know that cactusplaza.com calls their spathulata "Pereskiopsis porteri (P. spathulata)"

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Yeah, That just looks like a spathulata to me to be honest. The clone with less hair.

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Here are some pictures of the two different clones I see floating around. I'd really like to know if they are indeed different species or just different variations of spathulata

Here are some pictures of the hairier clone with bigger leaves. I like this one better for grafting because it grows thicker and stays soft longer than the other clone.

post-12824-0-04289200-1389205553_thumb.j post-12824-0-32822900-1389205576_thumb.j

Here is the non hairy clone. It tends to grow skinnier and have smaller leaves/more spines. It gets woody easier than the other clones. This is the one that looks like the pictures you showed me of the "Pereskiopsis porteri"

post-12824-0-07299500-1389205529_thumb.j post-12824-0-94829100-1389205598_thumb.j













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Yeah. These plants in the pictures were all grown in the exact same conditions. They're definitely different clones. My favorites are definitely the hairy ones. Although I have to remove the hair when doing seedling grafting (near the spot where I cut) so it doesn't get inbetween the stock and scion. But they also stay soft longer so my success rate is higher with them.

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Yeah. These plants in the pictures were all grown in the exact same conditions. They're definitely different clones. My favorites are definitely the hairy ones. Although I have to remove the hair when doing seedling grafting (near the spot where I cut) so it doesn't get inbetween the stock and scion. But they also stay soft longer so my success rate is higher with them.

I usually burn it very swiftly with a lighter to get rid of glochids

Yeah, That just looks like a spathulata to me to be honest. The clone with less hair.

Damn, oh well. No one buy from this person than http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/291034823136?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

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I think they're just trying to make a distinction between the two. The spathulata and porteri he has are different. The spathulata is the hairy clone i showed you and the porteri is the hairless clone. Hopefully you don't already have the non hairy clone.

I checked into it and porteri isn't synonymous with spathulata according to cacti guide. But cactus plaza says they are on their listing for their pereskiopsis

Here's cactus plazas listing http://www.cactusplaza.com/pereskiopsis-porteri-spathulata

Here is the cacti guide's page on porteri http://cactiguide.com/cactus/?genus=Pereskiopsis&species=porteri

Here is their guide on spathulata http://cactiguide.com/cactus/?genus=Pereskiopsis&species=spathulata

Yours still looks like the spathulata to me, but growth conditions could have something to do with it. I'm not sure. I can't find any pictures on cacti guide showing the hairy clone that I have.

The taxonomy of the pereskiopsis genus seems pretty hairy to me (kind of like with most genera) I have a hard time finding solid info. I guess if you ever see this one flower then it's probably porteri or diguetii.

Edited by hostilis
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Señor Corrochio

Hey guys, thanks for having me here. Pretty excited to contribute to your great community. Here's a peres I recently noticed has gone double-headed.





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Wow, that looks like it almost went crested then just split into two heads.

Thanks for sharing!

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I think they're just trying to make a distinction between the two. The spathulata and porteri he has are different. The spathulata is the hairy clone i showed you and the porteri is the hairless clone. Hopefully you don't already have the non hairy clone.

I checked into it and porteri isn't synonymous with spathulata according to cacti guide. But cactus plaza says they are on their listing for their pereskiopsis

Here's cactus plazas listing http://www.cactusplaza.com/pereskiopsis-porteri-spathulata

Here is the cacti guide's page on porteri http://cactiguide.com/cactus/?genus=Pereskiopsis&species=porteri

Here is their guide on spathulata http://cactiguide.com/cactus/?genus=Pereskiopsis&species=spathulata

Yours still looks like the spathulata to me, but growth conditions could have something to do with it. I'm not sure. I can't find any pictures on cacti guide showing the hairy clone that I have.

The taxonomy of the pereskiopsis genus seems pretty hairy to me (kind of like with most genera) I have a hard time finding solid info. I guess if you ever see this one flower then it's probably porteri or diguetii.

Whoa porteri from cactiguide looks like a totally different breed of pereskiopsis. Ok the one i got was definitely not porteri

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